Package org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast

Examples of org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.Suite

                            recoverFromClassCastException(yield_or_stmt, e);
                            stmts[i] = new Pass(); //recover from it with a valid node!
                return new Suite(stmts);

            case JJTFOR_STMT:
                orelseSuite = null;
                if (stack.nodeArity() == 5) {
                    orelseSuite = popSuiteAndSuiteType();
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            arity -= 2;
            orelse = this.popSuiteAndSuiteType();

        //make the suite
        Suite suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
        body = suite.body;
        test = (exprType) stack.popNode();

        //make the if
        If last;
        if (arity == 0) {
            //last If found
            last = (If) n;
        } else {
            last = (If) stack.popNode();
        last.test = test;
        last.body = body;
        last.orelse = orelse;
        addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(suite, last);

        while (arity > 0) {
            suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();

            body = suite.body;
            test = (exprType) stack.popNode();

            suiteType newOrElse = new Suite(new stmtType[] { last });
            if (arity == 0) {
                //last If found
                last = (If) n;
            } else {
                last = (If) stack.popNode();
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        return new WithItem(expr, asExpr);

    protected final SimpleNode makeWithStmt(int arity) {
        Suite suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();

        WithItem[] items = new WithItem[arity];
        while (arity > 0) {
            items[arity - 1] = (WithItem) stack.popNode();

        suiteType s = new Suite(suite.body);
        addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(suite, s);

        return new With(items, s);
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        return ids;

    protected final Suite popSuiteAndSuiteType() {
        Suite s = (Suite) stack.popNode();
        Suite orelseSuite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
        orelseSuite.body = s.body;
        addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(s, orelseSuite);
        return orelseSuite;
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     * @param suite
     * @return
    protected final stmtType[] getBodyAndSpecials() {
        final Suite suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
        stmtType[] body = suite.body;
        if (body == null) {
            //This can happen when we have errors in the grammar.
            body = new stmtType[0];
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    public final SimpleNode onCloseNode(SimpleNode n, int arity) throws Exception {
        exprType value;
        exprType[] exprs;
        Suite orelseSuite;
        stmtType[] body;
        Suite suite;

        int l;
        switch (n.getId()) {
            case JJTEXPR_STMT:
                value = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                if (arity > 1) {
                    exprs = makeExprs(arity - 1);
                    return new Assign(exprs, value);
                } else {
                    return new Expr(value);
            case JJTINDEX_OP:
                sliceType slice = (sliceType) stack.popNode();
                value = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                return new Subscript(value, slice, Subscript.Load);

            case JJTPRINT_STMT:
                boolean nl = true;
                if (stack.nodeArity() == 0) {
                    Print p = new Print(null, null, true);
                    return p;

                if (stack.peekNode().getId() == JJTCOMMA) {
                    nl = false;
                Print p = new Print(null, makeExprs(), nl);
                return p;
            case JJTPRINTEXT_STMT:
                nl = true;
                if (stack.peekNode().getId() == JJTCOMMA) {
                    nl = false;
                exprs = makeExprs(stack.nodeArity() - 1);
                p = new Print(((exprType) stack.popNode()), exprs, nl);
                return p;
            case JJTBEGIN_FOR_ELSE_STMT:
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTBEGIN_ELSE_STMT:
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTBEGIN_WHILE_STMT:
                return new While(null, null, null);
            case JJTWHILE_STMT:
                orelseSuite = null;
                if (stack.nodeArity() == 5) {
                    orelseSuite = popSuiteAndSuiteType();

                body = popSuite();
                exprType test = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                While w = (While) stack.popNode();
                w.test = test;
                w.body = body;
                w.orelse = orelseSuite;
                return w;
            case JJTDECORATED:
                if (stack.nodeArity() != 2) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Expected 2 nodes at this context, found: " + arity);
                SimpleNode def = stack.popNode();
                Decorators decorators = (Decorators) stack.popNode();
                if (def instanceof ClassDef) {
                    ClassDef classDef = (ClassDef) def;
                    classDef.decs = decorators.exp;
                } else {
                    FunctionDef fDef = (FunctionDef) def;
                    fDef.decs = decorators.exp;
                return def;
            case JJTCALL_OP:
                exprType starargs = null;
                exprType kwargs = null;

                java.util.List<exprType> args = new ArrayList<exprType>();
                java.util.List<keywordType> keywords = new ArrayList<keywordType>();

                for (int i = arity - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                    SimpleNode node = stack.popNode();
                    if (node instanceof keywordType) {
                        keywords.add(0, (keywordType) node);

