YamahaReceiverBindingConfig config = getConfigForItemName(itemName);
if (config == null) {
logger.error("Received command for unknown item '" + itemName + "'");
YamahaReceiverProxy proxy = proxies.get(config.getDeviceUid());
if (proxy == null) {
logger.error("Received command for unknown device uid '"
+ config.getDeviceUid() + "'");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(BINDING_NAME + " processing command '" + command
+ "' of type '" + command.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ "' for item '" + itemName + "'");
try {
Zone zone = config.getZone();
BindingType type = config.getBindingType();
if (type == BindingType.power) {
if (command instanceof OnOffType) {
proxy.setPower(zone, command == OnOffType.ON);
} else if (type == BindingType.volumePercent
|| type == BindingType.volumeDb) {
if (command instanceof IncreaseDecreaseType
|| command instanceof UpDownType) {
// increase/decrease dB by .5 dB
float db = proxy.getState(zone).getVolume();
float adjAmt;
if (command == IncreaseDecreaseType.INCREASE
|| command == UpDownType.UP) {
adjAmt = .5f;
} else {
adjAmt = -.5f;
float newDb = db + adjAmt;
proxy.setVolume(zone, newDb);
// send new value as update
State newState = new DecimalType(newDb);
eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName, newState);
} else if (command instanceof PercentType) {
// set dB from percent
byte percent = ((PercentType) command).byteValue();
int db = percentToDB(percent);
proxy.setVolume(zone, db);
} else {
// set dB from value
float db = Float.parseFloat(command.toString());
proxy.setVolume(zone, db);
// Volume updates multiple values => send update now
sendUpdates(proxy, config.getDeviceUid());
} else if (type == BindingType.mute) {
if (command instanceof OnOffType) {
proxy.setMute(zone, command == OnOffType.ON);
} else if (type == BindingType.input) {
proxy.setInput(zone, parseString(command.toString()));
} else if (type == BindingType.surroundProgram) {
proxy.setSurroundProgram(zone, parseString(command.toString()));
} else if (type == BindingType.netRadio) {
if (command instanceof DecimalType) {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn("Cannot communicate with " + proxy.getHost()
+ " (uid: " + config.getDeviceUid() + ")");
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Error processing command '" + command
+ "' for item '" + itemName + "'", t);