Package org.postgresql.jdbc4

Examples of org.postgresql.jdbc4.AbstractJdbc4DatabaseMetaData

            } else if (obj instanceof PGobject) {
                final PGobject pgObj = (PGobject) obj;
                node = new ObjectResultNode(pgObj.getValue(), name, pgObj.getType(), typeId,
            } else if (obj instanceof Jdbc4Array) {
                final Jdbc4Array arrayObj = (Jdbc4Array) obj;

                // TODO pribeiro jdbc driver lacks support for arrays of user defined types. We should whether
                // implement the missing feature in driver or use the current approach (parse string).
                final String typeName = arrayObj.getBaseTypeName();
                final String value = arrayObj.toString();
                node = new ArrayResultNode(name, value, typeName, typeId, pgSet.getStatement().getConnection());
            } else {
                node = new SimpleResultNode(obj, name);
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        else {
            final String valueStr = value.asString().toString();
            if ( sqlType != null ) {
                if ( rawArrayType == Boolean.TRUE && sqlType.getByteList().endsWith( ARRAY_END ) ) {
                    final int oid = oid(context, column);
                    final Array valueArr = new Jdbc4Array(connection.unwrap(BaseConnection.class), oid, valueStr);
                    statement.setArray(index, valueArr); return;
                if ( sqlType.getByteList().startsWith( INTERVAL ) ) {
                    statement.setObject( index, new PGInterval( valueStr ) ); return;
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    private ResultTree extractResultTree(final ResultSet set) throws SQLException {
        LOG.trace("Extracting result tree");

        // cast to obtain more information from the result set.
        final Jdbc4ResultSet pgSet = (Jdbc4ResultSet) set;
        final ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData = pgSet.getMetaData();

        final ResultTree tree = new ResultTree();

        for (int i = 1; i <= rsMetaData.getColumnCount(); i++) {
            final int typeId = pgSet.getColumnOID(i);
            DbResultNode node = null;

            final Object obj = pgSet.getObject(i);
            final String name = rsMetaData.getColumnName(i);

            // TODO pribeiro We should use polymorphism here. Build like a chain
            if ((obj instanceof PGobject) && ((PGobject) obj).getType().equals("record")) {
                final PGobject pgObj = (PGobject) obj;
                final DbFunction function = DbFunctionRegister.getFunction(name, pgSet.getStatement().getConnection());
                List<String> fieldValues;
                try {
                    fieldValues = ParseUtils.postgresROW2StringList(pgObj.getValue());
                } catch (final RowParserException e) {
                    throw new SQLException(e);

                int j = 1;
                for (final String fieldValue : fieldValues) {
                    final DbTypeField fieldDef = function.getFieldByPos(j);
                    DbResultNode currentNode = null;
                    if (fieldDef.getType().equals("USER-DEFINED")) {
                        currentNode = new ObjectResultNode(fieldValue, fieldDef.getName(), fieldDef.getTypeName(),
                                fieldDef.getTypeId(), pgSet.getStatement().getConnection());
                    } else if (fieldDef.getType().equals("ARRAY")) {
                        currentNode = new ArrayResultNode(fieldDef.getName(), fieldValue,
                                fieldDef.getTypeName().substring(1), fieldDef.getTypeId(),
                    } else {
                        currentNode = new SimpleResultNode(fieldValue, fieldDef.getName());


            } else if (obj instanceof Map) {
                node = new MapResultNode((Map<String, String>) obj, name);
            } else if (obj instanceof PGobject) {
                final PGobject pgObj = (PGobject) obj;
                node = new ObjectResultNode(pgObj.getValue(), name, pgObj.getType(), typeId,
            } else if (obj instanceof Jdbc4Array) {
                final Jdbc4Array arrayObj = (Jdbc4Array) obj;

                // TODO pribeiro jdbc driver lacks support for arrays of user defined types. We should whether
                // implement the missing feature in driver or use the current approach (parse string).
                final String typeName = arrayObj.getBaseTypeName();
                final String value = arrayObj.toString();
                node = new ArrayResultNode(name, value, typeName, typeId, pgSet.getStatement().getConnection());
            } else {
                node = new SimpleResultNode(obj, name);

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Related Classes of org.postgresql.jdbc4.AbstractJdbc4DatabaseMetaData

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