Package org.nimbustools.api.repr

Examples of org.nimbustools.api.repr.CreateResult

        assertEquals(3, medReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        logger.debug("Submitting WS request: wsReq1 (2 VMs, 120MB RAM each)");

        CreateRequest wsReq1 = this.populator().getCreateRequest("wsReq1", 1000, 120, 2);
        CreateResult wsReq1Result = rm.create(wsReq1, wsCaller);

        Long mark = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Spot Instances Snapshot
        // Total memory: 1280MB
        // Used WS memory: 240MB
        // Reserved free memory (for ordinary WS requests): 256MB (minimum reserved capacity)
        // Available basic SI VMs: 6 (128MB x 6 = 768)
        // Current Requests___________________________________________________________
        // |   Request  | reqVMs | allocVMs |       Bid        | Status | Persistent |
        // | lowReq1    |   3    |     2    | previousPrice+1  | ACTIVE |    false   |
        // | lowReq2    |   2    |     1    | previousPrice+1  | ACTIVE |    true    |
        // | mediumReq1 |   3    |     3    | previousPrice+3  | ACTIVE |    false   |
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Requested SI VMs (alive requests): 7 (1 from lowReq1 was closed)
        // Spot price: lowBid (previousPrice+1)

        logger.debug("Waiting 4 seconds for resources to be pre-empted.");

        //Check available SI VMs
        assertEquals(6,  getAvailableResources());

        //New spot price is equal to lower bid
        assertEquals(lowBid,  rm.getSpotPrice());

        lowReq1SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, lowReq1SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(2, lowReq1SR.getVMIds().length);

        lowReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, lowReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(1, lowReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        medReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReqId, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, medReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(3, medReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        logger.debug("Submitting WS request: wsReq2 (2 VMs, 110MB RAM each)");

        CreateRequest wsReq2 = this.populator().getCreateRequest("wsReq2", TASK_TIME, 110, 2);
        rm.create(wsReq2, wsCaller);

        // Spot Instances Snapshot
        // Total memory: 1280MB
        // Used WS memory: 460MB
        // Reserved free memory (for ordinary WS requests): 256MB (minimum reserved capacity)
        // Available basic SI VMs: 4 (128MB x 4 = 512MB)
        // Current Requests___________________________________________________________
        // |   Request  | reqVMs | allocVMs |       Bid        | Status | Persistent |
        // | lowReq1    |   3    |     1    | previousPrice+1  | ACTIVE |    false   |
        // | lowReq2    |   2    |     0    | previousPrice+1  | OPEN   |    true    |
        // | mediumReq1 |   3    |     3    | previousPrice+3  | ACTIVE |    false   |
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Requested SI VMs (alive requests): 6 (2 from lowReq1 were closed)
        // Spot price: lowBid (previousPrice+1)

        logger.debug("Waiting 4 seconds for SI VMs to be pre-empted.");

        //Check available SI VMs
        assertEquals(4,  getAvailableResources());

        //New spot price is equal to lower bid
        assertEquals(lowBid,  rm.getSpotPrice());

        lowReq1SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, lowReq1SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(1, lowReq1SR.getVMIds().length);

        lowReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Open, lowReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, lowReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        medReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReqId, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, medReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(3, medReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        //Wait for wsReq2 to finish

        long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis()-mark;
        long sleepTime = (TASK_TIME*1000 - elapsed) + BUFFER;
        if(sleepTime > 0){
            logger.debug("Waiting " + sleepTime + " milliseconds for wsReq2 to finish.");

        // Spot Instances Snapshot
        // Total memory: 1280MB
        // Used WS memory: 240MB
        // Reserved free memory (for ordinary WS requests): 256MB (minimum reserved capacity)
        // Available basic SI VMs: 6 (128MB x 6 = 768MB)
        // Current Requests___________________________________________________________
        // |   Request  | reqVMs | allocVMs |       Bid        | Status | Persistent |
        // | lowReq1    |   3    |     1    | previousPrice+1  | ACTIVE |    false   |**
        // | lowReq2    |   2    |     2    | previousPrice+1  | ACTIVE |    true    |
        // | mediumReq1 |   3    |     3    | previousPrice+3  | ACTIVE |    false   |
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Requested SI VMs (alive requests): 6 (2 from lowReq1 were closed)
        // Spot price: lowBid (previousPrice+1)
        // ** lowReq1 is not persistent, so no more VMs are allocated for this
        //    request (since 2 VMs were already finished (pre-empted))

