if (!notifyListenersBeginning(jec)) {
} catch(VetoedException ve) {
try {
CompletedExecutionInstruction instCode = trigger.executionComplete(jec, null);
qs.notifyJobStoreJobVetoed(trigger, jobDetail, instCode);
// QTZ-205
// Even if trigger got vetoed, we still needs to check to see if it's the trigger's finalized run or not.
if (jec.getTrigger().getNextFireTime() == null) {
} catch (SchedulerException se) {
qs.notifySchedulerListenersError("Error during veto of Job ("
+ jec.getJobDetail().getKey()
+ ": couldn't finalize execution.", se);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long endTime = startTime;
// execute the job
try {
log.debug("Calling execute on job " + jobDetail.getKey());
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
} catch (JobExecutionException jee) {
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
jobExEx = jee;
getLog().info("Job " + jobDetail.getKey() +
" threw a JobExecutionException: ", jobExEx);
} catch (Throwable e) {
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
getLog().error("Job " + jobDetail.getKey() +
" threw an unhandled Exception: ", e);
SchedulerException se = new SchedulerException(
"Job threw an unhandled exception.", e);
qs.notifySchedulerListenersError("Job ("
+ jec.getJobDetail().getKey()
+ " threw an exception.", se);
jobExEx = new JobExecutionException(se, false);
jec.setJobRunTime(endTime - startTime);
// notify all job listeners
if (!notifyJobListenersComplete(jec, jobExEx)) {
CompletedExecutionInstruction instCode = CompletedExecutionInstruction.NOOP;
// update the trigger
try {
instCode = trigger.executionComplete(jec, jobExEx);
} catch (Exception e) {