buttonDim = new Dimension(20, 20);
hotkeyFont = new Font("arial", Font.BOLD, 20);
// Create the button bar
pageButtonBar = new JaspiraToolbar(buttonSize, JaspiraToolbar.VERTICAL);
// Sets the alt action to show the hotkeys of the page buttons in the bar
inputmap = pageButtonBar.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
actionmap = pageButtonBar.getActionMap();
inputmap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("alt pressed ALT"), "mark_on");
inputmap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("released ALT"), "mark_off");
inputmap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl released ALT"), "mark_off");
actionmap.put("mark_on", new DisplayHotkeyAction(true));
actionmap.put("mark_off", new DisplayHotkeyAction(false));
// Create the main toolbar of the page container
toolbar = new JaspiraToolbar();
// The 'open in new dialog' label can be used to drag a plugin onto it in order to move it to its own dialog frame
openInDialogLabel = new JLabel(((MultiIcon) getPluginResourceCollection().getRequiredObject("frame.plugininframe.icon")).getIcon(buttonSize));