* Verify that the local code set components offer the appropriate code sets.
public void testLocalCodeSets() throws Exception
CodeSetComponentInfo info = getORB().getLocalCodeSetComponentInfo();
assertNotNull( "iso 8859-1 not supported for char", CodeSet.getCodeSetIfMatched( ISO8859_1_ID, info.ForCharData ) );
assertNotNull( "utf-8 not supported for char", CodeSet.getCodeSetIfMatched( UTF8_ID, info.ForCharData ) );
assertNotNull( "utf-8 not supported for wchar", CodeSet.getCodeSetIfMatched( UTF8_ID, info.ForWcharData ) );
assertNotNull( "utf-16 not supported for wchar", CodeSet.getCodeSetIfMatched( UTF16_ID, info.ForWcharData ) );
assertNotNull( "ucs-2 not supported for wchar", CodeSet.getCodeSetIfMatched( UCS2, info.ForWcharData ) );