Package org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.widget

Examples of org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.widget.Widget

    prepareWidgets(context, parameters);

    private Widget buildDropdownWidget(Integer size){
        Widget dropdownWidget = new DropdownWidget(size);
        if(size==1 || !required){
            // show an empty option when size =1, even if required =true
            ((DropdownWidget) dropdownWidget).addOption(new Option());
        return dropdownWidget;
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            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            // iterate through all the widgets and set their values based on the values in the last submission
            // if there is no value in the last submission, explicitly set the value as empty to override any default values
            for (Map.Entry<Widget, String> entry : context.getFieldNames().entrySet()) {
                Widget widgetType = entry.getKey();
                String widgetFieldName = entry.getValue();
                String val = lastSubmission.getParameter(widgetFieldName);

                // note that for each widget we set, we also trigger the change event on that widget
                // this is so any custom change handlers that a widget or tag may configure are called
                // when we set a value here; this is specifically used to make sure we trigger the change
                // handlers configured by the <exitFromCare> tag

                if (val != null) {
                    // special case to set the display field when autocomplete is used
                    if (AutocompleteWidget.class.isAssignableFrom(widgetType.getClass())) {
                        Class widgetClass = ((AutocompleteWidget) widgetType).getOptionClass();

                        if (widgetClass != null) {

                            Object returnedObj = HtmlFormEntryUtil.convertToType(val.trim(), widgetClass);

                            if (widgetClass.getSimpleName().equals("Location")) {
                                Location location = null;
                                if (returnedObj != null) {
                                    location = (Location) returnedObj;
                                } else {
                                    //This should typically never happen,why is there no location with this id, we
                                    //should set val(locationId) to blank so that the hidden form field is blank too
                                    val = "";

                                sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "').val(\""
                                        + (location == null ? "" : JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(location.getName())) + "\");\n");
                                sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "_hid" + "').val(\""
                                        + (location == null ? "" : JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(location.getId().toString())) + "\");\n");
                                sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "').change();\n");

                            } else if (widgetClass.getSimpleName().equals("Person")) {
                                Person provider = null;
                                if (returnedObj != null) {
                                    provider = (Person) returnedObj;
                                } else {
                                    //This should typically never happen,why is there no provider with this id, we
                                    //should set val(providerid) to blank so that the hidden form field is blank too
                                    val = "";
                                sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "').val(\""
                                        + (provider == null ? "" : JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(provider.getPersonName().getFullName())) + "\");\n");
                                sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "_hid" + "').val(\""
                                        + (provider == null ? "" : JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(provider.getId().toString())) + "\");\n");
                                sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "').change();\n");

                    // special case to set the display field of the obs value widget when autocomplete is used with <obs> tag
                    else if (ConceptSearchAutocompleteWidget.class.isAssignableFrom(entry.getKey().getClass())) {

                        String conveptVal = lastSubmission.getParameter(widgetFieldName + "_hid");
                        Object returnedObj = HtmlFormEntryUtil.convertToType(conveptVal.trim(), Concept.class);
                        Concept concept = null;
                        if (returnedObj != null) {
                            concept = (Concept) returnedObj;
                        } else {
                            //This should typically never happen,why if there no obs with this id, we
                            //should set val(obsId) to blank so that the hidden form field is blank too
                            val = "";
                        sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "').val(\""
                                + (concept == null ? "" : JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(concept.getDisplayString())) + "\");\n");
                        sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "_hid" + "').val(\"" + (concept == null ? "" : JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(concept.getId().toString())) + "\");\n");
                        sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "').change();\n");
                    } else {
                        // set the value of the widget based on it's name
                        sb.append("setValueByName('" + widgetFieldName + "', '" + JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(val)
                                + "');\n");
                        sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "').change();\n");

                } else {
                    if (AutocompleteWidget.class.isAssignableFrom(widgetType.getClass())) {
                        sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "').val('');\n");
                        sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "_hid" + "').val('');\n");
                        sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "').change();\n");
                    } else if (ConceptSearchAutocompleteWidget.class.isAssignableFrom(widgetType.getClass())) {
                        sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "').val('');\n");
                        sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "_hid" + "').val('');\n");
                        sb.append("$j('#" + widgetFieldName + "').change();\n");
                    } else {
                        sb.append("setValueByName('" + widgetFieldName + "', '');\n");
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Related Classes of org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.widget.Widget

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