Package org.ofbiz.base.util.collections

Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.collections.MapStack

            // isolate the scope
            if (!(context instanceof MapStack)) {
                context = MapStack.create(context);

            MapStack contextMs = (MapStack) context;

            // create a standAloneStack, basically a "save point" for this SectionsRenderer, and make a new "screens" object just for it so it is isolated and doesn't follow the stack down
            MapStack standAloneStack = contextMs.standAloneChildStack();
            standAloneStack.put("screens", new ScreenRenderer(writer, standAloneStack, screenStringRenderer));
            SectionsRenderer sections = new SectionsRenderer(this.sectionMap, standAloneStack, writer, screenStringRenderer);

            // put the sectionMap in the context, make sure it is in the sub-scope, ie after calling push on the MapStack
            context.put("sections", sections);
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        OutputStream out = (OutputStream) context.get("outputStream");

        if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("Call to oagisSendProcessShipment for orderId [" + orderId + "], sendToUrl=[" + sendToUrl + "], saveToDirectory=[" + saveToDirectory + "], saveToFilename=[" + saveToFilename + "]", module);

        Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
        MapStack bodyParameters =  MapStack.create();
        bodyParameters.put("orderId", orderId);

        // the userLogin passed in will usually be the customer, so don't use it; use the system user instead
        GenericValue userLogin = null;
        try {
            userLogin = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("UserLogin", UtilMisc.toMap("userLoginId", "system"));
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, "Error getting userLogin", module);

        GenericValue orderHeader = null;
        GenericValue orderItemShipGroup = null;

        String logicalId = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "CNTROLAREA.SENDER.LOGICALID");
        String referenceId = null;
        String task = "SHIPREQUEST"; // Actual value of task is "SHIPREQUEST" which is more than 10 char, need this in the db so it will match Confirm BODs, etc
        String component = "INVENTORY";
        Map omiPkMap = null;

        String shipmentId = null;

        try {
            // see if there are any OagisMessageInfo for this order that are in the OAGMP_OGEN_SUCCESS or OAGMP_SENT statuses, if so don't send again; these need to be manually reviewed before resending to avoid accidental duplicate messages
            List previousOagisMessageInfoList = delegator.findByAnd("OagisMessageInfo", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "task", task, "component", component));
            if (EntityUtil.filterByAnd(previousOagisMessageInfoList, UtilMisc.toMap("processingStatusId", "OAGMP_OGEN_SUCCESS")).size() > 0) {
                // this isn't really an error, just a failed constraint so return success
                String successMsg = "Found existing message info(s) in OAGMP_OGEN_SUCCESS, so not sending Process Shipment message for order [" + orderId + "] existing message(s) are: " + EntityUtil.filterByAnd(previousOagisMessageInfoList, UtilMisc.toMap("processingStatusId", "OAGMP_OGEN_SUCCESS"));
                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(successMsg);
            if (EntityUtil.filterByAnd(previousOagisMessageInfoList, UtilMisc.toMap("processingStatusId", "OAGMP_SENT")).size() > 0) {
                // this isn't really an error, just a failed constraint so return success
                String successMsg = "Found existing message info(s) in OAGMP_SENT status, so not sending Process Shipment message for order [" + orderId + "] existing message(s) are: " + EntityUtil.filterByAnd(previousOagisMessageInfoList, UtilMisc.toMap("processingStatusId", "OAGMP_SENT"));
                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(successMsg);

            orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
            if (orderHeader == null) {
                return ServiceUtil.returnError("Could not find OrderHeader with ID [" + orderId + "]");

            List validStores = StringUtil.split(UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "Oagis.Order.ValidProductStores"), ",");
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(validStores)) {
                if (!validStores.contains(orderHeader.getString("productStoreId"))) {
                    return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess("Order [" + orderId + "] placed is not for valid Store(s)");
            String orderStatusId = orderHeader.getString("statusId");
            if (!"ORDER_APPROVED".equals(orderStatusId)) {
                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess("OrderHeader not in the approved status (ORDER_APPROVED) with ID [" + orderId + "], is in the [" + orderStatusId + "] status");
            if (!"SALES_ORDER".equals(orderHeader.getString("orderTypeId"))) {
                return ServiceUtil.returnError("OrderHeader not a sales order (SALES_ORDER) with ID [" + orderId + "]");

