Package org.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.sxw

Examples of org.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.sxw.SxwDocument

        this.orig = doc;

    public void merge(org.openoffice.xmerge.Document modifiedDoc) throws MergeException {

        SxwDocument wdoc1 = (SxwDocument) orig;
        SxwDocument wdoc2 = (SxwDocument) modifiedDoc;

        Document doc1 = wdoc1.getContentDOM();
        Document doc2 = wdoc2.getContentDOM();

        Iterator i1 = new ParaNodeIterator(cc_, doc1.getDocumentElement());
        Iterator i2 = new ParaNodeIterator(cc_, doc2.getDocumentElement());

        DiffAlgorithm diffAlgo = new IteratorLCSAlgorithm();
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    private void readStyleCatalog(Document parentDoc) {
        Element rootNode = null;
        try {
   bos = new;
            SxwDocument sxwDoc = new SxwDocument("old");
            org.w3c.dom.Document domDoc = sxwDoc.getContentDOM();

            String families[] = new String[3];
            families[0] = "text";
            families[1] = "paragraph";
            families[2] = "paragraph";
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    private SxwDocument buildDocument(String docName, Wse[] data, Document origDoc)
    throws IOException {

        // create minimum office xml document.
        SxwDocument sxwDoc = new SxwDocument(docName);

        org.w3c.dom.Document doc = sxwDoc.getContentDOM();

        // Grab hold of the office:body tag,
        // Assume there should be one.
        // This is where top level paragraphs will append to.
        NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_OFFICE_BODY);
        Node bodyNode = list.item(0);

        styleCat = new StyleCatalog(50);
        oldStyleCat = new StyleCatalog(50);
           if (origDoc != null)

        Element currPara = null;
        ParaStyle currParaStyle = null;
        int newTextStyleNr = 0;
        int newParaStyleNr = 0;

        // Now write out the document body by running through
        // the list of WordSmith elements and processing each one
        // in turn.
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {

            if (data[i].getClass() == WsePara.class) {

                currPara = doc.createElement(TAG_PARAGRAPH);

                WsePara p = (WsePara)data[i];

                // Save info about the first text run, if there is one.
                WseTextRun firstTextRun = null;

                if ((data.length >= i + 2)
                && (data[i+1].getClass() == WseTextRun.class))
                    firstTextRun = (WseTextRun)data[i+1];

                Style matches[] = oldStyleCat.getMatching(p.makeStyle());

                // See if we can find a unique match in the catalog
                // of existing styles from the original document.
                ParaStyle pStyle = null;
                if (matches.length == 1) {
                    pStyle = (ParaStyle)matches[0];
                    log("using an existing style");
                } else if ((matches.length > 1) && (firstTextRun != null)) {
                    pStyle = matchParaByText(matches, firstTextRun.makeStyle());
                    log("resolved a para by looking @ text");

                // If nothing found so far, try looking in the catalog
                // of newly-created styles.
                // DJP FIXME: if we need to add two para styles with the
                // same para formatting info but different default text
                // styles, this won't work!
                if (pStyle == null) {
                    log("had " + matches.length + " matches in old catalog");
                    matches = styleCat.getMatching(p.makeStyle());
                    if (matches.length == 0) {
                        pStyle = p.makeStyle();
                        String newName = new String("PPP" + ++newParaStyleNr);
                        // DJP: write in the text format info here
                        log("created a new style");
                    } else if (matches.length == 1) {
                        pStyle = (ParaStyle)matches[0];
                        log("re-using a new style");
                    } else if (firstTextRun != null) {
                        pStyle = matchParaByText(matches, firstTextRun.makeStyle());
                        if (pStyle != null) {
                            log("resolved a (new) para by looking @ text");
                    } else
                            log("Hey this shouldn't happen! - nr of matches is "
                            + matches.length);

                if (pStyle == null)
                    log("Unable to figure out a para style");

                // Figured out a style to use.  Specify the style in this
                // paragraph's attributes.
                currPara.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TEXT_STYLE_NAME, pStyle.getName());

                currParaStyle = pStyle;
            } else if (data[i].getClass() == WseTextRun.class) {
                WseTextRun tr = (WseTextRun)data[i];
                TextStyle trStyle = null;
                Node trNodes[] = parseText(tr.getText(), doc);

                // First see if the formatting of this text run matches
                // the default text formatting for this paragraph.  If
                // it does, then just make the text node(s) children of
                // the current paragraph.
                Style[] cps = new Style[1];
                cps[0] = currParaStyle;
                if (matchParaByText(cps, tr.makeStyle()) != null) {
                    for (int ii  = 0; ii < trNodes.length; ii++) {

                // Check for existing, matching styles in the old style
                // catalog.  If exactly one is found, use it.  Otherwise,
                // check the new style catalog, and either use the style
                // found or add this new one to it.
                Style matches[] = oldStyleCat.getMatching(tr.makeStyle());
                if (matches.length == 1)
                    trStyle = (TextStyle)matches[0];
                else {
                    matches = styleCat.getMatching(tr.makeStyle());
                    if (matches.length == 0) {
                        trStyle = tr.makeStyle();
                        String newName = new String("TTT" + ++newTextStyleNr);
                    } else if (matches.length == 1)
                        trStyle = (TextStyle)matches[0];
                        log("multiple text style matches from new catalog");

