Package org.ofbiz.service

Examples of org.ofbiz.service.ModelParam$ModelParamValidator

        DispatchContext dispatchContext = this.getModelForm().dispatchContext;
        try {
            ModelService modelService = dispatchContext.getModelService(this.getServiceName());
            if (modelService != null) {
                ModelParam modelParam = modelService.getParam(this.getAttributeName());
                if (modelParam != null) {
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelParam.entityName) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelParam.fieldName)) {
                        this.entityName = modelParam.entityName;
                        this.fieldName = modelParam.fieldName;
                        if (this.induceFieldInfoFromEntityField(defaultFieldType)) {
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        try {
            boolean allPksInOnly = true;
            for (ModelField pkField: modelEntity.getPkFieldsUnmodifiable()) {
                ModelParam pkParam = modelService.getParam(pkField.getName());
                if (pkParam.isOut()) {
                    allPksInOnly = false;

            if ("create".equals(modelService.invoke)) {
                GenericValue newEntity = dctx.getDelegator().makeValue(modelEntity.getEntityName());

                boolean isSinglePk = modelEntity.getPksSize() == 1;
                boolean isDoublePk = modelEntity.getPksSize() == 2;
                Iterator<ModelField> pksIter = modelEntity.getPksIterator();

                ModelField singlePkModeField = isSinglePk ? : null;
                ModelParam singlePkModelParam = isSinglePk ? modelService.getParam(singlePkModeField.getName()) : null;
                boolean isSinglePkIn = isSinglePk ? singlePkModelParam.isIn() : false;
                boolean isSinglePkOut = isSinglePk ? singlePkModelParam.isOut() : false;

                ModelParam doublePkPrimaryInParam = null;
                ModelParam doublePkSecondaryOutParam = null;
                ModelField doublePkSecondaryOutField = null;
                if (isDoublePk) {
                    ModelField firstPkField =;
                    ModelParam firstPkParam = modelService.getParam(firstPkField.getName());
                    ModelField secondPkField =;
                    ModelParam secondPkParam = modelService.getParam(secondPkField.getName());
                    if (firstPkParam.isIn() && secondPkParam.isOut()) {
                        doublePkPrimaryInParam = firstPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutParam = secondPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutField = secondPkField;
                    } else if (firstPkParam.isOut() && secondPkParam.isIn()) {
                        doublePkPrimaryInParam = secondPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutParam = firstPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutField = firstPkField;
                    } else {
                        // we don't have an IN and an OUT... so do nothing and leave them null

                if (isSinglePk && isSinglePkOut && !isSinglePkIn) {
                     **** primary sequenced primary key ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="OUT" optional="false"/>
                    <make-value entity-name="Example" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <sequenced-id-to-env sequence-name="Example" env-name="newEntity.exampleId"/> <!-- get the next sequenced ID -->
                    <field-to-result field-name="newEntity.exampleId" result-name="exampleId"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>

                    String sequencedId = dctx.getDelegator().getNextSeqId(modelEntity.getEntityName());
                    newEntity.set(singlePkModeField.getName(), sequencedId);
                    result.put(, sequencedId);
                } else if (isSinglePk && isSinglePkOut && isSinglePkIn) {
                     **** primary sequenced key with optional override passed in ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="INOUT" optional="true"/>
                    <make-value value-name="newEntity" entity-name="Product"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set from-field="parameters.productId" field="newEntity.productId"/>
                    <if-empty field="newEntity.productId">
                        <sequenced-id-to-env sequence-name="Product" env-name="newEntity.productId"/>
                        <check-id field-name="productId" map-name="newEntity"/>
                    <field-to-result field-name="productId" map-name="newEntity" result-name="productId"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>

                    Object pkValue = parameters.get(;
                    if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(pkValue)) {
                        pkValue = dctx.getDelegator().getNextSeqId(modelEntity.getEntityName());
                    } else {
                        // pkValue passed in, check and if there are problems return an error

