/* initialize the controller for the enabled checkbox */
AbstractButton[] buttons = {this.enabledCheckbox};
boolean[] invert = {false};
enableCtrl = new ControlRegGroup(nf2, NFDeviceConsts.EVT_CAP_ENABLE_CAPTURE_REG, buttons, invert);
/* initialize the reset system button control */
buttons = new AbstractButton[1];
buttons[0] = this.resetSystemButton;
invert = new boolean[1];
invert[0] = true;
this.resetSysCtrl = new ControlRegGroup(nf2, NFDeviceConsts.EVT_CAP_ENABLE_CAPTURE_REG, buttons, invert);
/* initialize the controller for the output ports */
buttons = new AbstractButton[8];
buttons[0] = this.sendToPortCheckbox0;
buttons[2] = this.sendToPortCheckbox1;
buttons[4] = this.sendToPortCheckbox2;
buttons[6] = this.sendToPortCheckbox3;
invert = new boolean[8];
invert[0] = false;
invert[1] = false;
invert[2] = false;
invert[3] = false;
invert[4] = false;
invert[5] = false;
invert[6] = false;
invert[7] = false;
this.outPortsCtrl = new ControlRegGroup(nf2, NFDeviceConsts.EVT_CAP_OUTPUT_PORTS_REG, buttons, invert);
/* initialize the controller for timer reset */
buttons = new AbstractButton[1];
buttons[0] = this.resetTimerButton;
invert = new boolean[1];
invert[0] = false;
this.resetTimerCtrl = new ControlRegGroup(nf2, NFDeviceConsts.EVT_CAP_RESET_TIMERS_REG, buttons, invert);
/* initialize the controller for monitored queue selects */
buttons = new AbstractButton[8];
buttons[0] = this.monitorQueueCheckbox0;
buttons[1] = this.monitorQueueCheckbox1;
buttons[2] = this.monitorQueueCheckbox2;
buttons[3] = this.monitorQueueCheckbox3;
buttons[4] = this.monitorQueueCheckbox4;
buttons[5] = this.monitorQueueCheckbox5;
buttons[6] = this.monitorQueueCheckbox6;
buttons[7] = this.monitorQueueCheckbox7;
invert = new boolean[8];
invert[0] = false;
invert[1] = false;
invert[2] = false;
invert[3] = false;
invert[4] = false;
invert[5] = false;
invert[6] = false;
invert[7] = false;
this.monMaskCtrl = new ControlRegGroup(nf2, NFDeviceConsts.EVT_CAP_SIGNAL_ID_MASK_REG, buttons, invert);
/* initialize the time precision slider control */
timerResolutionSliderCtrl = new RegSliderGroupControl(nf2, this.tmrResSlider, this.tmrResValueLabel, NFDeviceConsts.EVT_CAP_TIMER_RESOLUTION_REG);
timerResolutionSliderCtrl.setVt(new ValueTransformer() {