        //Check available SI VMs
        assertEquals(6,  getAvailableResources());

        //Spot price is equal to lower bid
        assertEquals(lowBid,  rm.getSpotPrice());

        lowReq1SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, lowReq1SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(1, lowReq1SR.getVMIds().length);

        lowReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, lowReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(2, lowReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        medReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReqId, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, medReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(3, medReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        logger.debug("Submitting WS request: wsReq3 (2 VMs, 256MB RAM each)");

        CreateRequest wsReq3 = this.populator().getCreateRequest("wsReq3", 500, 256, 2);
        CreateResult wsReq3Result = rm.create(wsReq3, wsCaller);

        // Spot Instances Snapshot
        // Total memory: 1280MB
        // Used WS memory: 752MB
        // Reserved capacity (for ordinary WS requests): 322MB (to ensure 70% max utilization)
        // Available basic SI VMs: 1 (128MB)
        // Current Requests___________________________________________________________
        // |   Request  | reqVMs | allocVMs |       Bid        | Status | Persistent |
        // | lowReq1    |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+1  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // | lowReq2    |   2    |     0    | previousPrice+1  | OPEN   |    true    |
        // | mediumReq1 |   3    |     1    | previousPrice+3  | ACTIVE |    false   |
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Requested SI VMs (alive requests): 3
        // Spot price: lowBid (previousPrice+1)

        logger.debug("Waiting 10 seconds for SI VMs to be pre-empted.");

        //Check available SI VMs
        assertEquals(1,  getAvailableResources());

        //New spot price is equal to medium bid
        assertEquals(mediumBid,  rm.getSpotPrice());

        lowReq1SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, lowReq1SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, lowReq1SR.getVMIds().length);

        lowReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Open, lowReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, lowReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        medReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReqId, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, medReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(1, medReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        logger.debug("Submitting WS request: wsReq4 (1 VM with 256MB RAM)");

        CreateRequest wsReq4 = this.populator().getCreateRequest("wsReq4", 500, 256, 1);
        CreateResult wsReq4Result = rm.create(wsReq4, wsCaller);

        // Spot Instances Snapshot
        // Total memory: 1280MB
        // Used WS memory: 1008MB
        // Reserved capacity (for ordinary WS requests): 432MB (to ensure 70% max utilization)
        // Available basic SI VMs: 0
        // Current Requests___________________________________________________________
        // |   Request  | reqVMs | allocVMs |       Bid        | Status | Persistent |
        // | lowReq1    |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+1  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // | lowReq2    |   2    |     0    | previousPrice+1  | OPEN   |    true    |
        // | mediumReq1 |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+3  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Requested SI VMs (alive requests): 2
        // Spot price: lowBid + 1

        logger.debug("Waiting 10 seconds for SI VMs to be pre-empted.");

        //Check available SI VMs
        assertEquals(0,  getAvailableResources());

        //New spot price is equal to lower bid + 0.1 (since lower bid is the highest ALIVE bid)
        assertEquals(lowBid+0.1,  rm.getSpotPrice());

        lowReq1SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, lowReq1SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, lowReq1SR.getVMIds().length);

        lowReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Open, lowReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, lowReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        medReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReqId, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, medReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, medReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        logger.debug("Destroying wsReq3 VMs: 2 VMs, 256MB RAM each");

        rm.trash(wsReq3Result.getGroupID(), Manager.GROUP, wsCaller);

        // Spot Instances Snapshot
        // Total memory: 1280MB
        // Used WS memory: 496MB
        // Reserved capacity (for ordinary WS requests): 256MB (minimum reserved capacity)
        // Available basic SI VMs: 4 (128MB x 4 = 512MB)
        // Current Requests___________________________________________________________
        // |   Request  | reqVMs | allocVMs |       Bid        | Status | Persistent |
        // | lowReq1    |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+1  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // | lowReq2    |   2    |     2    | previousPrice+1  | ACTIVE |    true    |
        // | mediumReq1 |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+3  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Requested SI VMs (alive requests): 2
        // Spot price: MINIMUM_PRICE (since requestedVMs < availableVMs)

        logger.debug("Waiting 10 seconds for resources to be allocated.");

