protected ListBox timeZonePicker = null;
public ScheduleEditor( ScheduleDialogType type ) {
isBlockoutDialog = ( type == ScheduleDialogType.BLOCKOUT );
startTimePicker = new TimePicker();
startTimePicker.setTime( new Date() );
//Increase the initial time to one minute ahead of now to avoid time in the past error popup
int minutePlusOne = Integer.parseInt( startTimePicker.getMinute() ) + 1;
startTimePicker.setMinute( Integer.toString( minutePlusOne ) );
setStylePrimaryName( "scheduleEditor" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
scheduleCombo = createScheduleCombo();
Label l = new Label( Messages.getString( "schedule.recurrenceColon" ) );
l.setStyleName( SCHEDULE_LABEL );
add( l );
add( scheduleCombo );
SimplePanel hspacer = new SimplePanel();
hspacer.setWidth( "100px" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
if ( !isBlockoutDialog ) {
startTimePanel = createStartTimePanel();
add( startTimePanel );
} else {
// Blockout End TimePicker
blockoutEndTimePicker = new TimePicker();
blockoutEndTimePicker.setHour( "01" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
blockoutEndTimePicker.setMinute( "00" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
blockoutEndTimePicker.setTimeOfDay( TimeUtil.TimeOfDay.PM );
// Blockout End Caption Panel