logMessage(new CompilerMessage(new SourceRange(moduleName), new MessageKind.Fatal.CompilationAbortedDueToInternalModuleLoadingError(moduleName, " Unable to access backing store.")));
return new CompiledModuleLoadStatus.ExceptionCaughtOrInternalError();
} else {
// Get a record import stream.
RecordInputStream rs = new RecordInputStream(fis);
try {
Module m = Module.load(rs, allExistingModules, foreignClassLoader, compiledDefinitionInfo.getCodeInfo(), msgLogger);
if (m != null) {
// Succeeded in loading the module.
allExistingModules.put (m.getName(), m);
// Attempted load, continue with next module
return new CompiledModuleLoadStatus.LoadAttempted();
} finally {
} else if (compiledModuleTimestampCheckStatus instanceof TimestampCheckStatus.OlderThanSource) {
return new CompiledModuleLoadStatus.OlderThanSource();