        //Check available SI VMs
        assertEquals(4,  getAvailableResources());

        //New spot price is equal to minimum price
        assertEquals(MINIMUM_PRICE,  rm.getSpotPrice());

        lowReq1SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, lowReq1SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, lowReq1SR.getVMIds().length);

        lowReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, lowReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(2, lowReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        medReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReqId, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, medReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, medReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        logger.debug("Submitting basic SI request request: mediumReq2 (1 VM)");

        SpotCreateRequest mediumReq2 = this.populator().getBasicRequestSI("mediumReq2", 1, mediumBid, false);
        String medReq2Id = rm.requestSpotInstances(mediumReq2, siCaller).getRequestID();

        // Spot Instances Snapshot
        // Total memory: 1280MB
        // Used WS memory: 496MB
        // Reserved capacity (for ordinary WS requests): 256MB (minimum reserved capacity)
        // Available basic SI VMs: 4 (128MB x 4 = 512MB)
        // Current Requests___________________________________________________________
        // |   Request  | reqVMs | allocVMs |       Bid        | Status | Persistent |
        // | lowReq1    |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+1  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // | lowReq2    |   2    |     2    | previousPrice+1  | ACTIVE |    true    |
        // | mediumReq1 |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+3  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // | mediumReq2 |   1    |     1    | previousPrice+3  | ACTIVE |    false   |
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Requested SI VMs (alive requests): 3
        // Spot price: MINIMUM_PRICE (since requestedVMs < availableVMs)

        logger.debug("Waiting 10 seconds for resources to be allocated.");

        //Check available SI VMs
        assertEquals(4,  getAvailableResources());

        //New spot price is equal to minimum price
        assertEquals(MINIMUM_PRICE,  rm.getSpotPrice());

        lowReq1SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, lowReq1SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, lowReq1SR.getVMIds().length);

        lowReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, lowReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(2, lowReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        medReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReqId, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, medReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, medReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        SpotRequestInfo medReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, medReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(1, medReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        logger.debug("Shutting down VM from mediumReq2");

        rm.trash(medReq2SR.getVMIds()[0], Manager.INSTANCE, siCaller);

        // Spot Instances Snapshot
        // Total memory: 1280MB
        // Used WS memory: 496MB
        // Reserved capacity (for ordinary WS requests): 256MB (minimum reserved capacity)
        // Available basic SI VMs: 4 (128MB x 4 = 512MB)
        // Current Requests___________________________________________________________
        // |   Request  | reqVMs | allocVMs |       Bid        | Status | Persistent |
        // | lowReq1    |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+1  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // | lowReq2    |   2    |     2    | previousPrice+1  | ACTIVE |    true    |
        // | mediumReq1 |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+3  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // | mediumReq2 |   1    |     0    | previousPrice+3  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Requested SI VMs (alive requests): 2
        // Spot price: MINIMUM_PRICE (since requestedVMs < availableVMs)

        logger.debug("Waiting 10 seconds for VM to shutdown.");

        //Check available SI VMs
        assertEquals(4,  getAvailableResources());

        //New spot price is equal to minimum price
        assertEquals(MINIMUM_PRICE,  rm.getSpotPrice());

        lowReq1SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, lowReq1SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, lowReq1SR.getVMIds().length);

        lowReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, lowReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(2, lowReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        medReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReqId, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, medReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, medReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        medReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, medReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, medReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        logger.debug("Submitting basic SI request request: mediumReq2 (1 VM)");

        Double highBid = previousPrice + 4;
        SpotCreateRequest highReq1 = this.populator().getBasicRequestSI("highBid1", 4, highBid, false);
        String highReq1Id = rm.requestSpotInstances(highReq1, siCaller).getRequestID();

