* @return The new node
public ForkNodeImpl createStandardForkNode()
ForkNodeImpl node = new ForkNodeImpl();
NodeSocket inSocket = createEntrySocket(CoreConstants.DEFAULT_INITIAL_NODE_NAME, true);
NodeSocket outSocket = createExitSocket(CoreConstants.DEFAULT_FINAL_NODE_NAME, true);
createNodeParam(CoreConstants.FORK_COLLECTION_PARAM, "Collection", "If present, for each element in the collection, a separate token will be created. The element can be retrieved at the outgoing token of the fork node using the CollectionElement parameter.", SYSTEM_TYPE_OBJECT, false, true, inSocket);
createNodeParam(CoreConstants.FORK_COLLECTION_ELEMENT_PARAM, "Collection element", "Collection element that spawned the token.\nNote that the leaving token can run in non-interactive mode only. No visuals may be displayed here.", SYSTEM_TYPE_OBJECT, false, true, outSocket);
return node;