            // first check some things...
            OrderReadHelper orderReadHelper = new OrderReadHelper(orderHeader);
            // before doing or saving anything see if any OrderItems are Products with isPhysical=Y
            if (!orderReadHelper.hasPhysicalProductItems()) {
                // no need to process shipment, return success
                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
            if (!orderReadHelper.hasShippingAddress()) {
                return ServiceUtil.returnError("Cannot send Process Shipment for order [" + orderId + "], it has no shipping address.");

            // check payment authorization
            Map authServiceContext = FastMap.newInstance();
            authServiceContext.put("orderId", orderId);
            authServiceContext.put("userLogin", userLogin);
            authServiceContext.put("reAuth", new Boolean("true"));
            Map authResult = dispatcher.runSync("authOrderPayments", authServiceContext);
            if (!authResult.get("processResult").equals("APPROVED")) {
                return ServiceUtil.returnError("No authorized payment available, not sending Process Shipment");

            referenceId = delegator.getNextSeqId("OagisMessageInfo");
            omiPkMap = UtilMisc.toMap("logicalId", logicalId, "component", component, "task", task, "referenceId", referenceId);

            String authId = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "CNTROLAREA.SENDER.AUTHID");
            Timestamp timestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
            String sentDate = OagisServices.isoDateFormat.format(timestamp);

            bodyParameters.put("authId", authId);
            bodyParameters.put("sentDate", sentDate);

            // prepare map to Create Oagis Message Info
            try {
                Map comiCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
                comiCtx.put("processingStatusId", "OAGMP_TRIGGERED");
                comiCtx.put("outgoingMessage", "Y");
                comiCtx.put("confirmation", "1");
                comiCtx.put("bsrVerb", "PROCESS");
                comiCtx.put("bsrNoun", "SHIPMENT");
                comiCtx.put("bsrRevision", "001");
                comiCtx.put("orderId", orderId);
                comiCtx.put("sentDate", timestamp);
                comiCtx.put("authId", authId);
                comiCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
                dispatcher.runSync("createOagisMessageInfo", comiCtx, 60, true);
            } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                String errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage(ServiceUtil.resource, "OagisErrorInCreatingDataForOagisMessageInfoEntity", (Locale) context.get("locale"));
                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
            if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("Saved OagisMessageInfo for oagisSendProcessShipment message for orderId [" + orderId + "]", module);

            // check to see if there is already a Shipment for this order
            EntityCondition findShipmentCondition = EntityCondition.makeCondition(UtilMisc.toList(
                    EntityCondition.makeCondition("primaryOrderId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, orderId),
                    EntityCondition.makeCondition("statusId", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL, "SHIPMENT_CANCELLED")
                    ), EntityOperator.AND);
            List shipmentList = delegator.findList("Shipment", findShipmentCondition, null, null, null, false);
            GenericValue shipment = EntityUtil.getFirst(shipmentList);

            if (shipment != null) {
                // if picked, packed, shipped, delivered then complain, no reason to process the shipment!
                String statusId = shipment.getString("statusId");
                if ("SHIPMENT_PICKED".equals(statusId) || "SHIPMENT_PACKED".equals(statusId) || "SHIPMENT_SHIPPED".equals(statusId) || "SHIPMENT_DELIVERED".equals(statusId)) {
                    return ServiceUtil.returnError("Not sending Process Shipment message because found Shipment that is already being processed, is in status [" + statusId + "]");
                shipmentId = shipment.getString("shipmentId");
            } else {
                Map cospResult= dispatcher.runSync("createOrderShipmentPlan", UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("orderId", orderId, "userLogin", userLogin));
                shipmentId = (String) cospResult.get("shipmentId");
                shipment = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Shipment", UtilMisc.toMap("shipmentId", shipmentId));

            bodyParameters.put("shipment", shipment);
            List shipmentItems = delegator.findByAnd("ShipmentItem", UtilMisc.toMap("shipmentId", shipmentId));
            bodyParameters.put("shipmentItems", shipmentItems);