        // Spot Instances Snapshot
        // Total memory: 1280MB
        // Used WS memory: 496MB
        // Reserved capacity (for ordinary WS requests): 256MB (minimum reserved capacity)
        // Available basic SI VMs: 4 (128MB x 4 = 512MB)
        // Current Requests___________________________________________________________
        // |   Request  | reqVMs | allocVMs |       Bid        | Status | Persistent |
        // | lowReq1    |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+1  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // | lowReq2    |   2    |     0    | previousPrice+1  | OPEN   |    true    |
        // | mediumReq1 |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+3  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // | mediumReq2 |   1    |     0    | previousPrice+3  | CLOSED |    false   |
        // | highReq1   |   4    |     4    | previousPrice+4  | ACTIVE |    false   |
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Requested SI VMs (alive requests): 4
        // Spot price: MINIMUM_PRICE (since requestedVMs < availableVMs)

        logger.debug("Waiting 10 seconds for resources to be allocated.");

        //Check available SI VMs
        assertEquals(4,  getAvailableResources());

        //New spot price is equal to high bid
        assertEquals(highBid,  rm.getSpotPrice());

        lowReq1SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, lowReq1SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, lowReq1SR.getVMIds().length);

        lowReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Open, lowReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, lowReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        medReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReqId, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, medReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, medReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        medReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, medReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, medReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        SpotRequestInfo highReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(highReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, highReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(4, highReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        logger.debug("Trashing machines from request: highReq1");

        rm.trash(highReqSR.getGroupID(), Manager.GROUP, siCaller);

        // Spot Instances Snapshot
        // Total memory: 1280MB
        // Used WS memory: 496MB
        // Reserved capacity (for ordinary WS requests): 256MB (minimum reserved capacity)
        // Available basic SI VMs: 4 (128MB x 4 = 512MB)
        // Current Requests______________________________________________________________
        // |   Request  | reqVMs | allocVMs |       Bid        | Status    | Persistent |
        // | lowReq1    |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+1  | CLOSED    |    false   |
        // | lowReq2    |   2    |     2    | previousPrice+1  | ACTIVE    |    true    |
        // | mediumReq1 |   3    |     0    | previousPrice+3  | CLOSED    |    false   |
        // | mediumReq2 |   1    |     0    | previousPrice+3  | CLOSED    |    false   |
        // | highReq1   |   4    |     0    | previousPrice+4  | CLOSED    |    false   |
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Requested SI VMs (alive requests): 2
        // Spot price: MINIMUM_PRICE (since requestedVMs < availableVMs)

        logger.debug("Waiting 10 seconds for VMs to shutdown.");

        //Check available SI VMs
        assertEquals(4,  getAvailableResources());

        //New spot price is equal to minimum price
        assertEquals(MINIMUM_PRICE,  rm.getSpotPrice());

        lowReq1SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, lowReq1SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, lowReq1SR.getVMIds().length);

        lowReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(lowReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Active, lowReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(2, lowReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        medReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReqId, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, medReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, medReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        medReq2SR = rm.getSpotRequest(medReq2Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, medReq2SR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, medReq2SR.getVMIds().length);

        highReqSR = rm.getSpotRequest(highReq1Id, siCaller);
        assertEquals(RequestState.STATE_Closed, highReqSR.getState().getStateStr());
        assertEquals(0, highReqSR.getVMIds().length);

        logger.debug("Destroying remaining WS VMs.");

        rm.trash(wsReq1Result.getGroupID(), Manager.GROUP, wsCaller);
        rm.trash(wsReq4Result.getVMs()[0].getID(), Manager.INSTANCE, wsCaller);
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        final Caller caller = this.populator().getCaller();
        final CreateRequest request =
                this.populator().getCreateRequest("suite:issue26:tooMuchMemory", 240, 3584, 1);
        boolean impossibleMemory = false;
        try {
            final CreateResult result = rm.create(request, caller);
        } catch (ImpossibleAmountOfMemoryException e) {
            impossibleMemory = true;
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        // In 10 seconds, trigger the shutdown task to start succeeding
        this.suiteExecutor.submit(new DestroyEnableFutureTask(10));

        final long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final CreateResult result = rm.create(req, caller);

        final long endMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final long totalSeconds = (endMs - startMs) / 1000;"Total seconds: " + totalSeconds);

        final VM[] vms = result.getVMs();
        assertEquals(1, vms.length);
        assertNotNull(vms[0]);"Leased vm '" + vms[0].getID() + '\'');

        assertTrue(rm.exists(vms[0].getID(), Manager.INSTANCE));
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    public void memoryFreed() throws Exception {
        final Manager rm = this.locator.getManager();
        final Caller caller = this.populator().getCaller();
        final CreateRequest request =
                this.populator().getCreateRequest("memoryFreed", 240, 63, 1);
        final CreateResult result = rm.create(request, caller);
        final VM[] vms = result.getVMs();