                        if (pkValue instanceof String) {
                            StringBuffer errorDetails = new StringBuffer();
                            if (!UtilValidate.isValidDatabaseId((String) pkValue, errorDetails)) {
                                return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ServiceParameterValueNotValid", UtilMisc.toMap("parameterName",,"errorDetails", errorDetails), locale));
                    newEntity.set(singlePkModeField.getName(), pkValue);
                    result.put(, pkValue);
                } else if (isDoublePk && doublePkPrimaryInParam != null && doublePkSecondaryOutParam != null) {
                     **** secondary sequenced primary key ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                    <override name="exampleItemSeqId" mode="OUT"/> <!-- make this OUT rather than IN, we will automatically generate the next sub-sequence ID -->
                    <make-value entity-name="ExampleItem" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set-pk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <make-next-seq-id value-name="newEntity" seq-field-name="exampleItemSeqId"/> <!-- this finds the next sub-sequence ID -->
                    <field-to-result field-name="newEntity.exampleItemSeqId" result-name="exampleItemSeqId"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>

                    newEntity.setPKFields(parameters, true);
                    dctx.getDelegator().setNextSubSeqId(newEntity, doublePkSecondaryOutField.getName(), 5, 1);
                    result.put(, newEntity.get(doublePkSecondaryOutField.getName()));
                } else if (allPksInOnly) {
                     **** plain specified primary key ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                    <make-value entity-name="Example" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set-pk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>
                    newEntity.setPKFields(parameters, true);
                } else {
                    throw new GenericServiceException("In Service [" + + "] which uses the entity-auto engine with the create invoke option: " +
                            "could not find a valid combination of primary key settings to do a known create operation; options include: " +
                            "1. a single OUT pk for primary auto-sequencing, " +
                            "2. a single INOUT pk for primary auto-sequencing with optional override, " +
                            "3. a 2-part pk with one part IN (existing primary pk) and one part OUT (the secdonary pk to sub-sequence, " +
                            "4. all pk fields are IN for a manually specified primary key");

                // handle the case where there is a fromDate in the pk of the entity, and it is optional or undefined in the service def, populate automatically
                ModelField fromDateField = modelEntity.getField("fromDate");
                if (fromDateField != null && fromDateField.getIsPk()) {
                    ModelParam fromDateParam = modelService.getParam("fromDate");
                    if (fromDateParam == null || (fromDateParam.isOptional() && parameters.get("fromDate") == null)) {
                        newEntity.set("fromDate", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp());

                newEntity.setNonPKFields(parameters, true);
            } else if ("update".equals(modelService.invoke)) {
                <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                <entity-one entity-name="ExampleItem" value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
                <set-nonpk-fields value-name="lookedUpValue" map-name="parameters"/>
                <store-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>

                // check to make sure that all primary key fields are defined as IN attributes
                if (!allPksInOnly) {
                    throw new GenericServiceException("In Service [" + + "] which uses the entity-auto engine with the update invoke option not all pk fields have the mode IN");

                GenericValue lookedUpValue = PrimaryKeyFinder.runFind(modelEntity, parameters, dctx.getDelegator(), false, true, null, null);
                if (lookedUpValue == null) {
                    return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ServiceValueNotFound", locale));

                localContext.put("lookedUpValue", lookedUpValue);

                // populate the oldStatusId out if there is a service parameter for it, and before we do the set non-pk fields
                <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                <attribute name="oldStatusId" type="String" mode="OUT" optional="false"/>
                <field-to-result field-name="lookedUpValue.statusId" result-name="oldStatusId"/>
                ModelParam statusIdParam = modelService.getParam("statusId");
                ModelField statusIdField = modelEntity.getField("statusId");
                ModelParam oldStatusIdParam = modelService.getParam("oldStatusId");
                if (statusIdParam != null && statusIdParam.isIn() && oldStatusIdParam != null && oldStatusIdParam.isOut() && statusIdField != null) {
                    result.put("oldStatusId", lookedUpValue.get("statusId"));

                // do the StatusValidChange check
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        DispatchContext dispatchContext = this.getModelForm().dispatchContext;
        try {
            ModelService modelService = dispatchContext.getModelService(this.getServiceName());
            if (modelService != null) {
                ModelParam modelParam = modelService.getParam(this.getAttributeName());
                if (modelParam != null) {
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelParam.entityName) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelParam.fieldName)) {
                        this.entityName = modelParam.entityName;
                        this.fieldName = modelParam.fieldName;
                        if (this.induceFieldInfoFromEntityField(defaultFieldType)) {
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        DispatchContext dispatchContext = this.getModelForm().dispatchContext;
        try {
            ModelService modelService = dispatchContext.getModelService(this.getServiceName());
            if (modelService != null) {
                ModelParam modelParam = modelService.getParam(this.getAttributeName());
                if (modelParam != null) {
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelParam.entityName) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelParam.fieldName)) {
                        this.entityName = modelParam.entityName;
                        this.fieldName = modelParam.fieldName;
                        if (this.induceFieldInfoFromEntityField(defaultFieldType)) {
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                List<ModelParam> modelParams = modelService
                Iterator<ModelParam> modelParamIter = modelParams.iterator();

