Memento mem = (Memento) history.get(key);
result.append("---+ Changes in test " + formatVariable(startedWithTitle) + ":");
} else if (node instanceof SectionNode) {
SectionNode sn = (SectionNode) node;
String tmpKey = ((Section) sn.getUnderlyingQTIObject()).getIdent();
String key = tmpKey + "/null/null/null";
if (history.containsKey(key)) {
// some section only data changed
Memento mem = (Memento) history.get(key);
result.append("\n---++ Section " + formatVariable(sn.getAltText()) + " changes:");
} else if (node instanceof ItemNode) {
ItemNode in = (ItemNode) node;
SectionNode sn = (SectionNode) in.getParent();
String parentSectkey = ((Section) ((SectionNode) in.getParent()).getUnderlyingQTIObject()).getIdent();
Item item = (Item) in.getUnderlyingQTIObject();
Question question = item.getQuestion();
String itemKey = item.getIdent();
String prefixKey = "null/" + itemKey;
String questionIdent = question != null ? question.getQuestion().getId() : "null";
String key = prefixKey + "/" + questionIdent + "/null";
StringBuilder changeMessage = new StringBuilder();
boolean hasChanges = false;
if (!itemMap.containsKey(itemKey)) {
Memento questMem = null;
Memento respMem = null;
if (history.containsKey(key)) {
// question changed!
questMem = (Memento) history.get(key);
hasChanges = true;
// if(!hasChanges){
// check if a response changed
// new prefix for responses
prefixKey += "/null/";
// list contains org.olat.ims.qti.editor.beecom.objects.Response
List responses = question != null ? question.getResponses() : null;
if (responses != null && responses.size() > 0) {
// check for changes in each response
for (Iterator iter = responses.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Response resp = (Response);
if (history.containsKey(prefixKey + resp.getIdent())) {
// this response changed!
Memento tmpMem = (Memento) history.get(prefixKey + resp.getIdent());
if (respMem != null) {
respMem = respMem.getTimestamp() > tmpMem.getTimestamp() ? tmpMem : respMem;
} else {
hasChanges = true;
respMem = tmpMem;
// }
// output message
if (hasChanges) {
Memento mem = null;
if (questMem != null && respMem != null) {
// use the earlier memento
mem = questMem.getTimestamp() > respMem.getTimestamp() ? respMem : questMem;
} else if (questMem != null) {
mem = questMem;
} else if (respMem != null) {
mem = respMem;
itemMap.put(itemKey, itemKey);
if (!parentSectkey.equals(sectionKey)) {
// either this item belongs to a new section or no section
// is active
result.append("\n---++ Section " + formatVariable(sn.getAltText()) + " changes:");
sectionKey = parentSectkey;
} else {