            GenericValue  address = EntityUtil.getFirst(orderReadHelper.getShippingLocations());
            bodyParameters.put("address", address);
            String emailString = orderReadHelper.getOrderEmailString();
            bodyParameters.put("emailString", emailString);
            String contactMechId = shipment.getString("destinationTelecomNumberId");

            GenericValue telecomNumber = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("TelecomNumber", UtilMisc.toMap("contactMechId", contactMechId));
            if (telecomNumber == null) {
                return ServiceUtil.returnError("In Send ProcessShipment Telecom number not found for orderId [" + orderId + "]");
            bodyParameters.put("telecomNumber", telecomNumber);

            orderItemShipGroup = EntityUtil.getFirst(delegator.findByAnd("OrderItemShipGroup", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId)));
            bodyParameters.put("orderItemShipGroup", orderItemShipGroup);
            Set correspondingPoIdSet = FastSet.newInstance();

            List orderItems = orderReadHelper.getOrderItems();
            Iterator oiIter = orderItems.iterator();
            while (oiIter.hasNext()) {
                GenericValue orderItem = (GenericValue);
                String correspondingPoId = orderItem.getString("correspondingPoId");
                if (correspondingPoId != null) {
            bodyParameters.put("correspondingPoIdSet", correspondingPoIdSet);
            if (orderHeader.get("externalId") != null) {
                Set externalIdSet = FastSet.newInstance();
                bodyParameters.put("externalIdSet", externalIdSet);
            // Check if order was a return replacement order (associated with return)
            GenericValue returnItemResponse = EntityUtil.getFirst(delegator.findByAnd("ReturnItemResponse", UtilMisc.toMap("replacementOrderId", orderId)));
            if (returnItemResponse != null) {
                boolean includeReturnLabel = false;

                // Get the associated return Id (replaceReturnId)
                String returnItemResponseId = returnItemResponse.getString("returnItemResponseId");
                List returnItemList = delegator.findByAnd("ReturnItem", UtilMisc.toMap("returnItemResponseId", returnItemResponseId));
                GenericValue firstReturnItem = EntityUtil.getFirst(returnItemList);
                if (firstReturnItem != null) {
                    bodyParameters.put("replacementReturnId", firstReturnItem.getString("returnId"));
                } else {
                    Debug.logWarning("Could not find a ReturnItem for returnItemResponseId [" + returnItemResponseId + "]; this really shouldn't happen but isn't a real error either. It means a ReturnItemResponse was created but not attached to any item!", module);

                // return label should only be sent when we want a return label to be included; this would be for a cross-ship replacement type ReturnItem

                // go through the returnItemList and if any are cross-ship replacement, then include a label (not for wait replacement in other words)
                Iterator returnItemIter = returnItemList.iterator();
                while (returnItemIter.hasNext()) {
                    GenericValue returnItem = (GenericValue);
                    if ("RTN_CSREPLACE".equals(returnItem.getString("returnTypeId"))) {
                        includeReturnLabel = true;

                if (includeReturnLabel) {
                    bodyParameters.put("shipnotes", "RETURNLABEL");

            // tracking shipper account, other Party info
            String partyId = shipment.getString("partyIdTo");
            bodyParameters.put("partyNameView", delegator.findByPrimaryKey("PartyNameView", UtilMisc.toMap("partyId", partyId)));
            List partyCarrierAccounts = delegator.findByAnd("PartyCarrierAccount", UtilMisc.toMap("partyId", partyId));
            partyCarrierAccounts = EntityUtil.filterByDate(partyCarrierAccounts);
            if (partyCarrierAccounts != null) {
                Iterator pcaIter = partyCarrierAccounts.iterator();
                while (pcaIter.hasNext()) {
                    GenericValue partyCarrierAccount = (GenericValue);
                    String carrierPartyId = partyCarrierAccount.getString("carrierPartyId");
                    if (carrierPartyId.equals(orderItemShipGroup.getString("carrierPartyId"))) {
                        String accountNumber = partyCarrierAccount.getString("accountNumber");
                        bodyParameters.put("shipperId", accountNumber);

            bodyParameters.put("shipmentId", shipmentId);
            bodyParameters.put("orderId", orderId);
            bodyParameters.put("userLogin", userLogin);

