Package org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern

Examples of org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes

        Stop firstStop = firstVertex instanceof TransitVertex ?
                ((TransitVertex) firstVertex).getStop(): null;
        Stop lastStop = lastVertex instanceof TransitVertex ?
                ((TransitVertex) lastVertex).getStop(): null;
        TripTimes tripTimes = states[states.length - 1].getTripTimes();

        leg.from = makePlace(states[0], firstVertex, edges[0], firstStop, tripTimes);
        leg.from.arrival = null; = makePlace(states[states.length - 1], lastVertex, null, lastStop, tripTimes); = null;
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     * @param leg The leg to add the real-time information to
     * @param states The states that go with the leg
    private void addRealTimeData(Leg leg, State[] states) {
        TripTimes tripTimes = states[states.length - 1].getTripTimes();

        if (tripTimes != null && !tripTimes.isScheduled()) {
            leg.realTime = true;
            if (leg.from.stopIndex != null) {
                leg.departureDelay = tripTimes.getDepartureDelay(leg.from.stopIndex);
            leg.arrivalDelay = tripTimes.getArrivalDelay(;
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                    || options.bannedStopsHard.matches(((PatternStopVertex) tov).getStop())) {
                return null;
        TripTimes tripTimes = s0.getTripTimes();
        int runningTime = tripTimes.getRunningTime(stopIndex);
        StateEditor s1 = s0.edit(this);
        if (s0.getOptions().arriveBy)
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        List<PatternHop> hops = tripPattern.getPatternHops();

        Double lon = opt.from.lng; // Origin point, optional
        Double lat =;
        PatternStopVertex nextStop;
        TripTimes bestTripTimes = null;
        ServiceDay bestServiceDay = null;
        int bestStopIndex = 0;
        double fractionCovered;
        LineString geomRemaining;

        Coordinate point = lon == null || lat == null ? null : new Coordinate(lon, lat);
        if (point != null) {
             * 2. Get the best hop from the list, given the parameters. Currently look for nearest hop,
             * taking into account shape if available. If no shape are present, the computed hop and
             * fraction may be a bit away from what it should be.
            PatternHop bestHop = null;
            double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            for (PatternHop hop : hops) {
                LineString line = hop.getGeometry();
                double dist = distanceLibrary.fastDistance(point, line);
                if (dist < minDist) {
                    minDist = dist;
                    bestHop = hop;
            if (minDist > 1000) LOG.warn(
                    "On-board depart: origin point suspiciously away from nearest trip shape ({} meters)",
            else"On-board depart: origin point {} meters away from hop shape", minDist);

             * 3. Compute the fraction covered percentage of the current hop. This assume a constant
             * trip speed alongside the whole hop: this should be quite precise for small hops
             * (buses), a bit less for longer ones (long distance train). Shape linear distance is
             * of no help here, as the unit is arbitrary (and probably usually a distance).
            LineString geometry = bestHop.getGeometry();
            P2<LineString> geomPair = GeometryUtils.splitGeometryAtPoint(geometry, point);
            geomRemaining = geomPair.second;
            double total = distanceLibrary.fastLength(geometry);
            double remaining = distanceLibrary.fastLength(geomRemaining);
            fractionCovered = total > 0.0 ? (double) (1.0 - remaining / total) : 0.0;

            nextStop = (PatternStopVertex) bestHop.getToVertex();
            bestStopIndex = bestHop.getStopIndex();

