Package org.opentripplanner.routing.core

Examples of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State

        ArrayList<LineString> uShapes = new ArrayList<LineString>();
        int countEdgesOutside = 0;
        // -- determination of walkshed edges via edge states
        for (Iterator iterator = allConnectingStateEdges.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Edge edge = (Edge);
            State sFrom = spt.getState(edge.getFromVertex());
            State sTo = spt.getState(edge.getToVertex());
            if ((sFrom != null) && (sTo != null)) {
                long fromTime = sFrom.getElapsedTimeSeconds();
                long toTime = sTo.getElapsedTimeSeconds();
                long dt = Math.abs(toTime - fromTime);
                Geometry edgeGeom = edge.getGeometry();
                if ((edgeGeom != null) && (edgeGeom instanceof LineString)) {
                    LineString ls = (LineString) edgeGeom;
                    // detect u-shape roads/crescents - they need to be treated separately
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        Itinerary itinerary = new Itinerary();

        State[] states = new State[path.states.size()];
        State lastState = path.states.getLast();
        states = path.states.toArray(states);

        Edge[] edges = new Edge[path.edges.size()];
        edges = path.edges.toArray(edges);

        Graph graph = path.getRoutingContext().graph;

        FareService fareService = graph.getService(FareService.class);

        State[][] legsStates = sliceStates(states);

        if (fareService != null) {
            itinerary.fare = fareService.getCost(path);

        for (State[] legStates : legsStates) {
            itinerary.addLeg(generateLeg(graph, legStates, showIntermediateStops));

        addWalkSteps(graph, itinerary.legs, legsStates);

        fixupLegs(itinerary.legs, legsStates);

        itinerary.duration = lastState.getElapsedTimeSeconds();
        itinerary.startTime = makeCalendar(states[0]);
        itinerary.endTime = makeCalendar(lastState);

        calculateTimes(itinerary, states);

        calculateElevations(itinerary, edges);

        itinerary.walkDistance = lastState.getWalkDistance();

        itinerary.transfers = lastState.getNumBoardings();
        if (itinerary.transfers > 0 && !(states[0].getVertex() instanceof OnboardDepartVertex)) {

        return itinerary;
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        double lastAngle = 0, distance = 0; // distance used for appending elevation profiles
        int roundaboutExit = 0; // track whether we are in a roundabout, and if so the exit number
        String roundaboutPreviousStreet = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < states.length - 1; i++) {
            State backState = states[i];
            State forwardState = states[i + 1];
            Edge edge = forwardState.getBackEdge();
            boolean createdNewStep = false, disableZagRemovalForThisStep = false;
            if (edge instanceof FreeEdge) {
            if (forwardState.getBackMode() == null || !forwardState.getBackMode().isOnStreetNonTransit()) {
                continue; // ignore STLs and the like
            Geometry geom = edge.getGeometry();
            if (geom == null) {

            // generate a step for getting off an elevator (all
            // elevator narrative generation occurs when alighting). We don't need to know what came
            // before or will come after
            if (edge instanceof ElevatorAlightEdge) {
                // don't care what came before or comes after
                step = createWalkStep(graph, forwardState);
                createdNewStep = true;
                disableZagRemovalForThisStep = true;

                // tell the user where to get off the elevator using the exit notation, so the
                // i18n interface will say 'Elevator to <exit>'
                // what happens is that the webapp sees name == null and ignores that, and it sees
                // exit != null and uses to <exit>
                // the floor name is the AlightEdge name
                // reset to avoid confusion with 'Elevator on floor 1 to floor 1'
                step.streetName = ((ElevatorAlightEdge) edge).getName();

                step.relativeDirection = RelativeDirection.ELEVATOR;