                    } else if (node.getId() == JJTEXTRAARGVALUELIST) {
                        ExtraArgValue nstarargs = (ExtraArgValue) node;
                        starargs = nstarargs.value;
                        this.addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(nstarargs, starargs);

                    } else if (node.getId() == JJTEXTRAKEYWORDVALUELIST) {
                        ExtraArgValue nkwargs = (ExtraArgValue) node;
                        kwargs = nkwargs.value;
                        this.addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(nkwargs, kwargs);

                    } else if (node instanceof ComprehensionCollection) {
                        //what can happen is something like print sum(x for x in y), where we have already passed x in the args, and then get 'for x in y'
                                new ListComp((exprType) stack.popNode(), ((ComprehensionCollection) node)
                                        .getGenerators(), ListComp.EmptyCtx));
                        i--; //popped node

                    } else {
                        args.add(0, (exprType) node);

                exprType func = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                Call c = new Call(func, args.toArray(new exprType[args.size()]),
                        keywords.toArray(new keywordType[keywords.size()]), starargs, kwargs);
                addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(n, c);
                return c;
            case JJTFUNCDEF:
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                body = suite.body;

                argumentsType arguments = makeArguments(stack.nodeArity() - 1);
                NameTok nameTok = makeName(NameTok.FunctionName);
                //decorator is always null at this point... it's decorated later on
                FunctionDef funcDef = new FunctionDef(nameTok, arguments, body, null, null);
                addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(suite, funcDef);
                setParentForFuncOrClass(body, funcDef);
                return funcDef;
            case JJTDEFAULTARG:
                value = (arity == 1) ? null : ((exprType) stack.popNode());
                return new DefaultArg(((exprType) stack.popNode()), value, n.getId());
            case JJTEXTRAARGLIST:
                return new ExtraArg(makeName(NameTok.VarArg), JJTEXTRAARGLIST);
                return new ExtraArg(makeName(NameTok.KwArg), JJTEXTRAKEYWORDLIST);
            case JJTCLASSDEF:
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                body = suite.body;
                exprType[] bases = makeExprs(stack.nodeArity() - 1);
                nameTok = makeName(NameTok.ClassName);
                ClassDef classDef = new ClassDef(nameTok, bases, body, null, null, null, null);
                addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(suite, classDef);
                setParentForFuncOrClass(body, classDef);
                return classDef;
            case JJTBEGIN_RETURN_STMT:
                return new Return(null);
            case JJTRETURN_STMT:
                value = arity == 2 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                Return ret = (Return) stack.popNode();
                ret.value = value;
                return ret;
            case JJTYIELD_STMT:
                return stack.popNode();
            case JJTYIELD_EXPR:
                exprType yieldExpr = null;
                if (arity > 0) {
                    //we may have an empty yield, so, we have to check it before
                    yieldExpr = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                return new Yield(yieldExpr, false);
            case JJTRAISE_STMT:
                exprType tback = arity >= 3 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                exprType inst = arity >= 2 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                exprType type = arity >= 1 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                return new Raise(type, inst, tback, null);
            case JJTGLOBAL_STMT:
                Global global = new Global(makeIdentifiers(NameTok.GlobalName), null);
                return global;
            case JJTASSERT_STMT:
                exprType msg = arity == 2 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                test = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                return new Assert(test, msg);
            case JJTBEGIN_TRY_STMT:
                //we do that just to get the specials
                return new TryExcept(null, null, null);
            case JJTTRYELSE_STMT:
                orelseSuite = popSuiteAndSuiteType();
                return orelseSuite;
                orelseSuite = popSuiteAndSuiteType();
                return new TryFinally(null, orelseSuite); //it does not have a body at this time... it will be filled with the inner try..except
            case JJTTRY_STMT:
                TryFinally outer = null;
                if (stack.peekNode() instanceof TryFinally) {
                    outer = (TryFinally) stack.popNode();
                orelseSuite = null;
                if (stack.peekNode() instanceof suiteType) {
                    orelseSuite = (Suite) stack.popNode();