             * 4. Compute service day based on given departure day/time relative to
             * scheduled/real-time trip time for hop. This is needed as for some trips any service
             * day can apply.
            int minDelta = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            int actDelta = 0;
            for (ServiceDay serviceDay : ctx.serviceDays) {
                TripPattern pattern = nextStop.getTripPattern();
                Timetable timetable = pattern.getUpdatedTimetable(opt, serviceDay);
                // Get the tripTimes including real-time updates for the serviceDay
                TripTimes tripTimes = timetable.getTripTimes(timetable.getTripIndex(tripId));

                int depTime = tripTimes.getDepartureTime(bestStopIndex);
                int arrTime = tripTimes.getArrivalTime(bestStopIndex + 1);
                int estTime = (int) Math.round(
                        depTime * fractionCovered + arrTime * (1 - fractionCovered));

                int time = serviceDay.secondsSinceMidnight(opt.dateTime);
                 * TODO Weight differently early vs late time, as the probability of any transit
                 * being late is higher than being early. However, this has impact if your bus is
                 * more than 12h late, I don't think this would happen really often.
                int deltaTime = Math.abs(time - estTime);
                if (deltaTime < minDelta) {
                    minDelta = deltaTime;
                    actDelta = time - estTime;
                    bestTripTimes = tripTimes;
                    bestServiceDay = serviceDay;
            if (minDelta > 60000) LOG.warn(       // Being more than 1h late should not happen often
                    "On-board depart: delta between scheduled/real-time and actual time suspiciously large: {} seconds.",
                    "On-board depart: delta between scheduled/real-time and actual time is {} seconds.",
        } else {
            /* 2. Compute service day */
            for (ServiceDay serviceDay : ctx.serviceDays) {
                Timetable timetable = tripPattern.getUpdatedTimetable(opt, serviceDay);
                // Get the tripTimes including real-time updates for the serviceDay
                TripTimes tripTimes = timetable.getTripTimes(timetable.getTripIndex(tripId));

                int depTime = tripTimes.getDepartureTime(0);
                int arrTime = tripTimes.getArrivalTime(tripTimes.getNumStops() - 1);

                int time = serviceDay.secondsSinceMidnight(opt.dateTime);

                if (depTime <= time && time <= arrTime) {
                    bestTripTimes = tripTimes;
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             * 00:30 tommorrow. The 00:30 trip should be taken, but if we stopped the search after
             * finding today's 25:00 trip we would never find tomorrow's 00:30 trip.
            TripPattern tripPattern = this.getPattern();
            int bestWait = -1;
            TripTimes  bestTripTimes  = null;
            ServiceDay bestServiceDay = null;
            for (ServiceDay sd : rctx.serviceDays) {
                /* Find the proper timetable (updated or original) if there is a realtime snapshot. */
                Timetable timetable = tripPattern.getUpdatedTimetable(options, sd);
                /* Skip this day/timetable if no trip in it could possibly be useful. */
                // TODO disabled until frequency representation is stable, and min/max timetable times are set from frequencies
                // However, experiments seem to show very little measurable improvement here (due to cache locality?)
                // if ( ! timetable.temporallyViable(sd, s0.getTimeSeconds(), bestWait, boarding)) continue;
                /* Find the next or prev departure depending on final boolean parameter. */
                TripTimes tripTimes = timetable.getNextTrip(s0, sd, stopIndex, boarding);
                if (tripTimes != null) {
                    /* Wait is relative to departures on board and arrivals on alight. */
                    int wait = boarding ?
                        (int)(sd.time(tripTimes.getDepartureTime(stopIndex)) - s0.getTimeSeconds()):
                        (int)(s0.getTimeSeconds() - sd.time(tripTimes.getArrivalTime(stopIndex)));
                    /* A trip was found. The wait should be non-negative. */
                    if (wait < 0) LOG.error("Negative wait time when boarding.");
                    /* Track the soonest departure over all relevant schedules. */
                    if (bestWait < 0 || wait < bestWait) {
                        bestWait       = wait;
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            // A Stop may occur more than once in a pattern, so iterate over all Stops.
            int sidx = 0;
            for (Stop currStop : table.pattern.stopPattern.stops) {
                if (currStop != stop) continue;
                for (ServiceDay sd : req.rctx.serviceDays) {
                    TripTimes tt = table.getNextTrip(state, sd, sidx, true);
                    if (tt != null) {
                        times.times.add(new TripTimeShort(tt, sidx, stop));
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        Trip oldTrip = state0.getBackTrip();
        Trip newTrip = options.arriveBy ? trips.inverse().get(oldTrip) : trips.get(oldTrip);
        if (newTrip == null) return null;