            String bodyScreenUri = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "Oagis.Template.ProcessShipment");
            String outText = null;
            Writer writer = new StringWriter();
            ScreenRenderer screens = new ScreenRenderer(writer, bodyParameters, htmlScreenRenderer);
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        OutputStream out = (OutputStream) context.get("outputStream");

        Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
        MapStack bodyParameters =  MapStack.create();

        String orderId = null;

        String referenceId = null;
        String task = "RMA"; // Actual value of task is "SHIPREQUEST" which is more than 10 char, need this in the db so it will match Confirm BODs, etc
        String component = "INVENTORY";
        Map omiPkMap = null;

        try {
            // see if there are any OagisMessageInfo for this order that are in the OAGMP_OGEN_SUCCESS or OAGMP_SENT statuses, if so don't send again; these need to be manually reviewed before resending to avoid accidental duplicate messages
            List previousOagisMessageInfoList = delegator.findByAnd("OagisMessageInfo", UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId, "task", task, "component", component));
            if (EntityUtil.filterByAnd(previousOagisMessageInfoList, UtilMisc.toMap("processingStatusId", "OAGMP_OGEN_SUCCESS")).size() > 0) {
                // this isn't really an error, just a failed constraint so return success
                String successMsg = "Found existing message info(s) in OAGMP_OGEN_SUCCESS, so not sending Receive Delivery message for return [" + returnId + "] existing message(s) are: " + EntityUtil.filterByAnd(previousOagisMessageInfoList, UtilMisc.toMap("processingStatusId", "OAGMP_OGEN_SUCCESS"));
                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(successMsg);
            if (EntityUtil.filterByAnd(previousOagisMessageInfoList, UtilMisc.toMap("processingStatusId", "OAGMP_SENT")).size() > 0) {
                // this isn't really an error, just a failed constraint so return success
                String successMsg = "Found existing message info(s) in OAGMP_SENT status, so not sending Receive Delivery message for return [" + returnId + "] existing message(s) are: " + EntityUtil.filterByAnd(previousOagisMessageInfoList, UtilMisc.toMap("processingStatusId", "OAGMP_SENT"));
                return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(successMsg);

            GenericValue returnHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ReturnHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId));
            if (returnHeader == null) {
                return ServiceUtil.returnError("Could not find Return with ID [" + returnId + "]");
            String statusId = returnHeader.getString("statusId");
            if (!"RETURN_ACCEPTED".equals(statusId)) {
                return ServiceUtil.returnError("Return with ID [" + returnId + "] no in accepted status (RETURN_ACCEPTED)");

            List returnItems = delegator.findByAnd("ReturnItem", UtilMisc.toMap("returnId", returnId));
            bodyParameters.put("returnItems", returnItems);

            orderId = EntityUtil.getFirst(returnItems).getString("orderId");

            String logicalId = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "CNTROLAREA.SENDER.LOGICALID");
            String authId = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "CNTROLAREA.SENDER.AUTHID");

            referenceId = delegator.getNextSeqId("OagisMessageInfo");
            omiPkMap = UtilMisc.toMap("logicalId", logicalId, "component", component, "task", task, "referenceId", referenceId);

            Timestamp nowTimestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
            String sentDate = OagisServices.isoDateFormat.format(nowTimestamp);

            bodyParameters.put("authId", authId);
            bodyParameters.put("sentDate", sentDate);

            // prepare map to Create Oagis Message Info
            try {
                Map comiCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
                comiCtx.put("outgoingMessage", "Y");
                comiCtx.put("confirmation", "1");
                comiCtx.put("bsrVerb", "RECEIVE");
                comiCtx.put("bsrNoun", "DELIVERY");
                comiCtx.put("bsrRevision", "001");
                comiCtx.put("returnId", returnId);
                comiCtx.put("orderId", orderId);
                comiCtx.put("authId", authId);
                comiCtx.put("sentDate", nowTimestamp);
                comiCtx.put("processingStatusId", "OAGMP_TRIGGERED");
                comiCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
                dispatcher.runSync("createOagisMessageInfo", comiCtx, 60, true);
            } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                String errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage(ServiceUtil.resource, "OagisErrorInCreatingDataForOagisMessageInfoEntity", (Locale) context.get("locale"));
                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);

