Package org.netbeans.jellytools.actions

Examples of org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.ActionNoBlock

    public ApplicationTest(String n) {

    public void testApplication() {
        new ActionNoBlock("Help|About", null).performMenu();
        new NbDialogOperator("About").closeByButton();
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            return; // No Scala Home is set, Shell will not work.
        File scalaHomeDir = new File(scalaHome);
        assertTrue("Environment Variable SCALA_HOME=" + scalaHome + " doesn't point to an existing directory", scalaHomeDir.exists());
        assertTrue("Environment Variable SCALA_HOME=" + scalaHome + " doesn't point to a directory", scalaHomeDir.isDirectory());
        ActionNoBlock openScalaShell = new ActionNoBlock("Window|Other|Interactive Scala Shell", null);
        // TODO: If the Action Interactive Sacla Shell is missing the test will block here. Some check before this point, if it exist, would be nice.
        TopComponentOperator scalaConsole = new TopComponentOperator("Scala Console");
        assertTrue("Scala Console not showing", scalaConsole.isShowing());
        // TODO: Same as before, a test for existence would be nice.
        JTextPaneOperator theConsole = new JTextPaneOperator(scalaConsole);
        assertTrue("Scala Console is not Enabled", theConsole.isEnabled());
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     * A Test to see if a scala maven project is discovert and the scala sources
     * are displayed in the source node.
    // TODO: Can only be enabled if is solved.
    public void ignoreTestScalaMavenProject() {
        new ActionNoBlock("File|Import|From ZIP", null).performMenu();
        new NbDialogOperator("Import Project(s) from ZIP").pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_TAB);
        new NbDialogOperator("Import Project(s) from ZIP").pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE);
        new FileCustomEditorOperator("Öffnen").setSelectedFile(SAMPLE_SCALA_MAVEN);
        new FileCustomEditorOperator("Öffnen").pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER);
        new JButtonOperator(new NbDialogOperator("Import Project(s) from ZIP"), "Import").push();
        ProjectsTabOperator pto = ProjectsTabOperator.invoke();
        ProjectRootNode prn = pto.getProjectRootNode("sample-scala-maven");
        Node node = new Node(prn, "Scala Packages|sample|App.scala");;
        new ActionNoBlock("Window|Action Items", null).performMenu();
        TopComponentOperator actionItems = new TopComponentOperator("Action Items");
        JTableOperator t = new JTableOperator(actionItems);
        int row = t.findCellColumn("SampleJavaError");
        assertTrue("No Error SampleJavaError in the Action Itmes found, but should be", row >= 0);
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     * A Test to see if a combinded scala java maven project is discovert and
     * contains no errors. At the moment this is the case.
    // TODO: Can only be enabled if is solved.
    public void ignoreTestScalaJavaMavenProject() {
        new ActionNoBlock("File|Import|From ZIP", null).performMenu();
        new NbDialogOperator("Import Project(s) from ZIP").pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_TAB);
        new NbDialogOperator("Import Project(s) from ZIP").pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE);
        new FileCustomEditorOperator("Öffnen").setSelectedFile(SAMPLE_SCALA_JAVA_MAVEN);
        new FileCustomEditorOperator("Öffnen").pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER);
        new JButtonOperator(new NbDialogOperator("Import Project(s) from ZIP"), "Import").push();
        ProjectsTabOperator pto = ProjectsTabOperator.invoke();
        ProjectRootNode prn = pto.getProjectRootNode("sample-scala-java-maven");;
        Node node = new Node(prn, "Source Packages|sample|");;
        // Opening the Action Items to see if the selecte Java Class has an Error.
        new ActionNoBlock("Window|Action Items", null).performMenu();
        TopComponentOperator actionItems = new TopComponentOperator("Action Items");
        JTableOperator t = new JTableOperator(actionItems);
        int row = t.findCellColumn("");
        // The following Assert should validate to -1, meaning there is no row containing the String
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Related Classes of org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.ActionNoBlock

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