for (PatientProgram patientProgram : submissionActions.getPatientProgramsToUpdate()) {
ObsService obsService = Context.getObsService();
if (submissionActions.getObsToVoid() != null) {
for (Obs o : submissionActions.getObsToVoid()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("voiding obs: " + o.getObsId());
obsService.voidObs(o, "htmlformentry");
// if o was in a group and it has no obs left, void the group
// If we're in EDIT mode, we have to save the encounter so that any new obs are created.
// This feels a bit like a hack, but actually it's a good thing to update the encounter's dateChanged in this case. (PS- turns out there's no dateChanged on encounter up to 1.5.)
// If there is no encounter (impossible at the time of writing this comment) we save the obs manually
if (context.getMode() == Mode.EDIT) {
if (encounter != null) {
if (voidEncounter) {
try {
HtmlFormEntryUtil.voidEncounter(encounter, htmlForm, "voided via htmlformentry form submission");
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to void encounter.", ex);
} else if (submissionActions.getObsToCreate() != null) {
// this may not work right due to savehandlers (similar error to HTML-135) but this branch is
// unreachable until html forms are allowed to edit data without an encounter
for (Obs o : submissionActions.getObsToCreate())
obsService.saveObs(o, null);
ObsService obsService = Context.getObsService();