System.err.println( "Could not open browser to view test results at " + path );
private void runAllJUnit3Tests() {
AllTestSuite allTestSuite = new AllTestSuite();
Collection<Bundle> testBundles = allTestSuite.findTestBundles();
for (Bundle bundle : testBundles) {
// the XMLJUnitResultFormatter will later split up the name in class and
// package part
JUnitTest unitTest = new JUnitTest( bundle.getSymbolicName() + AUTO_TEST_SUITE_SUFFIX );
Properties props = new Properties();
props.putAll( System.getProperties() );
unitTest.setProperties( props );
AutoTestSuite autoTestSuite = allTestSuite.getAutoTestSuite( bundle );
AutoTestRunner autoTestRunner = new AutoTestRunner( unitTest, bundle.getSymbolicName(), autoTestSuite,
resultsDirectory );
mergeTestResult( );