Package org.qi4j.api.structure

Examples of org.qi4j.api.structure.Module

    public void givenFixture1WhenGetNameThenConfiguredNameIsReturned()
        throws AssemblyException
        Application app = givenFixture1();

        Module module = app.findModule( "Layer 1", "Module 1" ).newTransient( TestComposite1.class ).getModule();
        assertThat( "module name is correct",, equalTo( "Module 1" ) );
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    public void givenFixture1WhenGetModuleForCompositeThenCorrectModuleIsReturned()
        throws AssemblyException
        Application app = givenFixture1();

        Module module = app.findModule( "Layer 1", "Module 1" ).newTransient( TestComposite1.class ).getModule();
        assertThat( "module for composite is correct", module, equalTo( module ) );
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    public void givenFixture1WhenFindFromAnotherModuleThenCompositeTypeIsReturned()
        throws ClassNotFoundException, AssemblyException
        Application app = givenFixture1();

        Module module = app.findModule( "Layer 1", "Module 1" ).newTransient( TestComposite1.class ).getModule();
        module.classLoader().loadClass( TestComposite2.class.getName() );
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    public void testWhenDependentMixinsThenOrderMixins()
        throws Exception
        Module module = new SingletonAssembler()
            public void assemble( ModuleAssembly module )
                throws AssemblyException
                module.transients( TestComposite1.class );

        Assert.assertEquals( "ok", module.newTransient( TestComposite1.class ).testB() );
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                                                   String identity
        throws InstantiationException
        T configuration;
        Module module = api.getModule( serviceComposite );
        UnitOfWork buildUow = module.newUnitOfWork();

        EntityBuilder<T> configBuilder = buildUow.newEntityBuilder( serviceModel.<T>configurationType(), identity );

        // Check for defaults
        String s = identity + ".properties";
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                } );
        } );

        Module module = app.findModule( "Layer 1", "Module 1" );
        module.injectTo( this );

        UnitOfWork unitOfWork = uowf.newUnitOfWork();

            unitOfWork.newEntity( ProductEntity.class );
            fail( "Should not be able to create product here" );
        catch (EntityTypeNotFoundException e)
            // Ok
            ProductCatalog catalog = unitOfWork.newEntity( ProductCatalog.class, "1" );
        unitOfWork = uowf.newUnitOfWork();

        String id;
            ProductCatalog catalog = unitOfWork.get( ProductCatalog.class, "1" );
            id = ( (Identity) catalog.newProduct() ).identity().get();

        unitOfWork = module.newUnitOfWork();
            ProductCatalog catalog = unitOfWork.get( ProductCatalog.class, "1" );
            Product product = catalog.findProduct( id );
            product.price().set( 100 );
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    protected JSONEntityState readEntityState( DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork unitOfWork, Reader entityState )
            throws EntityStoreException
            Module module = unitOfWork.module();
            JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject( new JSONTokener( entityState ) );
            EntityStatus status = EntityStatus.LOADED;

            String version = jsonObject.getString( "version" );
            long modified = jsonObject.getLong( "modified" );
            String identity = jsonObject.getString( "identity" );

            // Check if version is correct
            String currentAppVersion = jsonObject.optString(,
                    "0.0" );
            if( !currentAppVersion.equals( application.version() ) )
                if( migration != null )
                    migration.migrate( jsonObject, application.version(), this );
                } else
                    // Do nothing - set version to be correct
                    jsonObject.put(, application.version() );

                LoggerFactory.getLogger( getClass() )
                                "Updated version nr on " + identity + " from " + currentAppVersion + " to " + application.version() );

                // State changed
                status = EntityStatus.UPDATED;

            String type = jsonObject.getString( "type" );

            EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = module.entityDescriptor( type );
            if( entityDescriptor == null )
                throw new EntityTypeNotFoundException( type );
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                return null;
                Module module = unitOfWork.module();
                PropertyDescriptor descriptor = entityDescriptor.state().getPropertyByQualifiedName( stateName );

                if (descriptor == null)
                    return null;
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    protected EntityState readEntityState( DefaultEntityStoreUnitOfWork unitOfWork, Reader entityState )
        throws EntityStoreException
            Module module = unitOfWork.module();
            JSONDeserializer deserializer = new JSONDeserializer( module );
            JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject( new JSONTokener( entityState ) );
            EntityStatus status = EntityStatus.LOADED;

            String version = jsonObject.getString( "version" );
            long modified = jsonObject.getLong( "modified" );
            String identity = jsonObject.getString( "identity" );

            // Check if version is correct
            String currentAppVersion = jsonObject.optString(,
                                                             "0.0" );
            if( !currentAppVersion.equals( application.version() ) )
                if( migration != null )
                    migration.migrate( jsonObject, application.version(), this );
                    // Do nothing - set version to be correct
                    jsonObject.put(, application.version() );

                LoggerFactory.getLogger( MapEntityStoreMixin.class )
                        "Updated version nr on " + identity + " from " + currentAppVersion + " to " + application.version() );

                // State changed
                status = EntityStatus.UPDATED;

            String type = jsonObject.getString( "type" );

            EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = module.entityDescriptor( type );
            if( entityDescriptor == null )
                throw new EntityTypeNotFoundException( type );
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           MyService.class ).identifiedBy( "Bar" );
                    module.objects( Stuff.class );

            Module module = assembler.module();
            Stuff stuff = module.newObject( Stuff.class );
            // END SNIPPET: singleton
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Related Classes of org.qi4j.api.structure.Module

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