        VmmNode node = getNodes()[0];

        rm.trash(vms[0].getID(), Manager.INSTANCE, caller);
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        /* One */
        final CreateRequest req =
        final CreateResult result = rm.create(req, caller);

        final VM[] vms = result.getVMs();
        assertEquals(1, vms.length);
        assertNotNull(vms[0]);"Leased vm '" + vms[0].getID() + '\'');

        assertTrue(rm.exists(vms[0].getID(), Manager.INSTANCE));

        final NIC[] nics = vms[0].getNics();
        assertEquals(1, nics.length);
        assertEquals("public", nics[0].getNetworkName());

        /* Two */
        final CreateRequest req2 =
        final CreateResult result2 = rm.create(req2, caller);

        final VM[] vms2 = result2.getVMs();
        assertEquals(1, vms2.length);
        assertNotNull(vms2[0]);"Leased vm '" + vms2[0].getID() + '\'');

        assertTrue(rm.exists(vms2[0].getID(), Manager.INSTANCE));
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        /* One */
        final CreateRequest req =
        final CreateResult result = rm.create(req, caller);

        final VM[] vms = result.getVMs();
        assertEquals(1, vms.length);
        assertNotNull(vms[0]);"Leased vm '" + vms[0].getID() + '\'');

        assertTrue(rm.exists(vms[0].getID(), Manager.INSTANCE));

        final NIC[] nics = vms[0].getNics();
        assertEquals(1, nics.length);
        assertEquals("private", nics[0].getNetworkName());

        /* It should not be possible to lease two VMs that want private networks,
           there is only one VMM with private ability (and RAM is being filled). */
        final CreateRequest req2 =

        boolean rrdException = false;
        try {
            final CreateResult result2 = rm.create(req2, caller);
        } catch (ResourceRequestDeniedException e) {
            rrdException = true;

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        assertEquals(null, req.getRequestedResourcePool());

        final CreateResult result = rm.create(req, caller);

        final VM[] vms = result.getVMs();
        assertEquals(1, vms.length);
        assertNotNull(vms[0]);"Leased vm '" + vms[0].getID() + '\'');

        assertTrue(rm.exists(vms[0].getID(), Manager.INSTANCE));
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        assertEquals("zone1", req.getRequestedResourcePool());

        final CreateResult result = rm.create(req, caller);

        final VM[] vms = result.getVMs();
        assertEquals(1, vms.length);
        assertNotNull(vms[0]);"Leased vm '" + vms[0].getID() + '\'');

        assertTrue(rm.exists(vms[0].getID(), Manager.INSTANCE));

        /* Two */
        final CreateRequest req2 =

        final CreateResult result2 = rm.create(req2, caller);

        final VM[] vms2 = result2.getVMs();
        assertEquals(1, vms2.length);
        assertNotNull(vms2[0]);"Leased vm '" + vms2[0].getID() + '\'');

        assertTrue(rm.exists(vms2[0].getID(), Manager.INSTANCE));
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    public void dirtyTest() throws Exception {
        final Manager rm = this.locator.getManager();

        final Caller caller = this.populator().getCaller();
        final CreateResult result =

        final VM[] vms = result.getVMs();
        assertEquals(1, vms.length);
        assertNotNull(vms[0]);"Leased vm '" + vms[0].getID() + '\'');

        assertTrue(rm.exists(vms[0].getID(), Manager.INSTANCE));
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    public void leaseOne() throws Exception {
        final Manager rm = this.locator.getManager();

        final Caller caller = this.populator().getCaller();
        final CreateResult result =

        final VM[] vms = result.getVMs();
        assertEquals(1, vms.length);
        assertNotNull(vms[0]);"Leased vm '" + vms[0].getID() + '\'');

        assertTrue(rm.exists(vms[0].getID(), Manager.INSTANCE));
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Related Classes of org.nimbustools.api.repr.CreateResult

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