Package org.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml

Examples of org.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.Style

      ColumnRowInfo ci = (ColumnRowInfo) e.nextElement();
      if(ci.isColumn()) {
        ColumnStyle cStyle = new ColumnStyle("Default",SxcConstants.COLUMN_STYLE_FAMILY,
              SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, ci.getSize(), null);

        Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(cStyle);
        String styleName;
        if(result.length==0) {
            cStyle.setName("co" + colStyles++);
            styleName = cStyle.getName();
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          if(cri.isRow() && cri.getRepeated()==newRow-1) {
            // We have the correct Row BIFFRecord for this row
            RowStyle rStyle = new RowStyle("Default",SxcConstants.ROW_STYLE_FAMILY,
                  SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, cri.getSize(), null);

            Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(rStyle);
            String styleName;
            if(result.length==0) {
                rStyle.setName("ro" + rowStyles++);
                styleName = rStyle.getName();
                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
            } else {
                RowStyle existingStyle = (RowStyle) result[0];
                styleName = existingStyle.getName();
                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"Existing style found : " + styleName);
            rowElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_STYLE_NAME, styleName);
            // For now we will not use the repeat column attribute
                // Append the row element to the root node

                // Update row number
                row = newRow;

                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<tr>");

            // Get the column number of the current cell
            int newCol = decoder.getColNumber();

            // Check to see if some columns were skipped
            if (newCol != col) {

                // How many columns have we skipped?
                int numColsSkipped = newCol - col;

                addEmptyCells(numColsSkipped, rowElement);

                // Update the column number to account for the
                // skipped cells
                col = newCol;

            // Lets start dealing with the cell data
            Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<td>");

            // Get the cell's contents
            String cellContents = decoder.getCellContents();

            // Get the type of the data in the cell
            String cellType = decoder.getCellDataType();

            // Get the cell format
            Format fmt = decoder.getCellFormat();

            // Create an element node for the cell
            cellElement = (Element) doc.createElement(TAG_TABLE_CELL);

      Node bodyNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_OFFICE_BODY).item(0);

          // Not every document has an automatic style tag
          autoStylesNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(

          if (autoStylesNode == null) {
              autoStylesNode = doc.createElement(TAG_OFFICE_AUTOMATIC_STYLES);
              doc.insertBefore(autoStylesNode, bodyNode);
      CellStyle tStyle = new
            SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, fmt, null);
      String styleName;
      Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(tStyle);
      if(result.length==0) {
          tStyle.setName("ce" + textStyles++);
          styleName = tStyle.getName();
          Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
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      ColumnRowInfo ci = (ColumnRowInfo) e.nextElement();
      if(ci.isColumn()) {
        ColumnStyle cStyle = new ColumnStyle("Default",SxcConstants.COLUMN_STYLE_FAMILY,
              SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, ci.getSize(), null);

        Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(cStyle);
        String styleName;
        if(result.length==0) {
            cStyle.setName("co" + colStyles++);
            styleName = cStyle.getName();
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          if(cri.isRow() && cri.getRepeated()==newRow-1) {
            // We have the correct Row BIFFRecord for this row
            RowStyle rStyle = new RowStyle("Default",SxcConstants.ROW_STYLE_FAMILY,
                  SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, cri.getSize(), null);

            Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(rStyle);
            String styleName;
            if(result.length==0) {
                rStyle.setName("ro" + rowStyles++);
                styleName = rStyle.getName();
                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
            } else {
                RowStyle existingStyle = (RowStyle) result[0];
                styleName = existingStyle.getName();
                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"Existing style found : " + styleName);
            rowElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_STYLE_NAME, styleName);
            // For now we will not use the repeat column attribute
                // Append the row element to the root node

                // Update row number
                row = newRow;

                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<tr>");

            // Get the column number of the current cell
            int newCol = decoder.getColNumber();

            // Check to see if some columns were skipped
            if (newCol != col) {

                // How many columns have we skipped?
                int numColsSkipped = newCol - col;

                addEmptyCells(numColsSkipped, rowElement);

                // Update the column number to account for the
                // skipped cells
                col = newCol;

            // Lets start dealing with the cell data
            Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<td>");

            // Get the cell's contents
            String cellContents = decoder.getCellContents();

