if (soLog.isDebugEnabled()) soLog.debug("doGet()");
// let our URI mapper tell us what we have to look up
URIData data = moMapper.parseRequest(request);
// if the URI mapper does not know what to do, hand off the request to the plugin
if (data == null) {
if (moPlugin == null) {
soLog.warn("No plugin installed.");
if (soLog.isDebugEnabled()) soLog.debug("Forwarding request to plugin.");
boolean ret = moPlugin.processCustomRequest(request, response);
// did the plugin handle the request?
if (ret == true) {
} else {
soLog.warn("Plugin failed to handle the request.");
// TODO: check if we want trusted resolution
boolean bSigned = false;
/* String sAccept = request.getHeader(Tags.HEADER_ACCEPT);
boolean bSigned =
(sAccept != null) &&
// look at the input data the URI mapper gave us
String namespace = data.getNS();
String authorityId = data.getID();
String resolveData = data.getResolveData();
XRISegment segment = null;
try {
segment = new XRISegment(resolveData);