// Increment the update level to aggregate any unburns with connection change edits.
// Get the part which the user pressed. Should be connectable!
DisplayedPartConnectable partPressed =
// Keep track of the disconnected part.
disconnectedDisplayedPart = partPressed;
// Get the gem connection to disconnect.
DisplayedConnection disconnectConn = partPressed.getDisplayedConnection();
// Adjust the apparent click point to be the point of the arrow of the part that is
// not being disconnected.
if (partPressed instanceof DisplayedPartOutput) {
connectionDragAnchorPart = disconnectConn.getDestination();
} else {
connectionDragAnchorPart = disconnectConn.getSource();
pressedAt = connectionDragAnchorPart.getConnectionPoint();
// Indicate to the user that a drag disconnect is possible.
// Disconnect the connection.
// Undo any autoburns if we disconnected an output
if (partPressed instanceof DisplayedPartOutput) {
DisplayedGem burnGem = partPressed.getDisplayedGem();
} else if (nextMode == TableTopDragMode.SELECTING && SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) {