// these are the character state matrices that are part of the study
Set<org.cipres.treebase.domain.matrix.Matrix> tbMatrices = tbStudy.getMatrices();
// this is an object representation of a NeXML document
Document nexDoc = DocumentFactory.safeCreateDocument();
// the converter populates the NeXML document with the contents of the treebase study
NexmlDocumentWriter ndc = new NexmlDocumentWriter(tbStudy,getTaxonLabelHome(),nexDoc);
ndc.fromTreeBaseToXml(tbStudy); // here is where the conversion happens
// these are the NeXML matrices that were created from the study
List<Matrix<?>> nexMatrices = nexDoc.getMatrices();
// there most be more than zero matrices because every treebase study has at least one matrix
Assert.assertTrue(nexMatrices.size() != 0 );
// now we're going to match up the NeXML matrices with their equivalent treebase ones
for ( Matrix<?> nexMatrix : nexMatrices ) {
// the xml id is the same as the primary key of the equivalent matrix stored by treebase
String nexId = nexMatrix.getId();
boolean foundEquivalentMatrix = false;
// iterate over all treebase matrices for the study
for ( org.cipres.treebase.domain.matrix.Matrix tbMatrix : tbMatrices ) {
String tbId = "M" + tbMatrix.getId();
// although there is a class DistanceMatrix, it is my belief that we don't actually have
// any distance matrices stored, nor can we convert them to NeXML
Assert.assertTrue("TreeBASE matrix "+tbId+" must be a character matrix, not a distance matrix", tbMatrix instanceof CharacterMatrix);
// if true, the matrices are equivalent
if ( nexId.equals(tbId) ) {
foundEquivalentMatrix = true;
Assert.assertTrue("NeXML matrix "+nexId+ " is one of the known subclasses",
nexMatrix instanceof CategoricalMatrix || nexMatrix instanceof MolecularMatrix || nexMatrix instanceof ContinuousMatrix);
// we have to coerce the tbMatrix into a character matrix to get its character sets
CharacterMatrix tbCharacterMatrix = (CharacterMatrix)tbMatrix;
Set<CharSet> tbCharSets = tbCharacterMatrix.getCharSets();
// a treebase matrix has zero or more character sets, we must iterate over them
for ( CharSet tbCharSet : tbCharSets ) {
// the coordinates of the character set are defined by a collection of column ranges that we iterate over
Collection<ColumnRange> tbColumnRanges = tbCharSet.getColumns(tbCharacterMatrix);
for ( ColumnRange tbColumnRange : tbColumnRanges ) {
// these are the beginning and end of the range
int start = tbColumnRange.getStartColIndex();
int stop = tbColumnRange.getEndColIndex();
// this is how we increment from beginning to end. This number is probably either null, for a
// contiguous range, or perhaps 3 for codon positions
int inc = 1;
// need to do this to prevent nullpointerexceptions
if ( null != tbColumnRange.getRepeatInterval() ) {
inc = tbColumnRange.getRepeatInterval();
// this is how we create the equivalent nexml character set
// you will need to update CharSet to get the new implementation of getLabel(), which
// returns the same value as getTitle()
Subset nexSubset = nexMatrix.createSubset(tbCharSet.getLabel());
// we have to assign character objects to the subset. Here we get the full list
List<org.nexml.model.Character> nexCharacters = nexMatrix.getCharacters();
// now we iterate over the coordinates and assign the nexml characters to the set
for ( int i = start; i <= stop; i += inc ) {
Assert.assertTrue("Searched for equivalent to NeXML matrix "+nexId, foundEquivalentMatrix);