/* Migration code can be removed ~ Nov. 2014 */
if (addedMapcssStyle) {
// change title of the XML entry
// only do this once. If the user changes it afterward, do not touch
if (!Main.pref.getBoolean("mappaint.style.migration.changedXmlName", false)) {
SourceEntry josmXml = Utils.find(list, new Predicate<SourceEntry>() {
public boolean evaluate(SourceEntry se) {
return "resource://styles/standard/elemstyles.xml".equals(se.url);
if (josmXml != null) {
josmXml.title = tr("JOSM default (XML; old version)");
changed = true;
Main.pref.put("mappaint.style.migration.changedXmlName", true);
/* Migration code can be removed ~ Nov. 2014 */
if (!Main.pref.getBoolean("mappaint.style.migration.switchedToMapCSS", false)) {
SourceEntry josmXml = Utils.find(list, new Predicate<SourceEntry>() {
public boolean evaluate(SourceEntry se) {
return "resource://styles/standard/elemstyles.xml".equals(se.url);
SourceEntry josmMapCSS = Utils.find(list, new Predicate<SourceEntry>() {
public boolean evaluate(SourceEntry se) {
return "resource://styles/standard/elemstyles.mapcss".equals(se.url);