protected void performOperation() {
performOperation( true );
protected void performOperation( boolean feedback ) {
final SolutionBrowserPanel navigatorPerspective = SolutionBrowserPanel.getInstance();
retrieveCachedValues( navigatorPerspective.getContentTabPanel().getCurrentFrame() );
boolean forceReload = false;
if ( FileChooserDialog.getIsDirty() ) {
forceReload = true;
WaitPopup.getInstance().setVisibleById( true, spinnerId );
FileChooserDialog.setIsDirty( Boolean.FALSE );
RepositoryFileTreeManager.getInstance().fetchRepositoryFileTree( new AsyncCallback<RepositoryFileTree>() {
public void onFailure( Throwable caught ) {
public void onSuccess( RepositoryFileTree tree ) {
retrieveCachedValues( navigatorPerspective.getContentTabPanel().getCurrentFrame() );
if ( isSaveAs || name == null ) {
String fileDir = "";
if ( path != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty( path ) ) {
// If has extension
if ( path.endsWith( name ) ) {
fileDir = path.substring( 0, path.lastIndexOf( "/" ) );
} else {
fileDir = path;
WaitPopup.getInstance().setVisibleById( false, spinnerId );
final FileChooserDialog dialog =
new FileChooserDialog(
Messages.getString( "save" ), Messages.getString( "save" ), navigatorPerspective.getSolutionTree().isShowHiddenFiles() ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
dialog.setSubmitOnEnter( MantleApplication.submitOnEnter );
if ( isSaveAs ) {
dialog.setTitle( Messages.getString( "saveAs" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
dialog.setText( Messages.getString( "saveAs" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
dialog.setTitle( Messages.getString( "save" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
dialog.setText( Messages.getString( "save" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
// TODO Uncomment the line below and delete the line after that once gwtwidets have been branched
dialog.addFileChooserListener( new FileChooserListener() {
public void dialogCanceled() {
public void fileSelected( final RepositoryFile file, String filePath, String fileName, String title ) {
SaveCommand.this.type = SolutionFileInfo.Type.XACTION; = fileName;
SaveCommand.this.path = filePath;
tabName = name;
if ( tabName.indexOf( "analysisview.xaction" ) != -1 ) {
// trim off the analysisview.xaction from the localized-name
tabName = tabName.substring( 0, tabName.indexOf( "analysisview.xaction" ) - 1 );
JsArrayString extensions =
getPossibleExtensions( navigatorPerspective.getContentTabPanel().getCurrentFrameElementId() );
String fileExtension = null;
if ( extensions.length() == 1 ) {
fileExtension = extensions.get( 0 );
if ( dialog.doesSelectedFileExist( fileExtension ) ) {
PromptDialogBox overWriteDialog =
new PromptDialogBox(
Messages.getString( "question" ), Messages.getString( "yes" ), Messages.getString( "no" ), //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
false, true );
overWriteDialog.setContent( new Label( Messages.getString( "fileExistsOverwrite" ), false ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
overWriteDialog.setCallback( new IDialogCallback() {
public void okPressed() {
doSaveAs( navigatorPerspective.getContentTabPanel().getCurrentFrameElementId(), name, path, type,
true );
Window.setTitle( Messages.getString( "productName" ) + " - " + name ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
FileChooserDialog.setIsDirty( Boolean.TRUE );
public void cancelPressed() {;
} );;
} else {
// [Fix for PIR-833]
if ( file != null && !file.isFolder() && !fileName.equals( title )
&& filePath.endsWith( file.getName() ) ) {
SaveCommand.this.path = filePath.substring( 0, filePath.lastIndexOf( "/" + file.getName() ) );
doSaveAs( navigatorPerspective.getContentTabPanel().getCurrentFrameElementId(), name, path, type, true );
Window.setTitle( Messages.getString( "productName" ) + " - " + name ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// navigatorPerspective.addRecent(fullPathWithName, name);
public void fileSelectionChanged( RepositoryFile file, String filePath, String fileName, String title ) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
} );;
} else {
doSaveAs( navigatorPerspective.getContentTabPanel().getCurrentFrameElementId(), name, path, type, true );
WaitPopup.getInstance().setVisibleById( false, spinnerId );
}, forceReload, null, null, SolutionBrowserPanel.getInstance().getSolutionTree().isShowHiddenFiles() );