
Examples of

    if (!JbpmConstantsRecurringOffer.Vendor.NODE_NAME_RECURRENCE_STARTED.equals(nodeName))
      return null;
    Authority organisationAuthority = Authority.getOrganisationAuthority(getPersistenceManager());
    // userID references the principal, i.e. the currently logged-in user.
    UserID userID = SecurityReflector.getUserDescriptor().getUserObjectID();

    // TODO set problem key instead of assert (which throws an exception and thus rolls the whole transaction back).

    if (!JbpmConstantsRecurringOffer.Vendor.NODE_NAME_RECURRENCE_STARTED.equals(nodeName)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("The recurrence for RecurringOffer " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(recurringOffer) + " is not started, it is in the state '" + nodeName + "'.");
    logger.debug("Starting creation of RecurredOffer (with new Order) for RecurringOffer: " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(recurringOffer));
    PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
    Trader trader = Trader.getTrader(pm);

    Order order = trader.createOrder(recurringOffer.getVendor(),
        recurringOffer.getCustomer(), null, recurringOffer.getCurrency());
    logger.debug("Created Order: " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(order));

    User user = SecurityReflector.getUserDescriptor().getUser(pm);

    String offerIDPrefix = recurringOffer.getOfferIDPrefix();

    Collection<Segment> recurringSegments = new HashSet<Segment>();
    for (Article article : recurringOffer.getArticles()) {

    // create the new segment for the order
    for (Segment segment : recurringSegments) {
      trader.createSegment(order, segment.getSegmentType());

    RecurredOffer recurredOffer = createRecurredOffer(recurringOffer,user, order, offerIDPrefix);

    logger.debug("Created RecurredOffer: " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(recurredOffer));

    // Loop over all articles in the given offer and group
    // them by SegmentType and ProductType-class
    Map<SegmentType, Map<Class<? extends ProductType>, Set<Article>>> segmentTypes2PTClass2Articles =  new HashMap<SegmentType, Map<Class<? extends ProductType>, Set<Article>>>();
    Set<Article> articles = new HashSet<Article>();

    for (Article recurringArticle : recurringOffer.getArticles()) {
      SegmentType segmentType = recurringArticle.getSegment().getSegmentType();
      Map<Class<? extends ProductType>, Set<Article>> ptClass2Articles = segmentTypes2PTClass2Articles.get(segmentType);
      if (ptClass2Articles == null) {
        ptClass2Articles = new HashMap<Class<? extends ProductType>, Set<Article>>();
        segmentTypes2PTClass2Articles.put(segmentType, ptClass2Articles);
      Class<? extends ProductType> productTypeClass = recurringArticle.getProductType().getClass();
      articles = ptClass2Articles.get(productTypeClass);
      if (articles == null) {
        articles = new HashSet<Article>();
        ptClass2Articles.put(productTypeClass, articles);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Grouped articles in RecurringOffer:");
      for (Map.Entry<SegmentType, Map<Class<? extends ProductType>, Set<Article>>> segmentTypeEntry : segmentTypes2PTClass2Articles.entrySet()) {
        logger.debug("  SegmentType: " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(segmentTypeEntry.getKey()));
        for (Map.Entry<Class<? extends ProductType>, Set<Article>> productTypeEntry : segmentTypeEntry.getValue().entrySet()) {
          logger.debug("    ProductType class: " + productTypeEntry.getKey());
          for (Article article : productTypeEntry.getValue()) {
            logger.debug("      Article: " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(article));

    // loop over the segments added to the order
    for (Segment segment : order.getSegments()) {
      logger.debug("Creating articles for RecurredOffer for SegmentType " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(segment.getSegmentType()));
      Map<Class<? extends ProductType>, Set<Article>> collected = segmentTypes2PTClass2Articles.get(segment.getSegmentType());
      if (collected != null) { // it is possible that there are segments with no articles in the RecurringOffer
        // add each segment to the RecurredOffer
        for (Iterator< Class<? extends ProductType>> it = collected.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
          // now for each ProductType class find the handler and let him create the articles
          Class<? extends ProductType> pt =;
          logger.debug("  Creating articles for RecurredOffer for ProductType class " + pt);

          articles = collected.get(pt);

          RecurringTradeProductTypeActionHandler handler = RecurringTradeProductTypeActionHandler.getRecurringTradeProductTypeActionHandler(pm, pt);
          if (handler == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find a " + RecurringTradeProductTypeActionHandler.class.getName() +
                " for the ProductType class " + pt);
          logger.debug("  Found handler " + handler.getClass().getName() + " ProductType class " + pt);

          Map<Article, Article> recurredArticles = handler.createArticles(recurredOffer, articles, segment);

          if(recurredArticles.size() != articles.size())
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "RecurringTradeProductTypeActionHandler " + handler.getClass().getName() +
                " created " + recurredArticles.size() + " recurred articles for " + articles.size() +
                " template/recurring articles");

          for (Map.Entry<Article, Article> articleEntry : recurredArticles.entrySet()) {
            //  Compare Prices to check if they the Differ
            Price recurringPrice = articleEntry.getValue().getPrice();
            Price recurredPrice = articleEntry.getKey().getPrice();
            // if amount or currency differs
            if (recurredPrice.getAmount() != recurringPrice.getAmount() || !recurredPrice.getCurrency().equals(recurringPrice.getCurrency()))
              priceDiffer = true;

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
              if (!articleEntry.getValue().isAllocated()) {
                logger.debug("    An Article was created which was NOT allocated: " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(articleEntry.getValue()));
              } else {
                logger.debug("    An allocated Article was created: " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(articleEntry.getValue()));

              logger.debug("  Finished creatingArticles");

    // TODO: Check/Compare article prices from RecurringOffer and crated RecurredOffer
    /* Depending on the configuration of the RecurringOffer the following strageties should be supported:
     * * Always use offered prices (Meaning that the process will enforce the
     *   old prices for the newly created RecurredOffer)
     * * Use offered prices but don't finalize (Meaning that the old prices will
     *   be used, but the new offer will not be finalized, it would be best if this
     *   could somehow notify the user then, but this for later)
     * * Use current prices (Meaning that the process will always take the
     *   current prices for the new offers, this is what currently happens)
     * * Use current prices but don't finalize (Meaning that the new prices will
     *   be used, but the new offer will not be finalized)
     *   How to enforce old prices is not absolutely clear to me now, but I know
     *   that it's possible somehow
     * Alex
    // finished creating articles

      // For now, as long as the different strategies are not present, we directly accept the offer.

      if(recurringOffer.getRecurringOfferConfiguration().isCreateInvoice()) {
        // If the configuration says so, automatically create an invoice
        logger.debug("Creating invoice for new RecurredOffer");

        // TODO set problem key instead of assert (which throws an exception and thus rolls the whole transaction back).
        organisationAuthority.assertContainsRoleRef(userID, org.nightlabs.jfire.accounting.RoleConstants.editInvoice);

        Accounting accounting = Accounting.getAccounting(pm);
        Invoice invoice = accounting.createInvoice(user, recurredOffer.getArticles(), null);

        logger.debug("Successfully created Invoice " + JDOHelper.getObjectId(invoice));
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