                l = arity;
                excepthandlerType[] handlers = new excepthandlerType[l];
                for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    handlers[i] = (excepthandlerType) stack.popNode();
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                TryExcept tryExc = (TryExcept) stack.popNode();
                if (outer != null) {
                    outer.beginLine = tryExc.beginLine;
                tryExc.body = suite.body;
                tryExc.handlers = handlers;
                tryExc.orelse = orelseSuite;
                addSpecials(suite, tryExc);
                if (outer == null) {
                    return tryExc;
                } else {
                    if (outer.body != null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Error. Expecting null body to be filled on try..except..finally");
                    outer.body = new stmtType[] { tryExc };
                    return outer;
            case JJTBEGIN_TRY_ELSE_STMT:
                //we do that just to get the specials
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTBEGIN_EXCEPT_CLAUSE:
                return new excepthandlerType(null, null, null);
            case JJTEXCEPT_CLAUSE:
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                body = suite.body;
                exprType excname = arity == 4 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                if (excname != null) {
                type = arity >= 3 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                excepthandlerType handler = (excepthandlerType) stack.popNode();
                handler.type = type;
       = excname;
                handler.body = body;
                addSpecials(suite, handler);
                return handler;
            case JJTBEGIN_FINALLY_STMT:
                //we do that just to get the specials
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTTRYFINALLY_STMT:
                suiteType finalBody = popSuiteAndSuiteType();
                body = popSuite();
                //We have a try..except in the stack, but we will change it for a try..finally
                //This is because we recognize a try..except in the 'try:' token, but actually end up with a try..finally
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    public final SimpleNode onCloseNode(SimpleNode n, int arity) throws Exception {
        exprType value;
        exprType[] exprs;
        Suite orelseSuite;
        stmtType[] body;
        Suite suite;

        int l;
        switch (n.getId()) {
            case JJTEXPR_STMT:
                value = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                if (arity > 1) {
                    exprs = makeExprs(arity - 1);
                    return new Assign(exprs, value);
                } else {
                    return new Expr(value);
            case JJTINDEX_OP:
                sliceType slice = (sliceType) stack.popNode();
                value = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                return new Subscript(value, slice, Subscript.Load);

            case JJTBEGIN_FOR_ELSE_STMT:
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTBEGIN_ELSE_STMT:
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTBEGIN_WHILE_STMT:
                return new While(null, null, null);
            case JJTWHILE_STMT:
                orelseSuite = null;
                if (stack.nodeArity() == 5) {
                    orelseSuite = popSuiteAndSuiteType();

                body = popSuite();
                exprType test = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                While w = (While) stack.popNode();
                w.test = test;
                w.body = body;
                w.orelse = orelseSuite;
                return w;
            case JJTCALL_OP:
                exprType starargs = null;
                exprType kwargs = null;

                java.util.List<exprType> args = new ArrayList<exprType>();
                java.util.List<keywordType> keywords = new ArrayList<keywordType>();

                for (int i = arity - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                    SimpleNode node = stack.popNode();
                    if (node instanceof keywordType) {
                        keywordType keyword = (keywordType) node;
                        keywords.add(0, keyword);
                        if (starargs == null) {
                            keyword.afterstarargs = true; //note that we get things backward in the stack

                    } else if (node.getId() == JJTEXTRAARGVALUELIST) {
                        ExtraArgValue nstarargs = (ExtraArgValue) node;
                        starargs = nstarargs.value;
                        this.addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(nstarargs, starargs);

