private void internalDispatchBindings(BindingConfigReader reader, String modelName, Item item, EList<ModelBinding> bindings) {
for (ModelBinding binding : bindings) {
String bindingType = binding.getType();
String config = binding.getConfiguration();
BindingConfigReader localReader = reader;
if (reader == null) {
logger.trace("Given binding config reader is null > query cache to find appropriate reader!");
localReader = bindingConfigReaders.get(bindingType);
} else {
if (!localReader.getBindingType().equals(binding.getType())) {
logger.trace("The Readers' binding type '{}' and the Bindings' type '{}' doesn't match > continue processing next binding.", localReader.getBindingType(), binding.getType());
} else {
logger.debug("Start processing binding configuration of Item '{}' with '{}' reader.", item, localReader.getClass().getSimpleName());
if (localReader != null) {
try {
localReader.validateItemType(item, config);
localReader.processBindingConfiguration(modelName, item, config);
} catch (BindingConfigParseException e) {
logger.error("Binding configuration of type '" + bindingType
+ "' of item ‘" + item.getName() + "‘ could not be parsed correctly.", e);
} else {