runtime.setTraceFilters( filters );
result = null;
error = null;
MachineStatistics statsBefore = wkspcMgr.getMachineStatistics();
MachineStatistics statsBeforeForModule = wkspcMgr.getMachineStatisticsForModule(targetModule);
try {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "\nrunning: " + runningCode);
result = runtime.exec (entryPoint, new Object[]{});
} catch (CALExecutorException e) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Error while executing: " + e.getMessage());
error = e;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Unable to execute due to an internal error. Please contact Business Objects. " + e.toString ());
} catch (Error e){
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Unable to execute due to an internal error. Please contact Business Objects. " + e.toString ());
if (isShowRuntimes()) {
displayRunTimes (executionTimeGenerator.getStatistics());
if (isShowIncrementalMachineStats()) {
MachineStatistics statsAfter = wkspcMgr.getMachineStatistics();
if (wkspcMgr.getMachineType() == MachineType.LECC) {
LECCMachineStatistics incrementalStats = LECCMachineStatistics.getIncrementalStatistics((LECCMachineStatistics)statsBefore, (LECCMachineStatistics)statsAfter, (LECCMachineStatistics)statsBeforeForModule);
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Incremental machine statistics (after - before):\n" + incrementalStats);
} else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Machine statistics:\n" + statsAfter);