* UDP Port of node to bootstrap to
public DHT(String name, int dhtUdpPort, int messageServerUdpPort,
String bootStrapNodeHostName, int bootStrapNodePort) {
Kademlia dhtMain = null;
Node dhtNode = null;
MessageServer msgServer = null;
Configuration dhtConfiguration = configure();
try {
dhtMain = new Kademlia(Identifier.randomIdentifier(), dhtUdpPort);
dhtNode = new Node(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),
messageServerUdpPort, Identifier.randomIdentifier());
Space space1 = new Space(dhtNode, dhtConfiguration);
MessageFactory factory1 = new DHTMessageFactoryImpl(null, dhtNode, space1);
msgServer = new MessageServer(messageServerUdpPort, factory1, 500);
if (bootStrapNodeHostName != null) { // bootstrap to given node