            // Get the type of the data in the cell
            String cellType = decoder.getCellDataType();

            // Get the cell format
            Format fmt = decoder.getCellFormat();

            // Create an element node for the cell
            cellElement = (Element) doc.createElement(TAG_TABLE_CELL);

      Node bodyNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_OFFICE_BODY).item(0);

          // Not every document has an automatic style tag
          autoStylesNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(

          if (autoStylesNode == null) {
              autoStylesNode = doc.createElement(TAG_OFFICE_AUTOMATIC_STYLES);
              doc.insertBefore(autoStylesNode, bodyNode);
      CellStyle tStyle = new
            SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, fmt, null);
      String styleName;
      Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(tStyle);
      if(result.length==0) {
          tStyle.setName("ce" + textStyles++);
          styleName = tStyle.getName();
          Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
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      ColumnRowInfo ci = (ColumnRowInfo) e.nextElement();
      if(ci.isColumn()) {
        ColumnStyle cStyle = new ColumnStyle("Default",SxcConstants.COLUMN_STYLE_FAMILY,
              SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, ci.getSize(), null);

        Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(cStyle);
        String styleName;
        if(result.length==0) {
            cStyle.setName("co" + colStyles++);
            styleName = cStyle.getName();
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          if(cri.isRow() && cri.getRepeated()==newRow-1) {
            // We have the correct Row BIFFRecord for this row
            RowStyle rStyle = new RowStyle("Default",SxcConstants.ROW_STYLE_FAMILY,
                  SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, cri.getSize(), null);

            Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(rStyle);
            String styleName;
            if(result.length==0) {
                rStyle.setName("ro" + rowStyles++);
                styleName = rStyle.getName();
                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
            } else {
                RowStyle existingStyle = (RowStyle) result[0];
                styleName = existingStyle.getName();
                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"Existing style found : " + styleName);
            rowElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_STYLE_NAME, styleName);
            // For now we will not use the repeat column attribute
                // Append the row element to the root node

                // Update row number
                row = newRow;

                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<tr>");

            // Get the column number of the current cell
            int newCol = decoder.getColNumber();

            // Check to see if some columns were skipped
            if (newCol != col) {

                // How many columns have we skipped?
                int numColsSkipped = newCol - col;

                addEmptyCells(numColsSkipped, rowElement);

                // Update the column number to account for the
                // skipped cells
                col = newCol;

            // Lets start dealing with the cell data
            Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<td>");

            // Get the cell's contents
            String cellContents = decoder.getCellContents();

            // Get the type of the data in the cell
            String cellType = decoder.getCellDataType();

            // Get the cell format
            Format fmt = decoder.getCellFormat();

            // Create an element node for the cell
            cellElement = (Element) doc.createElement(TAG_TABLE_CELL);

      Node bodyNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_OFFICE_BODY).item(0);

          // Not every document has an automatic style tag
          autoStylesNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(

          if (autoStylesNode == null) {
              autoStylesNode = doc.createElement(TAG_OFFICE_AUTOMATIC_STYLES);
              doc.insertBefore(autoStylesNode, bodyNode);
      CellStyle tStyle = new
            SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, fmt, null);
      String styleName;
      Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(tStyle);
      if(result.length==0) {
          tStyle.setName("ce" + textStyles++);
          styleName = tStyle.getName();
          Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
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      ColumnRowInfo ci = (ColumnRowInfo) e.nextElement();
      if(ci.isColumn()) {
        ColumnStyle cStyle = new ColumnStyle("Default",SxcConstants.COLUMN_STYLE_FAMILY,
              SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, ci.getSize(), null);

        Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(cStyle);
        String styleName;
        if(result.length==0) {
            cStyle.setName("co" + colStyles++);
            styleName = cStyle.getName();
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          if(cri.isRow() && cri.getRepeated()==newRow-1) {
            // We have the correct Row BIFFRecord for this row
            RowStyle rStyle = new RowStyle("Default",SxcConstants.ROW_STYLE_FAMILY,
                  SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, cri.getSize(), null);

            Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(rStyle);
            String styleName;
            if(result.length==0) {
                rStyle.setName("ro" + rowStyles++);
                styleName = rStyle.getName();
                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
            } else {
                RowStyle existingStyle = (RowStyle) result[0];
                styleName = existingStyle.getName();
                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"Existing style found : " + styleName);
            rowElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_STYLE_NAME, styleName);
            // For now we will not use the repeat column attribute
                // Append the row element to the root node

                // Update row number
                row = newRow;

                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<tr>");

            // Get the column number of the current cell
            int newCol = decoder.getColNumber();

            // Check to see if some columns were skipped
            if (newCol != col) {

                // How many columns have we skipped?
                int numColsSkipped = newCol - col;

                addEmptyCells(numColsSkipped, rowElement);

                // Update the column number to account for the
                // skipped cells
                col = newCol;

            // Lets start dealing with the cell data
            Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<td>");

            // Get the cell's contents
            String cellContents = decoder.getCellContents();

            // Get the type of the data in the cell
            String cellType = decoder.getCellDataType();

            // Get the cell format
            Format fmt = decoder.getCellFormat();

            // Create an element node for the cell
            cellElement = (Element) doc.createElement(TAG_TABLE_CELL);

      Node bodyNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_OFFICE_BODY).item(0);

          // Not every document has an automatic style tag
          autoStylesNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(

          if (autoStylesNode == null) {
              autoStylesNode = doc.createElement(TAG_OFFICE_AUTOMATIC_STYLES);
              doc.insertBefore(autoStylesNode, bodyNode);
      CellStyle tStyle = new
            SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, fmt, null);
      String styleName;
      Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(tStyle);
      if(result.length==0) {
          tStyle.setName("ce" + textStyles++);
          styleName = tStyle.getName();
          Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
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      ColumnRowInfo ci = (ColumnRowInfo) e.nextElement();
      if(ci.isColumn()) {
        ColumnStyle cStyle = new ColumnStyle("Default",SxcConstants.COLUMN_STYLE_FAMILY,
              SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, ci.getSize(), null);

        Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(cStyle);
        String styleName;
        if(result.length==0) {
            cStyle.setName("co" + colStyles++);
            styleName = cStyle.getName();
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          if(cri.isRow() && cri.getRepeated()==newRow-1) {
            // We have the correct Row BIFFRecord for this row
            RowStyle rStyle = new RowStyle("Default",SxcConstants.ROW_STYLE_FAMILY,
                  SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, cri.getSize(), null);

            Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(rStyle);
            String styleName;
            if(result.length==0) {
                rStyle.setName("ro" + rowStyles++);
                styleName = rStyle.getName();
                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
            } else {
                RowStyle existingStyle = (RowStyle) result[0];
                styleName = existingStyle.getName();
                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"Existing style found : " + styleName);
            rowElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_STYLE_NAME, styleName);
            // For now we will not use the repeat column attribute
                // Append the row element to the root node

                // Update row number
                row = newRow;

                Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<tr>");

            // Get the column number of the current cell
            int newCol = decoder.getColNumber();

            // Check to see if some columns were skipped
            if (newCol != col) {

                // How many columns have we skipped?
                int numColsSkipped = newCol - col;

                addEmptyCells(numColsSkipped, rowElement);

                // Update the column number to account for the
                // skipped cells
                col = newCol;

            // Lets start dealing with the cell data
            Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<td>");

            // Get the cell's contents
            String cellContents = decoder.getCellContents();

            // Get the type of the data in the cell
            String cellType = decoder.getCellDataType();

            // Get the cell format
            Format fmt = decoder.getCellFormat();

            // Create an element node for the cell
            cellElement = (Element) doc.createElement(TAG_TABLE_CELL);

      Node bodyNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_OFFICE_BODY).item(0);

          // Not every document has an automatic style tag
          autoStylesNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(

          if (autoStylesNode == null) {
              autoStylesNode = doc.createElement(TAG_OFFICE_AUTOMATIC_STYLES);
              doc.insertBefore(autoStylesNode, bodyNode);
      CellStyle tStyle = new
            SxcConstants.DEFAULT_STYLE, fmt, null);
      String styleName;
      Style result[] = (Style[]) styleCat.getMatching(tStyle);
      if(result.length==0) {
          tStyle.setName("ce" + textStyles++);
          styleName = tStyle.getName();
          Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
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Related Classes of org.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.Style

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