                // Create a text span node, set the style attribute, make the
                // text node(s) its children, and append it to current paragraph's
                // list of children.
                Element textSpanNode = doc.createElement(TAG_SPAN);
                textSpanNode.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TEXT_STYLE_NAME, trStyle.getName());
                for (int ii  = 0; ii < trNodes.length; ii++) {

            else if (data[i].getClass() == WseFontTable.class) {
                fontTable = (WseFontTable)data[i];

            else if (data[i].getClass() == WseColorTable.class) {
                colorTable = (WseColorTable)data[i];

        //NodeList r = doc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_OFFICE_DOCUMENT);
        NodeList r = doc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_OFFICE_DOCUMENT_CONTENT);
        Node rootNode = r.item(0);

        // read the original document
        org.w3c.dom.NodeList nl;
        if (origDoc != null) {
   bos = new;
            SxwDocument origSxwDoc = new SxwDocument("old");
            org.w3c.dom.Document origDomDoc = origSxwDoc.getContentDOM();

            XmlUtil xu = new XmlUtil();
            org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment df;
            org.w3c.dom.Node newNode;

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     @throws  IOException       If any I/O error occurs.
    public Document deserialize() throws IOException, ConvertException {     
        Enumeration pe = pswDoc.getParagraphEnumeration();
        sxwDoc = new SxwDocument (docName);
        // Default to an initial 5 entries in the catalog. 
        styleCat = new StyleCatalog(5);

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     @throws  IOException       If any I/O error occurs.
    public Document deserialize() throws IOException, ConvertException {     
        Enumeration pe = pswDoc.getParagraphEnumeration();
        sxwDoc = new SxwDocument (docName);
        // Default to an initial 5 entries in the catalog. 
        styleCat = new StyleCatalog(5);

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        this.orig = doc;

    public void merge(org.openoffice.xmerge.Document modifiedDoc) throws MergeException {

        SxwDocument wdoc1 = (SxwDocument) orig;
        SxwDocument wdoc2 = (SxwDocument) modifiedDoc;

        Document doc1 = wdoc1.getContentDOM();
        Document doc2 = wdoc2.getContentDOM();

        Iterator i1 = new ParaNodeIterator(cc_, doc1.getDocumentElement());
        Iterator i2 = new ParaNodeIterator(cc_, doc2.getDocumentElement());

        DiffAlgorithm diffAlgo = new IteratorLCSAlgorithm();
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        this.orig = doc;

    public void merge(org.openoffice.xmerge.Document modifiedDoc) throws MergeException {

        SxwDocument wdoc1 = (SxwDocument) orig;
        SxwDocument wdoc2 = (SxwDocument) modifiedDoc;

        Document doc1 = wdoc1.getContentDOM();
        Document doc2 = wdoc2.getContentDOM();

        Iterator i1 = new ParaNodeIterator(cc_, doc1.getDocumentElement());
        Iterator i2 = new ParaNodeIterator(cc_, doc2.getDocumentElement());

        DiffAlgorithm diffAlgo = new IteratorLCSAlgorithm();
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    private SxwDocument buildDocument(String docName, String str)
        throws IOException {

        // create minimum office xml document.
        SxwDocument sxwDoc = new SxwDocument(docName);

        org.w3c.dom.Document doc = sxwDoc.getContentDOM();

        // Grab hold of the office:body tag,
        // Assume there should be one.
        // This is where top level paragraphs will append to.
        NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_OFFICE_BODY);
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        this.orig = doc;

    public void merge(org.openoffice.xmerge.Document modifiedDoc) throws MergeException {

        SxwDocument wdoc1 = (SxwDocument) orig;
        SxwDocument wdoc2 = (SxwDocument) modifiedDoc;

        Document doc1 = wdoc1.getContentDOM();
        Document doc2 = wdoc2.getContentDOM();

        Iterator i1 = new ParaNodeIterator(cc_, doc1.getDocumentElement());
        Iterator i2 = new ParaNodeIterator(cc_, doc2.getDocumentElement());

        DiffAlgorithm diffAlgo = new IteratorLCSAlgorithm();
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        this.orig = doc;

    public void merge(org.openoffice.xmerge.Document modifiedDoc) throws MergeException {

        SxwDocument wdoc1 = (SxwDocument) orig;
        SxwDocument wdoc2 = (SxwDocument) modifiedDoc;

        Document doc1 = wdoc1.getContentDOM();
        Document doc2 = wdoc2.getContentDOM();

        Iterator i1 = new ParaNodeIterator(cc_, doc1.getDocumentElement());
        Iterator i2 = new ParaNodeIterator(cc_, doc2.getDocumentElement());

        DiffAlgorithm diffAlgo = new IteratorLCSAlgorithm();
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Related Classes of org.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.sxw.SxwDocument

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