                while (modelParamIter.hasNext()) {
                    ModelParam modelParam =;
                    // skip auto params that the service engine populates...
                    if ("userLogin".equals(
                            || "locale".equals(
                            || "timeZone".equals( {
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        DispatchContext dispatchContext = this.getModelForm().dispatchContext;
        try {
            ModelService modelService = dispatchContext.getModelService(this.getServiceName());
            if (modelService != null) {
                ModelParam modelParam = modelService.getParam(this.getAttributeName());
                if (modelParam != null) {
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelParam.entityName) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelParam.fieldName)) {
                        this.entityName = modelParam.entityName;
                        this.fieldName = modelParam.fieldName;
                        if (this.induceFieldInfoFromEntityField(defaultFieldType)) {
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        try {
            boolean allPksInOnly = true;
            for (ModelField pkField: modelEntity.getPkFieldsUnmodifiable()) {
                ModelParam pkParam = modelService.getParam(pkField.getName());
                if (pkParam.isOut()) {
                    allPksInOnly = false;

            if ("create".equals(modelService.invoke)) {
                GenericValue newEntity = dctx.getDelegator().makeValue(modelEntity.getEntityName());

                boolean isSinglePk = modelEntity.getPksSize() == 1;
                boolean isDoublePk = modelEntity.getPksSize() == 2;
                Iterator<ModelField> pksIter = modelEntity.getPksIterator();

                ModelField singlePkModeField = isSinglePk ? : null;
                ModelParam singlePkModelParam = isSinglePk ? modelService.getParam(singlePkModeField.getName()) : null;
                boolean isSinglePkIn = isSinglePk ? singlePkModelParam.isIn() : false;
                boolean isSinglePkOut = isSinglePk ? singlePkModelParam.isOut() : false;

                ModelParam doublePkPrimaryInParam = null;
                ModelParam doublePkSecondaryOutParam = null;
                ModelField doublePkSecondaryOutField = null;
                if (isDoublePk) {
                    ModelField firstPkField =;
                    ModelParam firstPkParam = modelService.getParam(firstPkField.getName());
                    ModelField secondPkField =;
                    ModelParam secondPkParam = modelService.getParam(secondPkField.getName());
                    if (firstPkParam.isIn() && secondPkParam.isOut()) {
                        doublePkPrimaryInParam = firstPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutParam = secondPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutField = secondPkField;
                    } else if (firstPkParam.isOut() && secondPkParam.isIn()) {
                        doublePkPrimaryInParam = secondPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutParam = firstPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutField = firstPkField;
                    } else {
                        // we don't have an IN and an OUT... so do nothing and leave them null

                if (isSinglePk && isSinglePkOut && !isSinglePkIn) {
                     **** primary sequenced primary key ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="OUT" optional="false"/>
                    <make-value entity-name="Example" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <sequenced-id-to-env sequence-name="Example" env-name="newEntity.exampleId"/> <!-- get the next sequenced ID -->
                    <field-to-result field-name="newEntity.exampleId" result-name="exampleId"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>

                    String sequencedId = dctx.getDelegator().getNextSeqId(modelEntity.getEntityName());
                    newEntity.set(singlePkModeField.getName(), sequencedId);
                    result.put(, sequencedId);
                } else if (isSinglePk && isSinglePkOut && isSinglePkIn) {
                     **** primary sequenced key with optional override passed in ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="INOUT" optional="true"/>
                    <make-value value-name="newEntity" entity-name="Product"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set from-field="parameters.productId" field="newEntity.productId"/>
                    <if-empty field="newEntity.productId">
                        <sequenced-id-to-env sequence-name="Product" env-name="newEntity.productId"/>
                        <check-id field-name="productId" map-name="newEntity"/>
                    <field-to-result field-name="productId" map-name="newEntity" result-name="productId"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>

                    Object pkValue = parameters.get(;
                    if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(pkValue)) {
                        pkValue = dctx.getDelegator().getNextSeqId(modelEntity.getEntityName());
                    } else {
                        // pkValue passed in, check and if there are problems return an error

