* @throws IOException
protected List<FileInfo> processUpload(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors,
String htmlId) throws IOException {
FileInfoService fileInfoService = (FileInfoService) this.fileInfoService;
// are we expecting file upload?
if (Uploadable.class.isAssignableFrom(command.getClass())
&& request instanceof MultipartHttpServletRequest) {
List<FileInfo> files = null;
Uploadable upload = (Uploadable) command;
MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request;
List<MultipartFile> multipartFiles = multipartRequest
// check if there is anything to process
if (multipartFiles != null && !multipartFiles.isEmpty())
// loop through all the attachments
for (MultipartFile multipartFile : multipartFiles) {
// check if there is anything to process
if (multipartFile != null && !multipartFile.isEmpty()) {
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo();
try {
// setup the directory
File directory;
directory = FileUtil.createDirectory(uploadPath);
String subdir = directory.getAbsoluteFile()
+ File.separator
+ DateUtil.convertShortDate(new Date());
File subDirectory = FileUtil.createDirectory(subdir);
String filePath = subDirectory.getAbsoluteFile()
+ File.separator
+ multipartFile.getOriginalFilename();
// change filename if already existing in the given path
// to avoid overriding of files
if (fileInfoService.getFileInfoByFullPath(filePath) != null) {
Long fileCnt = 1L;
String newFilePath = subDirectory.getAbsoluteFile()
+ File.separator + fileCnt.toString() + "_"
+ multipartFile.getOriginalFilename();
while (fileInfoService
.getFileInfoByFullPath(newFilePath) != null) {
newFilePath = subDirectory.getAbsoluteFile()
+ File.separator + fileCnt.toString()
+ "_"