* For the current map it only renders line by line for the layer that the player's are on,
* other layers are rendered directly to the screen.
* All other maps are simply rendered directly to the screen.
if(!m_isNewMap && m_ourPlayer != null) {
ClientMap thisMap;
g.scale(2, 2);
for (int x = 0; x <= 2; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y <= 2; y++) {
thisMap = m_mapMatrix.getMap(x, y);
if (thisMap != null && thisMap.isRendering()) {
thisMap.render(thisMap.getXOffset() / 2,
thisMap.getYOffset() / 2, 0, 0,
(gc.getScreenWidth() - thisMap.getXOffset()) / 32,
(gc.getScreenHeight() - thisMap.getYOffset()) / 32,