                    } else if (node.getId() == JJTEXTRAKEYWORDVALUELIST) {
                        ExtraArgValue nkwargs = (ExtraArgValue) node;
                        kwargs = nkwargs.value;
                        this.addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(nkwargs, kwargs);

                    } else if (node instanceof ComprehensionCollection) {
                        //what can happen is something like print sum(x for x in y), where we have already passed x in the args, and then get 'for x in y'
                                new ListComp((exprType) stack.popNode(), ((ComprehensionCollection) node)
                                        .getGenerators(), ListComp.EmptyCtx));
                        i--; //popped node

                    } else {
                        args.add(0, (exprType) node);

                exprType func = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                Call c = new Call(func, args.toArray(new exprType[args.size()]),
                        keywords.toArray(new keywordType[keywords.size()]), starargs, kwargs);
                addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(n, c);
                return c;
                SimpleNode funcdefReturn = stack.popNode();
                return new FuncDefReturnAnn(funcdefReturn);
            case JJTFUNCDEF:
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                body = suite.body;

                SimpleNode funcDefReturnAnn = stack.peekNode();
                exprType actualReturnAnnotation = null;
                if (funcDefReturnAnn instanceof FuncDefReturnAnn) {
                    actualReturnAnnotation = (exprType) ((FuncDefReturnAnn) funcDefReturnAnn).node;
                    addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(funcDefReturnAnn, actualReturnAnnotation);
                argumentsType arguments = makeArguments(arity - 1);
                NameTok nameTok = makeName(NameTok.FunctionName);
                //decorator is always null at this point... it's decorated later on
                FunctionDef funcDef = new FunctionDef(nameTok, arguments, body, null, actualReturnAnnotation);
                addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(suite, funcDef);
                setParentForFuncOrClass(body, funcDef);
                return funcDef;
            case JJTTFPDEF:
                Name tfpdefName = null;
                exprType typeDef = null;
                if (arity == 1) {
                    tfpdefName = (Name) stack.popNode();
                } else if (arity == 2) {
                    typeDef = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                    tfpdefName = (Name) stack.popNode();
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected arity: " + arity);

                return new JfpDef(tfpdefName, typeDef);
            case JJTONLYKEYWORDARG2:
            case JJTDEFAULTARG2:
                DefaultArg defaultArg;
                JfpDef jfpDef;
                if (arity == 1) {
                    jfpDef = (JfpDef) stack.popNode();
                    defaultArg = new DefaultArg(jfpDef.nameNode, null, jfpDef.typeDef, n.getId());
                } else if (arity == 2) {
                    exprType defaultValue = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                    jfpDef = (JfpDef) stack.popNode();
                    defaultArg = new DefaultArg(jfpDef.nameNode, defaultValue, jfpDef.typeDef, n.getId());
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected arity: " + arity);
                return defaultArg;
            case JJTONLYKEYWORDARG:
            case JJTDEFAULTARG:
                //no type definition in this case
                if (arity == 1) {
                    return new DefaultArg(((exprType) stack.popNode()), null, null, n.getId());
                exprType parameter = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                return new DefaultArg((exprType) stack.popNode(), parameter, null, n.getId());
            case JJTEXTRAARGLIST:
                if (arity == 0) {
                    //nothing here (just '*')
                    return new ExtraArg(null, JJTEXTRAARGLIST, null);
                return new ExtraArg(makeName(NameTok.VarArg), JJTEXTRAARGLIST);
                return new ExtraArg(makeName(NameTok.KwArg), JJTEXTRAKEYWORDLIST);
            case JJTEXTRAARGLIST2: //with type declaration
                if (arity == 0) {
                    //nothing here (just '*')
                    return new ExtraArg(null, JJTEXTRAARGLIST, null);
                jfpDef = (JfpDef) stack.popNode();
                NameTok jfpDefName = makeName(NameTok.VarArg, jfpDef.nameNode);
                ExtraArg extra = new ExtraArg(jfpDefName, JJTEXTRAARGLIST, jfpDef.typeDef);
                return extra;
            case JJTEXTRAKEYWORDLIST2: //with type declaration
                jfpDef = (JfpDef) stack.popNode();
                return new ExtraArg(makeName(NameTok.KwArg, jfpDef.nameNode), JJTEXTRAKEYWORDLIST, jfpDef.typeDef);
            case JJTDECORATED:
                if (stack.nodeArity() != 2) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Expected 2 nodes at this context, found: " + arity);
                SimpleNode def = stack.popNode();
                Decorators decorators = (Decorators) stack.popNode();
                if (def instanceof ClassDef) {
                    ClassDef classDef = (ClassDef) def;
                    classDef.decs = decorators.exp;
                } else {
                    FunctionDef fDef = (FunctionDef) def;
                    fDef.decs = decorators.exp;
                return def;
            case JJTCLASSDEF:
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                body = suite.body;
                int nodeArity = stack.nodeArity() - 1;
                ArrayList<keywordType> classDefKeywords = new ArrayList<keywordType>();
                starargs = null;
                kwargs = null;

