
Examples of

    public void step_3_to_5_ValidRegistration__Load_in_Hong_Kong() throws Exception
        new RegisterHandlingEvent( time, time, trackId, "LOAD", "CNHKG", "V100S" ).register();

        Delivery delivery =;
        assertThat( delivery.routingStatus().get(), is( equalTo( RoutingStatus.ROUTED ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.transportStatus().get(), is( equalTo( TransportStatus.ONBOARD_CARRIER ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().handlingEventType().get(), is( equalTo( UNLOAD ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().location().get(), is( equalTo( NEWYORK ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().voyage().get(), is( equalTo( V100S ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.lastKnownLocation().get(), is( equalTo( HONGKONG ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.currentVoyage().get(), is( equalTo( V100S ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.eta().get(), is( equalTo( arrival ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.isMisdirected().get(), is( equalTo( false ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.isUnloadedAtDestination().get(), is( equalTo( false ) ) );
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        // Create misdirected handling event for cargo (receipt in Shanghai is unexpected)
        UnitOfWork uow = module.currentUnitOfWork();
        HandlingEventsEntity HANDLING_EVENTS = uow.get( HandlingEventsEntity.class, HandlingEventsEntity.HANDLING_EVENTS_ID );
        handlingEvent = HANDLING_EVENTS.createHandlingEvent( day( 0 ), day( 0 ), trackingId, HandlingEventType.RECEIVE, SHANGHAI, null );
        Delivery delivery = new BuildDeliverySnapshot( cargo, handlingEvent ).get(); delivery );
        assertThat(, is( equalTo( true ) ) ); "  Handling cargo 'ABC' (misdirected):" );
        new InspectCargo( handlingEvent ).inspect();
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        throws Exception
        UnitOfWork uow = module.currentUnitOfWork();
        HandlingEventsEntity HANDLING_EVENTS = uow.get( HandlingEventsEntity.class, HandlingEventsEntity.HANDLING_EVENTS_ID );
        handlingEvent = HANDLING_EVENTS.createHandlingEvent( day( 15 ), day( 15 ), trackingId, HandlingEventType.UNLOAD, STOCKHOLM, V300A );
        Delivery delivery = new BuildDeliverySnapshot( cargo, handlingEvent ).get(); delivery );
        assertThat(, is( equalTo( true ) ) ); "  Handling cargo 'ABC' (arrived):" );
        new InspectCargo( handlingEvent ).inspect();
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        assertThat( cargo.routeSpecification().get().arrivalDeadline().get(),  equalTo( day( 17 )  ));

        // (Itinerary is not assigned yet)

        // Test derived delivery snapshot
        Delivery delivery =;
        assertThat( delivery.timestamp().get().after( TODAY ), is( equalTo( true ) ) ); // TODAY is set first
        assertThat( delivery.routingStatus().get(), is( equalTo( RoutingStatus.NOT_ROUTED ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.transportStatus().get(), is( equalTo( TransportStatus.NOT_RECEIVED ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().handlingEventType().get(), is( equalTo( HandlingEventType.RECEIVE ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().location().get(), is( equalTo( HONGKONG ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().voyage().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.lastHandlingEvent().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.lastKnownLocation().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.currentVoyage().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.eta().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) ); // Is set when itinerary is assigned
        assertThat( delivery.isMisdirected().get(), is( equalTo( false ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.isUnloadedAtDestination().get(), is( equalTo( false ) ) );
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        assertThat( "Itinerary has been assigned to cargo.", itinerary, is( equalTo( cargo.itinerary().get() ) ) );

        // BuildDeliverySnapshot will check if itinerary is valid. No need to check it here.