        TripPattern newPattern;
        TripTimes newTripTimes;
        TripTimes oldTripTimes = state0.getTripTimes();
        int arrivalTime;
        int departureTime;
        AgencyAndId tripId = state0.getTripId();

        if (options.arriveBy) {
            // traversing backward
            newPattern = ((OnboardVertex) fromv).getTripPattern();
            newTripTimes = newPattern.getResolvedTripTimes(newTrip, state0);
            arrivalTime = newTripTimes.getArrivalTime(newTripTimes.getNumStops() - 1); // FIXME with getLastTime method
            departureTime = oldTripTimes.getDepartureTime(0);
        } else {
            // traversing forward
            newPattern = ((OnboardVertex) tov).getTripPattern();
            newTripTimes = newPattern.getResolvedTripTimes(newTrip, state0);
            arrivalTime = oldTripTimes.getArrivalTime(oldTripTimes.getNumStops() - 1); // FIXME with getLastTime method
            departureTime = newTripTimes.getDepartureTime(0);

//        BannedStopSet banned = options.bannedTrips.get(newTrip.getId());
//        if (banned != null && banned.contains(0)) // i.e. if the first stop is banned.
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        TripPattern firstTripPattern  = new TripPattern(firstRoute, firstStopPattern);
        TripPattern secondTripPattern = new TripPattern(secondRoute, secondStopPattern);
        TripPattern thirdTripPattern  = new TripPattern(thirdRoute, thirdStopPattern);

        TripTimes firstTripTimes  = new TripTimes(firstTrip, firstStopTimes, new Deduplicator());
        TripTimes secondTripTimes = new TripTimes(secondTrip, secondStopTimes, new Deduplicator());
        TripTimes thirdTripTimes  = new TripTimes(thirdTrip, thirdStopTimes, new Deduplicator());

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     * must pass in both table and trip, because tripTimes do not have stops.
    public static List<TripTimeShort> fromTripTimes (Timetable table, Trip trip) {
        TripTimes times = table.getTripTimes(table.getTripIndex(trip.getId()));       
        List<TripTimeShort> out = Lists.newArrayList();
        // one per stop, not one per hop, thus the <= operator
        for (int i = 0; i < times.getNumStops(); ++i) {
            out.add(new TripTimeShort(times, i, table.pattern.getStop(i)));
        return out;
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            /* Get a random transit hop from the computed path */
            Stop end = null;
            PatternStopVertex nextV = null;
            TripTimes tripTimes = null;
            int stopIndex = 0;
            long newStart = 0L;
            int nhop = 0;
            for (State s : path.states) {
                if (s.getVertex() instanceof PatternArriveVertex
                        && s.getBackEdge() instanceof PatternHop)
            int hop = rand.nextInt(nhop);
            nhop = 0;
            float k = rand.nextFloat();
            for (State s : path.states) {
                Vertex v = s.getVertex();
                if (v instanceof PatternArriveVertex && s.getBackEdge() instanceof PatternHop) {
                    if (hop == nhop) {
                        PatternArriveVertex pav = (PatternArriveVertex) v;
                        end = pav.getStop();
                        nextV = pav;
                        PatternHop phe = (PatternHop) s.getBackEdge();
                        stopIndex = phe.getStopIndex();
                        tripTimes = s.getTripTimes();
                        int hopDuration = tripTimes.getRunningTime(stopIndex);
                         * New start time at k% of hop. Note: do not try to make: round(time +
                         * k.hop) as it will be off few seconds due to floating-point rounding
                         * errors.
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Related Classes of org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes

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