                int loopTo = nodeArity;
                for (int i = 0; i < loopTo; i++) {
                    SimpleNode node = stack.peekNode();
                    if (node instanceof keywordType) {
                        keywordType keyword = (keywordType) node;
                        if (starargs == null) {
                            keyword.afterstarargs = true; //note that we get things backward in the stack
                    } else if (node instanceof ExtraArgValue) {
                        if (node.getId() == JJTEXTRAARGVALUELIST) {
                            ExtraArgValue nstarargs = (ExtraArgValue) stack.popNode();
                            starargs = nstarargs.value;
                            this.addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(nstarargs, starargs);
                        } else if (node.getId() == JJTEXTRAKEYWORDVALUELIST) {
                            ExtraArgValue nkwargs = (ExtraArgValue) stack.popNode();
                            kwargs = nkwargs.value;
                            this.addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(nkwargs, kwargs);
                    } else {
                if (classDefKeywords.size() > 1) {

                exprType[] bases = makeExprs(nodeArity);
                nameTok = makeName(NameTok.ClassName);
                //decorator is always null at this point... it's decorated later on
                ClassDef classDef = new ClassDef(nameTok, bases, body, null,
                        classDefKeywords.toArray(new keywordType[classDefKeywords.size()]), starargs, kwargs);

                addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(suite, classDef);
                setParentForFuncOrClass(body, classDef);
                return classDef;
            case JJTBEGIN_RETURN_STMT:
                return new Return(null);
            case JJTRETURN_STMT:
                value = arity == 2 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                Return ret = (Return) stack.popNode();
                ret.value = value;
                return ret;
            case JJTYIELD_STMT:
                return stack.popNode();
            case JJTYIELD_EXPR:
                exprType yieldExpr = null;
                if (arity > 0) {
                    //we may have an empty yield, so, we have to check it before
                    yieldExpr = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                return new Yield(yieldExpr, false);
            case JJTRAISE_STMT:
                exprType from = arity >= 2 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                exprType type = arity >= 1 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                return new Raise(type, null, null, from);
            case JJTGLOBAL_STMT:
                return new Global(makeIdentifiers(NameTok.GlobalName), null);
            case JJTNONLOCAL_STMT:
                return new NonLocal(makeIdentifiers(NameTok.NonLocalName), null);
            case JJTASSERT_STMT:
                exprType msg = arity == 2 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                test = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                return new Assert(test, msg);
            case JJTBEGIN_TRY_STMT:
                //we do that just to get the specials
                return new TryExcept(null, null, null);
            case JJTTRYELSE_STMT:
                orelseSuite = popSuiteAndSuiteType();
                return orelseSuite;
                orelseSuite = popSuiteAndSuiteType();
                return new TryFinally(null, orelseSuite); //it does not have a body at this time... it will be filled with the inner try..except
            case JJTTRY_STMT:
                TryFinally outer = null;
                if (stack.peekNode() instanceof TryFinally) {
                    outer = (TryFinally) stack.popNode();
                orelseSuite = null;
                if (stack.peekNode() instanceof suiteType) {
                    orelseSuite = (Suite) stack.popNode();