            String streetName = edge.getName();
            int idx = streetName.indexOf('(');
            String streetNameNoParens;
            if (idx > 0)
                streetNameNoParens = streetName.substring(0, idx - 1);
                streetNameNoParens = streetName;

            if (step == null) {
                // first step
                step = createWalkStep(graph, forwardState);
                createdNewStep = true;

                double thisAngle = DirectionUtils.getFirstAngle(geom);
                if (previous == null) {
                    step.relativeDirection = RelativeDirection.DEPART;
                } else {
                    step.setDirections(previous.angle, thisAngle, false);
                // new step, set distance to length of first edge
                distance = edge.getDistance();
            } else if (((step.streetName != null && !step.streetNameNoParens().equals(streetNameNoParens))
                    && (!step.bogusName || !edge.hasBogusName())) ||
                    // if we are on a roundabout now and weren't before, start a new step
                    edge.isRoundabout() != (roundaboutExit > 0) ||
                    isLink(edge) && !isLink(backState.getBackEdge())
                    ) {
                /* street name has changed, or we've changed state from a roundabout to a street */
                if (roundaboutExit > 0) {
                    // if we were just on a roundabout,
                    // make note of which exit was taken in the existing step
                    step.exit = Integer.toString(roundaboutExit); // ordinal numbers from
                    if (streetNameNoParens.equals(roundaboutPreviousStreet)) {
                        step.stayOn = true;
                    // localization
                    roundaboutExit = 0;
                /* start a new step */
                step = createWalkStep(graph, forwardState);
                createdNewStep = true;

                if (edge.isRoundabout()) {
                    // indicate that we are now on a roundabout
                    // and use one-based exit numbering
                    roundaboutExit = 1;
                    roundaboutPreviousStreet = backState.getBackEdge().getName();
                    idx = roundaboutPreviousStreet.indexOf('(');
                    if (idx > 0)
                        roundaboutPreviousStreet = roundaboutPreviousStreet.substring(0, idx - 1);
                double thisAngle = DirectionUtils.getFirstAngle(geom);
                step.setDirections(lastAngle, thisAngle, edge.isRoundabout());
                // new step, set distance to length of first edge
                distance = edge.getDistance();
            } else {
                /* street name has not changed */
                double thisAngle = DirectionUtils.getFirstAngle(geom);
                RelativeDirection direction = WalkStep.getRelativeDirection(lastAngle, thisAngle,
                boolean optionsBefore = backState.multipleOptionsBefore();
                if (edge.isRoundabout()) {
                    // we are on a roundabout, and have already traversed at least one edge of it.
                    if (optionsBefore) {
                        // increment exit count if we passed one.
                        roundaboutExit += 1;
                if (edge.isRoundabout() || direction == RelativeDirection.CONTINUE) {
                    // we are continuing almost straight, or continuing along a roundabout.
                    // just append elevation info onto the existing step.

                } else {
                    // we are not on a roundabout, and not continuing straight through.

                    // figure out if there were other plausible turn options at the last
                    // intersection
                    // to see if we should generate a "left to continue" instruction.
                    boolean shouldGenerateContinue = false;
                    if (edge instanceof StreetEdge) {
                        // the next edges will be PlainStreetEdges, we hope
                        double angleDiff = getAbsoluteAngleDiff(thisAngle, lastAngle);
                        for (Edge alternative : backState.getVertex().getOutgoingStreetEdges()) {
                            if (alternative.getName().equals(streetName)) {
                                // alternatives that have the same name
                                // are usually caused by street splits
                            double altAngle = DirectionUtils.getFirstAngle(alternative
                            double altAngleDiff = getAbsoluteAngleDiff(altAngle, lastAngle);
                            if (angleDiff > Math.PI / 4 || altAngleDiff - angleDiff < Math.PI / 16) {
                                shouldGenerateContinue = true;
                    } else {
                        double angleDiff = getAbsoluteAngleDiff(lastAngle, thisAngle);
                        // FIXME: this code might be wrong with the removal of the edge-based graph
                        State twoStatesBack = backState.getBackState();
                        Vertex backVertex = twoStatesBack.getVertex();
                        for (Edge alternative : backVertex.getOutgoingStreetEdges()) {
                            List<Edge> alternatives = alternative.getToVertex()
                            if (alternatives.size() == 0) {
                                continue; // this is not an alternative
                            alternative = alternatives.get(0);
                            if (alternative.getName().equals(streetName)) {
                                // alternatives that have the same name
                                // are usually caused by street splits
                            double altAngle = DirectionUtils.getFirstAngle(alternative
                            double altAngleDiff = getAbsoluteAngleDiff(altAngle, lastAngle);
                            if (angleDiff > Math.PI / 4 || altAngleDiff - angleDiff < Math.PI / 16) {
                                shouldGenerateContinue = true;