            GenericValue orderHeader = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
            if (orderHeader == null) {
                return ServiceUtil.returnError("No valid Order with [" + orderId + "] found, cannot process Return");

            String partyId = returnHeader.getString("fromPartyId");
            GenericValue postalAddress = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("PostalAddress", UtilMisc.toMap("contactMechId", returnHeader.getString("originContactMechId")));
            bodyParameters.put("postalAddress", postalAddress);
            bodyParameters.put("partyNameView", delegator.findByPrimaryKey("PartyNameView", UtilMisc.toMap("partyId", partyId)));

            // calculate total qty of return items in a shipping unit received, order associated with return
            double totalQty = 0.0;
            Map serialNumberListByReturnItemSeqIdMap = FastMap.newInstance();
            bodyParameters.put("serialNumberListByReturnItemSeqIdMap", serialNumberListByReturnItemSeqIdMap);
            Iterator riIter = returnItems.iterator();
            while (riIter.hasNext()) {
                GenericValue returnItem = (GenericValue);
                double itemQty = returnItem.getDouble("returnQuantity").doubleValue();
                totalQty += itemQty;

                // for each ReturnItem also get serial numbers using ItemIssuanceAndInventoryItem
                // NOTE: technically if the ReturnItem.quantity != OrderItem.quantity then we don't know which serial number is being returned, so rather than guessing we will send it only in that case
                GenericValue orderItem = returnItem.getRelatedOne("OrderItem");
                if (orderItem != null) {
                    if (orderItem.getDouble("quantity").doubleValue() == itemQty) {
                        List itemIssuanceAndInventoryItemList = delegator.findByAnd("ItemIssuanceAndInventoryItem",
                                UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderItem.get("orderId"), "orderItemSeqId", orderItem.get("orderItemSeqId"),
                                        "inventoryItemTypeId", "SERIALIZED_INV_ITEM"));
                        if (itemIssuanceAndInventoryItemList.size() == itemQty) {
                            List serialNumberList = FastList.newInstance();
                            serialNumberListByReturnItemSeqIdMap.put(returnItem.get("returnItemSeqId"), serialNumberList);
                            Iterator itemIssuanceAndInventoryItemIter = itemIssuanceAndInventoryItemList.iterator();
                            while (itemIssuanceAndInventoryItemIter.hasNext()) {
                                GenericValue itemIssuanceAndInventoryItem = (GenericValue);
                        } else {
                            // TODO: again a quantity mismatch, whatever to do?
                            // just logging this as info because the product may not be serialized or have serialized inventory
                            Debug.logInfo("Number of serial numbers [" + itemIssuanceAndInventoryItemList.size() + "] did not match quantity [" + itemQty + "] for return item: " + returnItem.getPrimaryKey() + "; may not be a serialized inventory product", module);
                    } else {
                        // TODO: we don't know which serial numbers are returned, should we throw an error? probably not, just do what we can
                        Debug.logWarning("Could not get matching serial numbers because order item quantity [" + orderItem.getDouble("quantity") + "] did not match quantity [" + itemQty + "] for return item: " + returnItem.getPrimaryKey(), module);
            bodyParameters.put("totalQty", new Double(totalQty));

            String emailString = PartyWorker.findPartyLatestContactMech(partyId, "EMAIL_ADDRESS", delegator).getString("infoString");
            bodyParameters.put("emailString", emailString);

            GenericValue telecomNumber = PartyWorker.findPartyLatestTelecomNumber(partyId, delegator);
            bodyParameters.put("telecomNumber", telecomNumber);

            String entryDate = OagisServices.isoDateFormat.format(returnHeader.getTimestamp("entryDate"));
            bodyParameters.put("entryDate", entryDate);

            bodyParameters.put("returnId", returnId);