                l = arity;
                excepthandlerType[] handlers = new excepthandlerType[l];
                for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    handlers[i] = (excepthandlerType) stack.popNode();
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                TryExcept tryExc = (TryExcept) stack.popNode();
                if (outer != null) {
                    outer.beginLine = tryExc.beginLine;
                tryExc.body = suite.body;
                tryExc.handlers = handlers;
                tryExc.orelse = orelseSuite;
                addSpecials(suite, tryExc);
                if (outer == null) {
                    return tryExc;
                } else {
                    if (outer.body != null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Error. Expecting null body to be filled on try..except..finally");
                    outer.body = new stmtType[] { tryExc };
                    return outer;
            case JJTBEGIN_TRY_ELSE_STMT:
                //we do that just to get the specials
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTBEGIN_EXCEPT_CLAUSE:
                return new excepthandlerType(null, null, null);
            case JJTEXCEPT_CLAUSE:
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                body = suite.body;
                exprType excname = arity == 4 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                if (excname != null) {
                type = arity >= 3 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                excepthandlerType handler = (excepthandlerType) stack.popNode();
                handler.type = type;
       = excname;
                handler.body = body;
                addSpecials(suite, handler);
                return handler;
            case JJTBEGIN_FINALLY_STMT:
                //we do that just to get the specials
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTTRYFINALLY_STMT:
                suiteType finalBody = popSuiteAndSuiteType();
                body = popSuite();
                //We have a try..except in the stack, but we will change it for a try..finally
                //This is because we recognize a try..except in the 'try:' token, but actually end up with a try..finally
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    public final SimpleNode onCloseNode(SimpleNode n, int arity) throws Exception {
        exprType value;
        exprType[] exprs;
        Suite orelseSuite;
        stmtType[] body;
        exprType iter;
        exprType target;
        Suite suite;

        int l;
        switch (n.getId()) {
            case JJTEXPR_STMT:
                value = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                if (arity > 1) {
                    exprs = makeExprs(arity - 1);
                    return new Assign(exprs, value);
                } else {
                    return new Expr(value);
            case JJTINDEX_OP:
                sliceType slice = (sliceType) stack.popNode();
                value = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                return new Subscript(value, slice, Subscript.Load);

            case JJTPRINT_STMT:
                boolean nl = true;
                if (stack.nodeArity() == 0) {
                    Print p = new Print(null, null, true);
                    return p;

                if (stack.peekNode().getId() == JJTCOMMA) {
                    nl = false;
                Print p = new Print(null, makeExprs(), nl);
                return p;
            case JJTPRINTEXT_STMT:
                nl = true;
                if (stack.peekNode().getId() == JJTCOMMA) {
                    nl = false;
                exprs = makeExprs(stack.nodeArity() - 1);
                p = new Print(((exprType) stack.popNode()), exprs, nl);
                return p;
            case JJTBEGIN_FOR_ELSE_STMT:
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTBEGIN_ELSE_STMT:
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTBEGIN_WHILE_STMT:
                return new While(null, null, null);
            case JJTWHILE_STMT:
                orelseSuite = null;
                if (stack.nodeArity() == 5) {
                    orelseSuite = popSuiteAndSuiteType();

                body = popSuite();
                exprType test = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                While w = (While) stack.popNode();
                w.test = test;
                w.body = body;
                w.orelse = orelseSuite;
                return w;
            case JJTCALL_OP:
                exprType starargs = null;
                exprType kwargs = null;

                l = arity - 1;
                if (l > 0 && stack.peekNode().getId() == JJTEXTRAKEYWORDVALUELIST) {
                    ExtraArgValue nkwargs = (ExtraArgValue) stack.popNode();
                    kwargs = nkwargs.value;
                    this.addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(nkwargs, kwargs);
                if (l > 0 && stack.peekNode().getId() == JJTEXTRAARGVALUELIST) {
                    ExtraArgValue nstarargs = (ExtraArgValue) stack.popNode();
                    starargs = nstarargs.value;
                    this.addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(nstarargs, starargs);

                int nargs = l;

