Ribbon frame. Provides the same functionality as a regular {@link JFrame}, but with a {@link JRibbon} component in the top location.
This is the only officially supported way to use the {@link JRibbon}container. While {@link JRibbon#JRibbon()} constructor is public, it isprovided only for the applications that are absolutely prevented from using {@link JRibbonFrame} class.
The implementation enforces that a {@link JRibbon} component is always at the{@link BorderLayout#NORTH} location, throwing{@link IllegalArgumentException} on attempts to set a custom layout manager,add another component at {@link BorderLayout#NORTH}, remove the {@link JRibbon} component, set a custom menu bar, content pane or any otheroperation that inteferes with the intended hierarchy of this frame.
@author Kirill Grouchnikov