// ActionFactory should return an object that wraps the action definition element to be processed by the component.
// The component can then use the wrappers API to access the action definition rather than make explicit references
// to the dom nodes.
if ( component instanceof IParameterResolver ) {
component.setActionDefinition( ActionFactory.getActionDefinition( (Element) actionDefinition.getNode(),
new ActionSequenceParameterMgr( this, currentSession, (IParameterResolver) component ) ) );
} else {
component.setActionDefinition( ActionFactory.getActionDefinition( (Element) actionDefinition.getNode(),
new ActionSequenceParameterMgr( this, currentSession ) ) );
// create a map of the top level component definition nodes and their text
Map<String, String> componentDefinitionMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
List elements = componentDefinition.elements();