                SimpleNode[] tmparr = new SimpleNode[l];
                for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    tmparr[i] = stack.popNode();
                    if (tmparr[i] instanceof keywordType) {
                        nargs = i;

                exprType[] args = new exprType[nargs];
                for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
                    //what can happen is something like print sum(x for x in y), where we have already passed x in the args, and then get 'for x in y'
                    if (tmparr[i] instanceof ComprehensionCollection) {
                        args = new exprType[] { new ListComp(args[0],
                                ((ComprehensionCollection) tmparr[i]).getGenerators(), ListComp.EmptyCtx) };
                    } else {
                        args[i] = (exprType) tmparr[i];

                keywordType[] keywords = new keywordType[l - nargs];
                for (int i = nargs; i < l; i++) {
                    if (!(tmparr[i] instanceof keywordType))
                        throw new ParseException("non-keyword argument following keyword", tmparr[i]);
                    keywords[i - nargs] = (keywordType) tmparr[i];
                exprType func = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                Call c = new Call(func, args, keywords, starargs, kwargs);
                addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(n, c);
                return c;
            case JJTFUNCDEF:
                //get the decorators
                //and clear them for the next call (they always must be before a function def)
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                body = suite.body;

                argumentsType arguments = makeArguments(stack.nodeArity() - 2);
                NameTok nameTok = makeName(NameTok.FunctionName);
                Decorators decs = (Decorators) stack.popNode();
                decoratorsType[] decsexp = decs.exp;
                FunctionDef funcDef = new FunctionDef(nameTok, arguments, body, decsexp, null);
                if (decs.exp.length == 0) {
                    addSpecialsBefore(decs, funcDef);
                addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(suite, funcDef);
                setParentForFuncOrClass(body, funcDef);
                return funcDef;
            case JJTDEFAULTARG:
                value = (arity == 1) ? null : ((exprType) stack.popNode());
                return new DefaultArg(((exprType) stack.popNode()), value, n.getId());
            case JJTEXTRAARGLIST:
                return new ExtraArg(makeName(NameTok.VarArg), JJTEXTRAARGLIST);
                return new ExtraArg(makeName(NameTok.KwArg), JJTEXTRAKEYWORDLIST);
            case JJTCLASSDEF:
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                body = suite.body;
                exprType[] bases = makeExprs(stack.nodeArity() - 1);
                nameTok = makeName(NameTok.ClassName);
                ClassDef classDef = new ClassDef(nameTok, bases, body, null, null, null, null);
                addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(suite, classDef);
                setParentForFuncOrClass(body, classDef);
                return classDef;
            case JJTBEGIN_RETURN_STMT:
                return new Return(null);
            case JJTRETURN_STMT:
                value = arity == 2 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                Return ret = (Return) stack.popNode();
                ret.value = value;
                return ret;
            case JJTYIELD_STMT:
                return stack.popNode();
            case JJTYIELD_EXPR:
                exprType yieldExpr = null;
                if (arity > 0) {
                    //we may have an empty yield, so, we have to check it before
                    yieldExpr = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                return new Yield(yieldExpr, false);
            case JJTRAISE_STMT:
                exprType tback = arity >= 3 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                exprType inst = arity >= 2 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                exprType type = arity >= 1 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                return new Raise(type, inst, tback, null);
            case JJTGLOBAL_STMT:
                Global global = new Global(makeIdentifiers(NameTok.GlobalName), null);
                return global;
            case JJTASSERT_STMT:
                exprType msg = arity == 2 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                test = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                return new Assert(test, msg);
            case JJTBEGIN_TRY_STMT:
                //we do that just to get the specials
                return new TryExcept(null, null, null);
            case JJTTRYELSE_STMT:
                orelseSuite = popSuiteAndSuiteType();
                return orelseSuite;
                orelseSuite = popSuiteAndSuiteType();
                return new TryFinally(null, orelseSuite); //it does not have a body at this time... it will be filled with the inner try..except
            case JJTTRY_STMT:
                TryFinally outer = null;
                if (stack.peekNode() instanceof TryFinally) {
                    outer = (TryFinally) stack.popNode();
                orelseSuite = null;
                if (stack.peekNode() instanceof suiteType) {
                    orelseSuite = (Suite) stack.popNode();

