Defines a specific profile (configuration) for a Gradle project. Note that the projects of the same multi-project build always share their configuration. Extensions may also define they own profiles via the {@link CustomProfileQuery} query.
The following properties define a profile:
- {@link #getGroupName() Group}: This property is provided, so that extensions might put their configuration into different groups lessening the likelihood of name collision. The group name must be a valid directory name. This property might be {@code null} for the default namespace. Notehowever that users create profiles into the default namespace, so extensions should not specify their profiles in the default namespace.
- {@link #getFileName() Filename}: The name of the file storing the configuration. This property should only contain the filename and no directory. Note that you should not use filenames different only by case for different profiles.
- {@link #getDisplayName() Display name}: The name to be displayed to the user on the GUI.
The {@link #equals(Object) equals} and {@link #hashCode() hashCode} methodsdefine two {@code ProfileDef} instances to be equivalent, if, and only, ifthey have the same group and filename.
@see CustomProfileQuery