* Takes both GET and POST
public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {
Dispatcher disp = null;
LoginAnswer loginAnswer = null;
User user = null;
String langId = null;
FetchData fetch = null;
// checks that we are active and so on....
// Try to get the Dispatcher from the application scope
disp = Dispatcher.getInstance();
if (disp != null) {
// loginAnswer = disp.isActiveForInterfaceUpdates(req);
loginAnswer = disp.isActive(req);
// Get the user from the application scope
user = disp.getUser(loginAnswer.getUserId());
// Get the fetch from the application scope
fetch = loginAnswer.getFetch();
// If active & has needed service
if ("active".equals(loginAnswer.getStatus())
&& (null == requiredService() || disp.checkAccess(
loginAnswer.getUserId(), requiredService()))) {
// Get the langId from the application scope
langId = user.getLanguageid();
// must be implemented in subclass, does the magic... :)