public XRD execute(Store store, XRD xrd, XRISegment segment, Authority parentAuthority, String subSegmentName, Authority authority, boolean isCreate) throws StageException {
if (! (store instanceof StoreAttributable)) throw new StageException("Cannot use this store implementation.");
StoreAttributable storeAttributable = (StoreAttributable) store;
// can only create a CanonicalID if the parent authority has one
if (parentAuthority == null) return(xrd);
if (parentAuthority.getXrd().getNumCanonicalids() < 1) return(xrd);
// special case: if the new subsegment already is an i-number, we don't generate anything
boolean isINumber = false;
if (subSegmentName.startsWith("!")) isINumber = true;
// create a new CanonicalID (read from authority attribute, increment by 1, write back as authority attribute)
String canonicalIDString = null;
int canonicalIDValue = -1;
if (! isINumber) {
try {
canonicalIDString = storeAttributable.getAuthorityAttributes(parentAuthority).get(ATTRIBUTES_KEY_LAST_CANONICALID);
canonicalIDValue = Integer.parseInt(canonicalIDString);
} catch (StoreException ex) {
throw new StageException("Cannot read authority attribute from store.", ex);
} catch (NullPointerException ex) { // if the attribute does not yet exist on that authority
canonicalIDValue = 0;
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // if the attribute did not contain a valid integer value
canonicalIDValue = 0;
String localCanonicalIDString = isINumber ? subSegmentName : ("!" + Integer.toString(canonicalIDValue));
canonicalIDString = parentAuthority.getXrd().getCanonicalidAt(0).getValue() + localCanonicalIDString;
CanonicalID canonicalID = new CanonicalID(canonicalIDString);
// write incremented authority attribute back to store
if (! isINumber) {
try {
Map<String, String> attributes = storeAttributable.getAuthorityAttributes(parentAuthority);
attributes.put(ATTRIBUTES_KEY_LAST_CANONICALID, Integer.toString(canonicalIDValue));
storeAttributable.setAuthorityAttributes(parentAuthority, attributes);
} catch (StoreException ex) {
throw new StageException("Cannot write authority attribute to store.", ex);
// put the CanonicalID into the XRD
// if this is a CREATE pipeline, put the new CanonicalID into the store as a subsegment, so it can be resolved properly
if (isCreate && ! isINumber) {
try {
store.registerSubsegment(parentAuthority, localCanonicalIDString, authority);
} catch (StoreException ex) {
throw new StageException("Cannot register subsegment for CanonicalID.");
// done