        // Check values set in new delivery snapshot
        Delivery delivery =;
        assertThat( delivery.routingStatus().get(), is( equalTo( RoutingStatus.ROUTED ) ) );

        // ETA (= Unload time of last Leg) is before Deadline (set in previous test)
        assertTrue( delivery.eta().get().before( deadline ) );
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                // New route specification
                RouteSpecification routeSpec = context.buildRouteSpecification(
                    vbf, context.origin, context.destination, context.arrivalDeadline );

                // Build delivery snapshot from route specification
                Delivery delivery = new BuildDeliverySnapshot( routeSpec ).get();

                // Create cargo
                Cargo cargo = cargos.createCargo( routeSpec, delivery, trackingIdString );

                return cargo.trackingId().get();
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    public void deviation_2c_ItineraryIsUnknown_buildFromRouteSpecification() throws Exception
        RouteSpecification routeSpec = routeSpecification( HONGKONG, STOCKHOLM, day( 20 ) );
        Delivery delivery = new BuildDeliverySnapshot( routeSpec ).get();

        assertThat( delivery.timestamp().get().after( TODAY ), is( equalTo( true ) ) ); // TODAY is set first
        assertThat( delivery.routingStatus().get(), is( equalTo( RoutingStatus.NOT_ROUTED ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.transportStatus().get(), is( equalTo( TransportStatus.NOT_RECEIVED ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().handlingEventType().get(), is( equalTo( HandlingEventType.RECEIVE ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().location().get(), is( equalTo( HONGKONG ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().voyage().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.lastHandlingEvent().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.lastKnownLocation().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.currentVoyage().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.eta().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.isMisdirected().get(), is( equalTo( false ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.isUnloadedAtDestination().get(), is( equalTo( false ) ) );
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        UnitOfWork uow = module.currentUnitOfWork();
        RouteSpecification routeSpec = routeSpecification( HONGKONG, STOCKHOLM, day( 20 ) );
        Cargos CARGOS = uow.get( Cargos.class, CargosEntity.CARGOS_ID );
        Delivery delivery = new BuildDeliverySnapshot( routeSpec ).get();
        Cargo cargo = CARGOS.createCargo( routeSpec, delivery, "ABCD" );

        // Same as previous test (just build from cargo instead)
        assertThat( delivery.timestamp().get().after( TODAY ), is( equalTo( true ) ) ); // TODAY is set first
        assertThat( delivery.routingStatus().get(), is( equalTo( RoutingStatus.NOT_ROUTED ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.transportStatus().get(), is( equalTo( TransportStatus.NOT_RECEIVED ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().handlingEventType().get(), is( equalTo( HandlingEventType.RECEIVE ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().location().get(), is( equalTo( HONGKONG ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.nextExpectedHandlingEvent().get().voyage().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.lastHandlingEvent().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.lastKnownLocation().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.currentVoyage().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.eta().get(), is( equalTo( null ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.isMisdirected().get(), is( equalTo( false ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.isUnloadedAtDestination().get(), is( equalTo( false ) ) );
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        // Hangzhou not in itinerary first leg
        RouteSpecification routeSpec = routeSpecification( HANGZHOU, STOCKHOLM, day( 20 ) );
        cargo.itinerary().set( itinerary );
        cargo.routeSpecification().set( routeSpec );
        Delivery delivery = new BuildDeliverySnapshot( cargo ).get();

        // Route specification not satisfied by itinerary
        assertThat( itinerary.firstLeg().loadLocation().get(), is( not( equalTo( routeSpec.origin().get() ) ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.routingStatus().get(), is( equalTo( RoutingStatus.MISROUTED ) ) );
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        // Helsinki not in itinerary last leg
        RouteSpecification routeSpec = routeSpecification( HONGKONG, HELSINKI, day( 20 ) );
        cargo.routeSpecification().set( routeSpec );
        Delivery delivery = new BuildDeliverySnapshot( cargo ).get();

        // Route specification not satisfied by itinerary
        assertThat( itinerary.lastLeg().unloadLocation().get(), is( not( equalTo( routeSpec.destination().get() ) ) ) );
        assertThat( delivery.routingStatus().get(), is( equalTo( RoutingStatus.MISROUTED ) ) );
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