public void findSemanticReferences(DocumentationHelper helper, ModelDocumentation root, JavadocTagElement description, Reference reference, ITagHandler handler) throws SemanticHandlerException {
for (String tag : tagsToIdentify) {
if (tag.equals(description.getName())) {
// cycle through all model elements
JavadocTextElement refName = null;
for (JavadocFragment f : description.getFragments()) {
// select the first TextElement; this is the target class
if (f instanceof JavadocTextElement) {
refName = (JavadocTextElement) f;
if (refName != null) {
// select the first word as the model element name
String className = refName.getValue().trim();
if (className.contains(" ")) {
className = className.substring(0, className.indexOf(" "));
// are there multiple elements selected with ','s?
String[] classNames = className.split(",");