if (te.getCommand().equals(TreeEvent.COMMAND_TREENODE_CLICKED)) {
// user chose a position to insert the node to be copied
String nodeId = te.getNodeId();
TreePosition tp = insertTreeModel.getTreePosition(nodeId);
int targetPos = tp.getChildpos();
ItemNode selectedNode = (ItemNode) menuTree.getSelectedNode();
// only items are moveable
// use XStream instead of ObjectCloner
// Item qtiItem =
// (Item)xstream.fromXML(xstream.toXML(selectedNode.getUnderlyingQTIObject()));
Item toClone = (Item) selectedNode.getUnderlyingQTIObject();
Item qtiItem = (Item) XStreamHelper.xstreamClone(toClone);
// copy flow label class too, olat-2791
Question orgQuestion = toClone.getQuestion();
if (orgQuestion instanceof ChoiceQuestion) {
String flowLabelClass = ((ChoiceQuestion)orgQuestion).getFlowLabelClass();
Question copyQuestion = qtiItem.getQuestion();
if (copyQuestion instanceof ChoiceQuestion) {
} else {
throw new AssertException("Could not copy flow-label-class, wrong type of copy question , must be 'ChoiceQuestion' but is " +copyQuestion);
String editorIdentPrefix = "";
if (qtiItem.getIdent().startsWith(ItemParser.ITEM_PREFIX_SCQ)) editorIdentPrefix = ItemParser.ITEM_PREFIX_SCQ;
else if (qtiItem.getIdent().startsWith(ItemParser.ITEM_PREFIX_MCQ)) editorIdentPrefix = ItemParser.ITEM_PREFIX_MCQ;
else if (qtiItem.getIdent().startsWith(ItemParser.ITEM_PREFIX_KPRIM)) editorIdentPrefix = ItemParser.ITEM_PREFIX_KPRIM;
else if (qtiItem.getIdent().startsWith(ItemParser.ITEM_PREFIX_FIB)) editorIdentPrefix = ItemParser.ITEM_PREFIX_FIB;
else if (qtiItem.getIdent().startsWith(ItemParser.ITEM_PREFIX_ESSAY)) editorIdentPrefix = ItemParser.ITEM_PREFIX_ESSAY;
// set new ident... this is all it needs for our engine to recognise it
// as a new item.
qtiItem.setIdent(editorIdentPrefix + CodeHelper.getForeverUniqueID());
// insert into menutree (insert on GenericNode do a remove from parent)
GenericQtiNode parentTargetNode = (GenericQtiNode) tp.getParentTreeNode();
GenericQtiNode newNode = new ItemNode(qtiItem, qtiPackage);
parentTargetNode.insert(newNode, targetPos);
// insert into model
parentTargetNode.insertQTIObjectAt(qtiItem, targetPos);
// activate copied node
event(ureq, menuTree, new Event(MenuTree.COMMAND_TREENODE_CLICKED));
} else if (source == insertTree) { // catch insert operations