            String bodyScreenUri = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "Oagis.Template.ReceiveDelivery");
            Writer writer = new StringWriter();
            ScreenRenderer screens = new ScreenRenderer(writer, bodyParameters, htmlScreenRenderer);
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        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(attachmentName)) {
            attachmentName = "Details.pdf";
        StringWriter bodyWriter = new StringWriter();

        MapStack screenContext = MapStack.create();
        screenContext.put("locale", locale);
        ScreenRenderer screens = new ScreenRenderer(bodyWriter, screenContext, htmlScreenRenderer);
        screens.populateContextForService(dctx, bodyParameters);

        if (bodyScreenUri != null) {
            try {
            } catch (GeneralException e) {
                String errMsg = "Error rendering screen for email: " + e.toString();
                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
                return ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String errMsg = "Error rendering screen for email: " + e.toString();
                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
                return ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg);
            } catch (SAXException e) {
                String errMsg = "Error rendering screen for email: " + e.toString();
                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
                return ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg);
            } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
                String errMsg = "Error rendering screen for email: " + e.toString();
                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
                return ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg);

        boolean isMultiPart = false;

        // check if attachment screen location passed in
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(xslfoAttachScreenLocation)) {
            isMultiPart = true;
            // start processing fo pdf attachment
            try {
                Writer writer = new StringWriter();
                MapStack screenContextAtt = MapStack.create();
                // substitute the freemarker variables...
                ScreenRenderer screensAtt = new ScreenRenderer(writer, screenContext, foScreenRenderer);
                screensAtt.populateContextForService(dctx, bodyParameters);

                try { // save generated fo file for debugging
                    String buf = writer.toString();
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            // isolate the scope
            if (!(context instanceof MapStack)) {
                context = MapStack.create(context);

            MapStack contextMs = (MapStack) context;

            // create a standAloneStack, basically a "save point" for this SectionsRenderer, and make a new "screens" object just for it so it is isolated and doesn't follow the stack down
            MapStack standAloneStack = contextMs.standAloneChildStack();
            standAloneStack.put("screens", new ScreenRenderer(writer, standAloneStack, screenStringRenderer));
            SectionsRenderer sections = new SectionsRenderer(this.sectionMap, standAloneStack, writer, screenStringRenderer);

            // put the sectionMap in the context, make sure it is in the sub-scope, ie after calling push on the MapStack
            context.put("sections", sections);
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        String logicalId = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "CNTROLAREA.SENDER.LOGICALID");
        String authId = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "CNTROLAREA.SENDER.AUTHID");

        MapStack bodyParameters =  MapStack.create();
        bodyParameters.put("logicalId", logicalId);
        bodyParameters.put("authId", authId);

        String referenceId = delegator.getNextSeqId("OagisMessageInfo");
        bodyParameters.put("referenceId", referenceId);

        Timestamp timestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp();
        String sentDate = isoDateFormat.format(timestamp);
        bodyParameters.put("sentDate", sentDate);

        Map omiPkMap = FastMap.newInstance();
        omiPkMap.put("logicalId", logicalId);
        omiPkMap.put("component", "EXCEPTION");
        omiPkMap.put("task", "RECIEPT");
        omiPkMap.put("referenceId", referenceId);

        Map oagisMsgInfoContext = FastMap.newInstance();
        oagisMsgInfoContext.put("authId", authId);
        oagisMsgInfoContext.put("sentDate", timestamp);
        oagisMsgInfoContext.put("confirmation", "0");
        oagisMsgInfoContext.put("bsrVerb", "CONFIRM");
        oagisMsgInfoContext.put("bsrNoun", "BOD");
        oagisMsgInfoContext.put("bsrRevision", "004");
        oagisMsgInfoContext.put("outgoingMessage", "Y");
        oagisMsgInfoContext.put("processingStatusId", "OAGMP_TRIGGERED");
        oagisMsgInfoContext.put("userLogin", userLogin);
        try {
            dispatcher.runSync("createOagisMessageInfo", oagisMsgInfoContext, 60, true);
            if (ServiceUtil.isError(oagisMsgInfoResult)) return ServiceUtil.returnError("Error creating OagisMessageInfo");
        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, "Saving message to database failed", module);

