* Tests that statement triples in two {@link Document documents} will
* produce the same merged result regardless of document sequence.
public void commutative_simple() {
Document a = make_document(new Header("Doc 1", "Doc 1", "1.0"),
new NamespaceGroup(URL, null),
parse("g(AKT2) -> r(AKT3)"),
parse("p(AKT1) => complex(p(DUSP1), p(WRN))"));
Document b = make_document(new Header("Doc 2", "Doc 2", "1.0"),
new NamespaceGroup(URL, null),
parse("m(AKT1) =| p(AKT2)"),
parse("cat(g(AKT2)) -| p(PARP1)"));
// merge in different orders
ProtoNetwork ab = merge(a, b);