Package org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path

Examples of org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path.Dijkstra$SelectorFactory

     * using the Dijkstra algorithm.
    public static PathFinder<WeightedPath> dijkstra( RelationshipExpander expander,
            CostEvaluator<Double> costEvaluator )
        return new Dijkstra( expander, costEvaluator );
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        Node nodeC = graph.makeNode( "C" );
        graph.makeEdge( "A", "B", "length", 2d );
        graph.makeEdge( "B", "C", "length", 3d );
        graph.makeEdge( "A", "C", "length", 10d );

        Dijkstra algo = new Dijkstra( Traversal.expanderForAllTypes(),
                CommonEvaluators.doubleCostEvaluator( "length" ) );

        Iterator<WeightedPath> paths = algo.findAllPaths( nodeA, nodeC ).iterator();
        assertTrue( "expected at least one path", paths.hasNext() );
        assertPath(, nodeA, nodeB, nodeC );
        assertFalse( "expected at most one path", paths.hasNext() );

        assertPath( algo.findSinglePath( nodeA, nodeC ), nodeA, nodeB, nodeC );
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        expectedFirsts.add( graph.makeEdge( "A", "B", "length", 1d ) );
        expectedFirsts.add( graph.makeEdge( "A", "B", "length", 1d ) );
        Relationship expectedSecond = graph.makeEdge( "B", "C", "length", 2d );
        graph.makeEdge( "A", "C", "length", 5d );

        Dijkstra algo = new Dijkstra( Traversal.expanderForAllTypes(),
                CommonEvaluators.doubleCostEvaluator( "length" ) );

        Iterator<WeightedPath> paths = algo.findAllPaths( nodeA, nodeC ).iterator();
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            assertTrue( "expected more paths", paths.hasNext() );
            Path path =;
            assertPath( path, nodeA, nodeB, nodeC );
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        graph.makeEdge( "C", "E", "length", 5d );
        graph.makeEdge( "E", "F", "length", 5d );
        graph.makeEdge( "C", "F", "length", 12d );
        graph.makeEdge( "A", "F", "length", 25d );

        Dijkstra algo = new Dijkstra( Traversal.expanderForAllTypes(),
                CommonEvaluators.doubleCostEvaluator( "length" ) );

        // Try the search in both directions.
        for ( Node[] nodes : new Node[][] { { nodeA, nodeF }, { nodeF, nodeA } } )
            int found = 0;
            Iterator<WeightedPath> paths = algo.findAllPaths( nodes[0],
                    nodes[1] ).iterator();
            for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
                assertTrue( "expected more paths", paths.hasNext() );
                Path path =;
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Related Classes of org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path.Dijkstra$SelectorFactory

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