        try {
            // call services createOagisMsgErrInfosFromErrMapList and for incoming messages oagisSendConfirmBod
            Map saveErrorMapListCtx = FastMap.newInstance();
            saveErrorMapListCtx.put("errorMapList", errorMapList);
            saveErrorMapListCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
            dispatcher.runSync("createOagisMsgErrInfosFromErrMapList", saveErrorMapListCtx, 60, true);
        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
            String errMsg = "Error updating OagisMessageInfo for the Incoming Message: " + e.toString();
            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);

        bodyParameters.put("errorLogicalId", context.get("logicalId"));
        bodyParameters.put("errorComponent", context.get("component"));
        bodyParameters.put("errorTask", context.get("task"));
        bodyParameters.put("errorReferenceId", errorReferenceId);
        bodyParameters.put("errorMapList", errorMapList);
        bodyParameters.put("origRef", context.get("origRefId"));
        String bodyScreenUri = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "Oagis.Template.ConfirmBod");

        String outText = null;
        try {
            Writer writer = new StringWriter();
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            // Screen Widget template
            } else if ("SCREEN_COMBINED".equals(dataTemplateTypeId)) {
                try {
                    MapStack context = MapStack.create(templateContext);
                    context.put("locale", locale);
                    // prepare the map for preRenderedContent
                    String textData = (String) context.get("textData");
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(textData)) {
                        Map prc = FastMap.newInstance();
                        String mapKey = (String) context.get("mapKey");
                        if (mapKey != null) {
                            prc.put(mapKey, mapKey);
                        prc.put("body", textData); // used for default screen defs
                        context.put("preRenderedContent", prc);
                    // get the screen renderer; or create a new one
                    ScreenRenderer screens = (ScreenRenderer) context.get("screens");
                    if (screens == null) {
                        screens = new ScreenRenderer(out, context, new HtmlScreenRenderer());
                        screens.getContext().put("screens", screens);
                    // render the screen
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            // Screen Widget template
            } else if ("SCREEN_COMBINED".equals(dataTemplateTypeId)) {
                try {
                    MapStack context = MapStack.create(templateContext);
                    context.put("locale", locale);
                    // prepare the map for preRenderedContent
                    String textData = (String) context.get("textData");
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(textData)) {
                        Map prc = FastMap.newInstance();
                        String mapKey = (String) context.get("mapKey");
                        if (mapKey != null) {
                            prc.put(mapKey, mapKey);
                        prc.put("body", textData); // used for default screen defs
                        context.put("preRenderedContent", prc);
                    // get the screen renderer; or create a new one
                    ScreenRenderer screens = (ScreenRenderer) context.get("screens");
                    if (screens == null) {
                        screens = new ScreenRenderer(out, context, new HtmlScreenRenderer());
                        screens.getContext().put("screens", screens);
                    // render the screen
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            // isolate the scope
            if (!(context instanceof MapStack)) {
                context = MapStack.create(context);

            MapStack contextMs = (MapStack) context;

            // create a standAloneStack, basically a "save point" for this SectionsRenderer, and make a new "screens" object just for it so it is isolated and doesn't follow the stack down
            MapStack standAloneStack = contextMs.standAloneChildStack();
            standAloneStack.put("screens", new ScreenRenderer(writer, standAloneStack, screenStringRenderer));
            SectionsRenderer sections = new SectionsRenderer(this.sectionMap, standAloneStack, writer, screenStringRenderer);

            // put the sectionMap in the context, make sure it is in the sub-scope, ie after calling push on the MapStack
            context.put("sections", sections);
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            printerContentType = contentType;

        try {

            MapStack screenContextTmp = MapStack.create();
            screenContextTmp.put("locale", locale);

            Writer writer = new StringWriter();
            // substitute the freemarker variables...
            ScreenRenderer screensAtt = new ScreenRenderer(writer, screenContextTmp, foScreenRenderer);
            screensAtt.populateContextForService(dctx, screenContext);
            screensAtt.getContext().put("formStringRenderer", foFormRenderer);

            // create the input stream for the generation
            StreamSource src = new StreamSource(new StringReader(writer.toString()));
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.base.util.collections.MapStack

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