protected void addChildren() throws OpsException {
// We can't actually do anything; we can tag it to mark that the port is open
final RawPublicEndpoint model = OpsContext.get().getInstance(RawPublicEndpoint.class);
if (model.publicPort != model.backendPort) {
throw new OpsException("Port remapping not supported by raw cloud");
Tagger tagger = injected(Tagger.class);
OpsProvider<TagChanges> tagChanges = new OpsProvider<TagChanges>() {
public TagChanges get() throws OpsException {
RawInstance instance = platformLayerClient.getItem(model.instance, RawInstance.class);
InetAddressChooser chooser = InetAddressChooser.preferIpv4();
InetAddress publicAddress = chooser.choose(Tag.NETWORK_ADDRESS.find(instance.getTags()));
if (publicAddress == null) {
throw new OpsException("Cannot find address for instance: " + model.instance);
TagChanges tagChanges = new TagChanges();
EndpointInfo endpoint = new EndpointInfo(publicAddress, model.publicPort);
return tagChanges;
tagger.platformLayerKey = model.getKey();
tagger.tagChangesProvider = tagChanges;