assertTrue( "title is not displayed", html.contains( "junit echo service" ) );
public static class TstPluginProvider implements IPluginProvider {
public List<IPlatformPlugin> getPlugins( IPentahoSession session ) throws PlatformPluginRegistrationException {
PlatformPlugin p = new PlatformPlugin();
p.setId( "testPlugin" );
p.setSourceDescription( "" );
ContentGeneratorInfo cg1 = new ContentGeneratorInfo();
cg1.setDescription( "Mock web service execution generator" );
cg1.setId( "ws-run" );
cg1.setType( "ws-run" ); // type is used as the key to verify that there is a cg that can handle a ws request
cg1.setTitle( "Mock web service execution generator" );
cg1.setClassname( "org.pentaho.test.platform.plugin.pluginmgr.ContentGenerator1" );
p.addContentGenerator( cg1 );
ContentGeneratorInfo cg2 = new ContentGeneratorInfo();
cg2.setDescription( "Mock WSDL generator" );
cg2.setId( "ws-wsdl" );
cg2.setType( "ws-wsdl" ); // type is used as the key to verify that there is a cg that can handle a wsdl request
cg2.setTitle( "Mock WSDL generator" );
cg2.setClassname( "org.pentaho.test.platform.plugin.pluginmgr.ContentGenerator1" );
p.addContentGenerator( cg2 );
PluginServiceDefinition ws = new PluginServiceDefinition();
ws.setId( "echoService" );
ws.setServiceClass( EchoServiceBean.class.getName() );
ws.setTypes( new String[] { "xml" } );
ws.setTitle( "junit echo service" );
p.addWebservice( ws );
return Arrays.asList( (IPlatformPlugin) p );