private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OnBoardDepartServiceImpl.class);
public Vertex setupDepartOnBoard(RoutingContext ctx) {
DistanceLibrary distanceLibrary = SphericalDistanceLibrary.getInstance();
RoutingRequest opt = ctx.opt;
opt.rctx = ctx;
/* 1. Get the list of PatternHop for the given trip ID. */
AgencyAndId tripId = opt.startingTransitTripId;
Trip trip = ctx.graph.index.tripForId.get(tripId);
TripPattern tripPattern = ctx.graph.index.patternForTrip.get(trip);
if (tripPattern == null) {
// TODO Shouldn't we bailout on a normal trip plan here, returning null ?
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown/invalid trip ID: " + tripId);
List<PatternHop> hops = tripPattern.getPatternHops();
Double lon = opt.from.lng; // Origin point, optional
Double lat =;
PatternStopVertex nextStop;
TripTimes bestTripTimes = null;
ServiceDay bestServiceDay = null;
int bestStopIndex = 0;
double fractionCovered;
LineString geomRemaining;
Coordinate point = lon == null || lat == null ? null : new Coordinate(lon, lat);
if (point != null) {
* 2. Get the best hop from the list, given the parameters. Currently look for nearest hop,
* taking into account shape if available. If no shape are present, the computed hop and
* fraction may be a bit away from what it should be.
PatternHop bestHop = null;
double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (PatternHop hop : hops) {
LineString line = hop.getGeometry();
double dist = distanceLibrary.fastDistance(point, line);
if (dist < minDist) {
minDist = dist;
bestHop = hop;
if (minDist > 1000) LOG.warn(
"On-board depart: origin point suspiciously away from nearest trip shape ({} meters)",
else"On-board depart: origin point {} meters away from hop shape", minDist);
* 3. Compute the fraction covered percentage of the current hop. This assume a constant
* trip speed alongside the whole hop: this should be quite precise for small hops
* (buses), a bit less for longer ones (long distance train). Shape linear distance is
* of no help here, as the unit is arbitrary (and probably usually a distance).
LineString geometry = bestHop.getGeometry();
P2<LineString> geomPair = GeometryUtils.splitGeometryAtPoint(geometry, point);
geomRemaining = geomPair.second;
double total = distanceLibrary.fastLength(geometry);
double remaining = distanceLibrary.fastLength(geomRemaining);
fractionCovered = total > 0.0 ? (double) (1.0 - remaining / total) : 0.0;
nextStop = (PatternStopVertex) bestHop.getToVertex();
bestStopIndex = bestHop.getStopIndex();