                        if (pkValue instanceof String) {
                            StringBuffer errorDetails = new StringBuffer();
                            if (!UtilValidate.isValidDatabaseId((String) pkValue, errorDetails)) {
                                return ServiceUtil.returnError("The ID value in the parameter [" + + "] was not valid: " + errorDetails);
                    newEntity.set(singlePkModeField.getName(), pkValue);
                    result.put(, pkValue);
                } else if (isDoublePk && doublePkPrimaryInParam != null && doublePkSecondaryOutParam != null) {
                     **** secondary sequenced primary key ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                    <override name="exampleItemSeqId" mode="OUT"/> <!-- make this OUT rather than IN, we will automatically generate the next sub-sequence ID -->
                    <make-value entity-name="ExampleItem" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set-pk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <make-next-seq-id value-name="newEntity" seq-field-name="exampleItemSeqId"/> <!-- this finds the next sub-sequence ID -->
                    <field-to-result field-name="newEntity.exampleItemSeqId" result-name="exampleItemSeqId"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>

                    newEntity.setPKFields(parameters, true);
                    dctx.getDelegator().setNextSubSeqId(newEntity, doublePkSecondaryOutField.getName(), 5, 1);
                    result.put(, newEntity.get(doublePkSecondaryOutField.getName()));
                } else if (allPksInOnly) {
                     **** plain specified primary key ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                    <make-value entity-name="Example" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set-pk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>
                    newEntity.setPKFields(parameters, true);
                } else {
                    throw new GenericServiceException("In Service [" + + "] which uses the entity-auto engine with the create invoke option: " +
                            "could not find a valid combination of primary key settings to do a known create operation; options include: " +
                            "1. a single OUT pk for primary auto-sequencing, " +
                            "2. a single INOUT pk for primary auto-sequencing with optional override, " +
                            "3. a 2-part pk with one part IN (existing primary pk) and one part OUT (the secdonary pk to sub-sequence, " +
                            "4. all pk fields are IN for a manually specified primary key");

                // handle the case where there is a fromDate in the pk of the entity, and it is optional or undefined in the service def, populate automatically
                ModelField fromDateField = modelEntity.getField("fromDate");
                if (fromDateField != null && fromDateField.getIsPk()) {
                    ModelParam fromDateParam = modelService.getParam("fromDate");
                    if (fromDateParam == null || (fromDateParam.isOptional() && parameters.get("fromDate") == null)) {
                        newEntity.set("fromDate", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp());

                newEntity.setNonPKFields(parameters, true);
            } else if ("update".equals(modelService.invoke)) {
                <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                <entity-one entity-name="ExampleItem" value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
                <set-nonpk-fields value-name="lookedUpValue" map-name="parameters"/>
                <store-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>

                // check to make sure that all primary key fields are defined as IN attributes
                if (!allPksInOnly) {
                    throw new GenericServiceException("In Service [" + + "] which uses the entity-auto engine with the update invoke option not all pk fields have the mode IN");

                GenericValue lookedUpValue = PrimaryKeyFinder.runFind(modelEntity, parameters, dctx.getDelegator(), false, true, null, null);
                if (lookedUpValue == null) {
                    return ServiceUtil.returnError("Value not found, cannot update");

                localContext.put("lookedUpValue", lookedUpValue);

                // populate the oldStatusId out if there is a service parameter for it, and before we do the set non-pk fields
                <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                <attribute name="oldStatusId" type="String" mode="OUT" optional="false"/>
                <field-to-result field-name="lookedUpValue.statusId" result-name="oldStatusId"/>
                ModelParam statusIdParam = modelService.getParam("statusId");
                ModelField statusIdField = modelEntity.getField("statusId");
                ModelParam oldStatusIdParam = modelService.getParam("oldStatusId");
                if (statusIdParam != null && statusIdParam.isIn() && oldStatusIdParam != null && oldStatusIdParam.isOut() && statusIdField != null) {
                    result.put("oldStatusId", lookedUpValue.get("statusId"));

                // do the StatusValidChange check
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        List modelParams = modelService.getInModelParamList();
        Iterator modelParamIter = modelParams.iterator();
        while (modelParamIter.hasNext()) {
            ModelParam modelParam = (ModelParam);
            // skip auto params that the service engine populates...
            if ("userLogin".equals( || "locale".equals( || "timeZone".equals( {
            if (modelParam.formDisplay) {
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        Map serviceContext = FastMap.newInstance();
        List modelParmInList = modelService.getInModelParamList();
        Iterator modelParmInIter = modelParmInList.iterator();
        while (modelParmInIter.hasNext()) {
            ModelParam modelParam = (ModelParam);
            String paramName =;

            Object value = context.get(paramName);
            if (value != null) {
                serviceContext.put(paramName, value);
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        Map serviceContext = FastMap.newInstance();
        List modelParmInList = modelService.getInModelParamList();
        Iterator modelParmInIter = modelParmInList.iterator();
        while (modelParmInIter.hasNext()) {
            ModelParam modelParam = (ModelParam);
            String paramName =;

            Object value = context.get(paramName);
            if (value != null) {
                serviceContext.put(paramName, value);
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.service.ModelParam$ModelParamValidator

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