                    if (shouldGenerateContinue) {
                        // turn to stay on same-named street
                        step = createWalkStep(graph, forwardState);
                        createdNewStep = true;
                        step.setDirections(lastAngle, thisAngle, false);
                        step.stayOn = true;
                        // new step, set distance to length of first edge
                        distance = edge.getDistance();

            State exitState = backState;
            Edge exitEdge = exitState.getBackEdge();
            while (exitEdge instanceof FreeEdge) {
                exitState = exitState.getBackState();
                exitEdge = exitState.getBackEdge();
            if (exitState.getVertex() instanceof ExitVertex) {
                step.exit = ((ExitVertex) exitState.getVertex()).getExitName();

            if (createdNewStep && !disableZagRemovalForThisStep && forwardState.getBackMode() == backState.getBackMode()) {
                //check last three steps for zag
                int last = steps.size() - 1;
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//        s.dumpPath();
//        s.optimize().dumpPath();

        /* Put path in chronological order, and optimize as necessary */
        State lastState;
        walkDistance = s.getWalkDistance();
        if (back) {
            lastState = optimize ? s.optimize() : s.reverse();
        } else {
            lastState = optimize ? s.optimize().optimize() : s;
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            LOG.warn("Timeout during initialization of goal direction heuristic.");
            options.rctx.debugOutput.timedOut = true;
            runState = null; // Search timed out
        State initialState = new State(options);

        // Priority Queue.
        // NOTE(flamholz): the queue is self-resizing, so we initialize it to have
        // size = O(sqrt(|V|)) << |V|. For reference, a random, undirected search
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        HashMap<Vertex, GraphPath> pathsFromFV = paths.get(fromVertex);
        //get the path from the end of the first subpath
        GraphPath newPath = new GraphPath(pathsFromFV.get(firstIntermediate).states.getLast(), false);
        Vertex lastVertex = firstIntermediate;
        for (Vertex v : shortestPath.vertices.subList(1, shortestPath.vertices.size())) {
               State lastState = newPath.states.getLast();
               GraphPath subPath = paths.get(lastVertex).get(v);
               //add a leg-switching state
               LegSwitchingEdge legSwitchingEdge = new LegSwitchingEdge(lastVertex, lastVertex);
               lastState = legSwitchingEdge.traverse(lastState);
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        Set<Edge> processedEdges = new HashSet<Edge>(allStates.size());
        for (State s0 : allStates) {
            for (Edge e : s0.getVertex().getIncoming()) {
                // Take only street
                if (e != null && visitor.accept(e)) {
                    State s1 = spt.getState(e.getFromVertex());
                    if (s1 == null)
                    if (e.getFromVertex() != null && e.getToVertex() != null) {
                        // Hack alert: e.hashCode() throw NPE
                        if (processedEdges.contains(e)) {
                    Vertex vx0 = s0.getVertex();
                    Vertex vx1 = s1.getVertex();
                    LineString lineString = e.getGeometry();
                    if (lineString == null) {
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        queue.insert(initialState, initialState.getWeight());

        while (!queue.empty()) { // Until the priority queue is empty:
            State u = queue.extract_min();
            Vertex u_vertex = u.getVertex();

            if (traverseVisitor != null) {

            if (!spt.getStates(u_vertex).contains(u)) {

            if (verbose) {
                System.out.println("min," + u.getWeight());

