callsToCheck.put(callString, call);
CONTINUE_FOR: for (Map.Entry<String, TddPossibleMatches> entry : callsToCheck.entrySet()) {
//we have at least something as SomeClass(a=2,c=3) or or or just, etc.
IPyRefactoring pyRefactoring = AbstractPyRefactoring.getPyRefactoring();
try {
TddPossibleMatches possibleMatch = entry.getValue();
String callWithoutParens = entry.getKey();
ItemPointer[] pointers = null;
PySelection callPs = null;
TddPossibleMatches lastPossibleMatchNotFound = possibleMatch;
String lastCallWithoutParensNotFound = callWithoutParens;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { //more than 10 attribute accesses in a line? No way!
lastPossibleMatchNotFound = possibleMatch;
lastCallWithoutParensNotFound = callWithoutParens;
if (i > 0) {
//We have to take 1 level out of the match... i.e.: if it was, search now for
String line = FullRepIterable.getWithoutLastPart(possibleMatch.full);
List<TddPossibleMatches> tddPossibleMatchesAtLine = ps.getTddPossibleMatchesAtLine(line);
if (tddPossibleMatchesAtLine.size() > 0) {
possibleMatch = tddPossibleMatchesAtLine.get(0);
callWithoutParens = possibleMatch.initialPart + possibleMatch.secondPart;
} else {
continue CONTINUE_FOR;
String full = possibleMatch.full;
int indexOf = lineContents.indexOf(full);
if (indexOf < 0) {
Log.log("Did not expect index < 0.");
continue CONTINUE_FOR;
callPs = new PySelection(ps.getDoc(), ps.getLineOffset() + indexOf + callWithoutParens.length());
RefactoringRequest request = new RefactoringRequest(f, callPs, null, nature, edit);
//Don't look in additional info.
AstEntryRefactorerRequestConstants.FIND_DEFINITION_IN_ADDITIONAL_INFO, false);
pointers = pyRefactoring.findDefinition(request);
if (((pointers != null && pointers.length > 0) || StringUtils.count(possibleMatch.full, '.') <= 1)) {