* A Test to see if a combinded scala java maven project is discovert and
* contains no errors. At the moment this is the case.
// TODO: Can only be enabled if http://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=216738 is solved.
public void ignoreTestScalaJavaMavenProject() {
new ActionNoBlock("File|Import|From ZIP", null).performMenu();
new NbDialogOperator("Import Project(s) from ZIP").pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_TAB);
new NbDialogOperator("Import Project(s) from ZIP").pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_SPACE);
new FileCustomEditorOperator("Öffnen").setSelectedFile(SAMPLE_SCALA_JAVA_MAVEN);
new FileCustomEditorOperator("Öffnen").pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER);
new JButtonOperator(new NbDialogOperator("Import Project(s) from ZIP"), "Import").push();
ProjectsTabOperator pto = ProjectsTabOperator.invoke();
ProjectRootNode prn = pto.getProjectRootNode("sample-scala-java-maven");
Node node = new Node(prn, "Source Packages|sample|Runner.java");
// Opening the Action Items to see if the selecte Java Class has an Error.
new ActionNoBlock("Window|Action Items", null).performMenu();
TopComponentOperator actionItems = new TopComponentOperator("Action Items");
JTableOperator t = new JTableOperator(actionItems);
int row = t.findCellColumn("Runner.java");
// The following Assert should validate to -1, meaning there is no row containing the String Runner.java