            if (searchTerminationStrategy != null &&
                searchTerminationStrategy.shouldSearchTerminate(initialState.getVertex(), null, u, spt, options)) {

            for (Edge edge : options.arriveBy ? u_vertex.getIncoming() : u_vertex.getOutgoing()) {
                if (skipEdgeStrategy != null &&
                    skipEdgeStrategy.shouldSkipEdge(initialState.getVertex(), null, u, edge, spt, options)) {
                // Iterate over traversal results. When an edge leads nowhere (as indicated by
                // returning NULL), the iteration is over.
                for (State v = edge.traverse(u); v != null; v = v.getNextResult()) {
                    if (skipTraverseResultStrategy != null &&
                        skipTraverseResultStrategy.shouldSkipTraversalResult(initialState.getVertex(), null, u, v, spt, options)) {
                    if (traverseVisitor != null) {
                        traverseVisitor.visitEdge(edge, v);
                    if (verbose) {
                        System.out.printf("  w = %f + %f = %f %s", u.getWeight(), v.getWeightDelta(), v.getWeight(), v.getVertex());
                    if (v.exceedsWeightLimit(options.maxWeight)) continue;
                    if (spt.add(v)) {
                        double estimate = heuristic.computeForwardWeight(v, target);
                        queue.insert(v, v.getWeight() + estimate);
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            rr.setArriveBy( ! rr.arriveBy);
        List<State> stopStates = Lists.newArrayList();
        ShortestPathTree spt = new BasicShortestPathTree(rr);
        BinHeap<State> pq = new BinHeap<State>();
        Vertex initVertex = fromTarget ? : rr.rctx.origin;
        State initState = new State(initVertex, rr);
        pq.insert(initState, 0);
        while ( ! pq.empty()) {
             * Terminate the search prematurely if we've hit our computation wall.
            if (abortTime < Long.MAX_VALUE  && System.currentTimeMillis() > abortTime) {
                return null;

            State s = pq.extract_min();
            Double w = s.getWeight();
            Vertex v = s.getVertex();
            if (v instanceof TransitStationStop) {
                // Prune street search upon reaching TransitStationStops.
                // Do not save weights at transit stops. Since they may be reached by
                // SimpleTransfer their weights will be recorded during the main heuristic search.
            // at this point the vertex is closed (pulled off heap).
            // on reverse search save measured weights.
            // on forward search set heuristic to 0 -- we have no idea how far to the destination,
            // the optimal path may use transit etc.
            if (!fromTarget) weights.put(v, 0.0);
            else {
                Double old_weight = weights.get(v);
                if (old_weight == null || old_weight > w) {
                    weights.put(v, w);

            for (Edge e : rr.arriveBy ? v.getIncoming() : v.getOutgoing()) {
                // arriveBy has been set to match actual directional behavior in this subsearch
                State s1 = e.traverse(s);
                if (s1 == null)
                if (spt.add(s1)) {
                    pq.insert(s1,  s1.getWeight());
        // return a list of all stops hit
        LOG.debug("hit stops: {}", stopStates);
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        options.worstTime = options.dateTime + (options.arriveBy ? -maxt : maxt);
        // SPT cache does not look at routing request in SPT to perform lookup,
        // so it's OK to construct with the local cloned one
        ShortestPathTree spt = new EarliestArrivalShortestPathTree(options);
        State initialState = new State(options);

        BinHeap<State> pq = new BinHeap<State>();
        pq.insert(initialState, 0);

        while (!pq.empty()) {
            State u = pq.extract_min();
            Vertex u_vertex = u.getVertex();
            if (!spt.visit(u))
            Collection<Edge> edges = options.arriveBy ? u_vertex.getIncoming() : u_vertex.getOutgoing();
            for (Edge edge : edges) {
                for (State v = edge.traverse(u); v != null; v = v.getNextResult()) {
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Related Classes of org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State

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