EntityListIterator removeEli = delegator.find("EntitySyncRemove", findValCondition, null, null, UtilMisc.toList(ModelEntity.STAMP_TX_FIELD, ModelEntity.STAMP_FIELD), null);
GenericValue entitySyncRemove = null;
while ((entitySyncRemove = removeEli.next()) != null) {
// pull the PK from the EntitySyncRemove in the primaryKeyRemoved field, de-XML-serialize it
String primaryKeyRemoved = entitySyncRemove.getString("primaryKeyRemoved");
GenericEntity pkToRemove = null;
try {
pkToRemove = (GenericEntity) XmlSerializer.deserialize(primaryKeyRemoved, delegator);
} catch (IOException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error deserializing GenericPK to remove in Entity Sync Data for entitySyncId [" + entitySyncId + "] and entitySyncRemoveId [" + entitySyncRemove.getString("entitySyncRemoveId") + "]: " + e.toString();
Debug.logError(e, errorMsg, module);
throw new SyncDataErrorException(errorMsg, e);
} catch (SAXException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error deserializing GenericPK to remove in Entity Sync Data for entitySyncId [" + entitySyncId + "] and entitySyncRemoveId [" + entitySyncRemove.getString("entitySyncRemoveId") + "]: " + e.toString();
Debug.logError(e, errorMsg, module);
throw new SyncDataErrorException(errorMsg, e);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error deserializing GenericPK to remove in Entity Sync Data for entitySyncId [" + entitySyncId + "] and entitySyncRemoveId [" + entitySyncRemove.getString("entitySyncRemoveId") + "]: " + e.toString();
Debug.logError(e, errorMsg, module);
throw new SyncDataErrorException(errorMsg, e);
} catch (SerializeException e) {
String errorMsg = "Error deserializing GenericPK to remove in Entity Sync Data for entitySyncId [" + entitySyncId + "] and entitySyncRemoveId [" + entitySyncRemove.getString("entitySyncRemoveId") + "]: " + e.toString();
Debug.logError(e, errorMsg, module);
throw new SyncDataErrorException(errorMsg, e);
// set the stamp fields for future reference
pkToRemove.set(ModelEntity.STAMP_TX_FIELD, entitySyncRemove.get(ModelEntity.STAMP_TX_FIELD));
pkToRemove.set(ModelEntity.STAMP_FIELD, entitySyncRemove.get(ModelEntity.STAMP_FIELD));
pkToRemove.set(ModelEntity.CREATE_STAMP_TX_FIELD, entitySyncRemove.get(ModelEntity.CREATE_STAMP_TX_FIELD));
pkToRemove.set(ModelEntity.CREATE_STAMP_FIELD, entitySyncRemove.get(ModelEntity.CREATE_STAMP_FIELD));
if (this.entityNameToUseSet.contains(pkToRemove.getEntityName())) {