                l = arity;
                excepthandlerType[] handlers = new excepthandlerType[l];
                for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    handlers[i] = (excepthandlerType) stack.popNode();
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                TryExcept tryExc = (TryExcept) stack.popNode();
                if (outer != null) {
                    outer.beginLine = tryExc.beginLine;
                tryExc.body = suite.body;
                tryExc.handlers = handlers;
                tryExc.orelse = orelseSuite;
                addSpecials(suite, tryExc);
                if (outer == null) {
                    return tryExc;
                } else {
                    if (outer.body != null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Error. Expecting null body to be filled on try..except..finally");
                    outer.body = new stmtType[] { tryExc };
                    return outer;
            case JJTBEGIN_TRY_ELSE_STMT:
                //we do that just to get the specials
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTBEGIN_EXCEPT_CLAUSE:
                return new excepthandlerType(null, null, null);
            case JJTEXCEPT_CLAUSE:
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();
                body = suite.body;
                exprType excname = arity == 4 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                if (excname != null) {
                type = arity >= 3 ? ((exprType) stack.popNode()) : null;
                excepthandlerType handler = (excepthandlerType) stack.popNode();
                handler.type = type;
       = excname;
                handler.body = body;
                addSpecials(suite, handler);
                return handler;
            case JJTBEGIN_FINALLY_STMT:
                //we do that just to get the specials
                return new Suite(null);
            case JJTTRYFINALLY_STMT:
                suiteType finalBody = popSuiteAndSuiteType();
                body = popSuite();
                //We have a try..except in the stack, but we will change it for a try..finally
                //This is because we recognize a try..except in the 'try:' token, but actually end up with a try..finally
                TryExcept tryExcept = (TryExcept) stack.popNode();
                TryFinally tryFinally = new TryFinally(body, finalBody);
                tryFinally.beginLine = tryExcept.beginLine;
                tryFinally.beginColumn = tryExcept.beginColumn;
                addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(tryExcept, tryFinally);
                return tryFinally;

            case JJTWITH_STMT:
                suite = (Suite) stack.popNode();

                exprType asOrExpr = (exprType) stack.popNode();

                exprType expr = null;
                if (arity > 0) {
                    expr = (exprType) stack.popNode();
                } else {
                    expr = asOrExpr;
                    asOrExpr = null;

                suiteType s = new Suite(suite.body);
                addSpecialsAndClearOriginal(suite, s);

                return new With(new WithItem[] { new WithItem(expr, asOrExpr) }, s);
            case JJTWITH_VAR:
                expr = (exprType) stack.popNode(); //expr
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        if (node instanceof If) {
            If module = (If) node;
            return module.body;
        if (node instanceof Suite) {
            Suite module = (Suite) node;
            return module.body;
        if (node instanceof suiteType) {
            suiteType module = (suiteType) node;
            return module.body;
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        //treat elses
        if (entryIf.orelse != null && entryIf.orelse.body != null && entryIf.orelse.body.length > 0) {
            stmtType firstOrElseStmt = entryIf.orelse.body[0];

            if (!(firstOrElseStmt instanceof If) && firstOrElseStmt != null) {
                If generatedIf = new If(new BoolOp(BoolOp.And, new exprType[0]), new stmtType[0], new Suite(
                        new stmtType[0]));

                generatedIf.beginLine = firstOrElseStmt.beginLine - 1;
                generatedIf.beginColumn = 1;
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Related Classes of org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.Suite

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