* Sets the object to edit in the property browser.
private void initializePropertyBrowser()
GeneratorContext context = getContext();
Item item = context.getItem();
PropertyBrowser oe = getPropertyBrowser();
if (context.isNewItem() && !context.isItemSaved())
// Make the object name editable if it's a new item
// Create the property browser tree and clone it
ObjectNode rootNode = NodeStructureMgr.getInstance().createEditorStructureFor(item.getClass());
// Set the read-only property of the 'Name' property to false
changeReadOnlyModeOfPropertyDescriptor(rootNode, "Name", false);
// TODO Feature 3 Allow for selecting the model for new items; implement setOwningModelQualifier
// changeReadOnlyModeOfPropertyDescriptor(rootNode, "OwningModelQualifier", false);
// Set the item; we consider it new (needed for the ModelObjectValidator, which
// checks name uniqueness) only if the item has not been saved yet.
boolean newFlag = !context.isItemSaved();
oe.setObject(item, newFlag, rootNode);
oe.setObject(item, false);